[Top 5] Albion Online Best Static Dungeon DPS Builds

Albion Online Static Dungeon DPS Builds
03 Oct 2024

Best Static Dungeon DPS Builds

For players looking to earn fame quickly while teaming up with friends, static dungeons are a great choice. If you're someone who wants to fame farm efficiently with high-speed clears, static dungeons offer the perfect challenge. If you thrive on pushing yourself and dealing massive damage, these dungeons are made for you.

Here are the Best Albion Online Static Dungeon DPS Builds:

5. Realmbreaker

Realmbreaker Static Dungeon

If you love wielding a massive axe and absolutely smashing mobs to pieces, the Realmbreaker is the weapon for you. It's perfect for those who want to destroy everything in their path.

Rending Rage (Q3) swings your axe in a cone in front of you dealing a decent AOE damage and applying Rending Bleed Charges (max 3) on the enemy which deals DOT. This ability has 3 combinations but you should use the first 2 and wait for the ability to reset. This will allow you to clear faster, because the cooldown will be lower.

Raging Blades (W5) creates 2 axes that circulate around you. They deal damage to the enemies that are hit and increase your damage (max 10 stacks) depending on how many enemies are hit by the axes.

Aftershock (E) leaps towards the targeted position hitting the axe on the ground. It deals massive burst damage and decreases the max and current health of the enemy by 15%.

The Royal Jacket, and Beef Stew are your offensive items.

The knight Helmet, Graveguard Boots, Lymhurst Cape, and Resistance Potion are your defensive items.

How to use this build:

Use (W) → (E) → (Q) x 2 and then use (Q) and (W) to clear the remaining pull → Use (D) if to prevent knockbacks from mobs → Use (R) after pulls to reset cooldowns. Use resistance potions while fighting another group. Use (F) to engage in fights.

What Realmbreaker excels in:

. Huge AOE damage

. Low cooldown

. Good DOT

The Realmbreaker details:

. Weapon: Realmbreaker

. Head: Knight Helmet

. Chest: Royal Jacket

. Shoes: Graveguard Boots/ Stalker Shoes

. Cape: Lymhurst Cape

. Food: Beef Stew

. Potion: Resistance Potion

4. Permafrost Prism

Permafrost Prism Static Dungeon

If freezing mobs in place and smashing them with ice shards from a frozen skull sounds like your style, then the Permafrost Prism is the perfect weapon for you. With its powerful ice magic and AOE burst, it's ideal for those who want to control the fights while dealing massive damage.

Ice Shard (Q2) generates a shard from the sky that deals a huge AOE damage on whoever it falls.

Frost Lance (W4) fires a frost lance that deals massive AOE damage and decreases the enemy’s damage resistance.

Ice Crystal (E) Creates a huge ice that stuns the enemies and deals huge AOE damage.

The Assassin Hood, Scholar Robe, and Beef Stew are your offensive items.

The Graveguard Boots, Lymhurst Cape, and Resistance Potion are your defensive items.

How to use this build:

Use (R) → Use (E) → Use (W) and then spam (Q) on the pull → Use (D) to reset cooldowns. Use resistance potions while fighting another group. Use (F) to engage in fights.

What Permafrost Prism excels in:

. Huge AOE damage

. Low Cooldown

. High CC

The Permafrost Prism full details:

. Weapon: Permafrost Prism

. Head: Assassin Hood

. Chest: Scholar Robe

. Shoes: Graveguard Boots/ Stalker Shoes

. Cape: Lymhurst Cape

. Food: Beef Stew

. Potion: Resistance Potion

3. Bow of Badon

Bow of Badon Static Dungeon

If you want to be the ultimate support DPS, the Bow of Badon is the weapon for you. It allows you to continuously interrupt mobs' abilities while dealing massive DOT, making it a versatile and powerful choice for crowd control and sustained damage.

Deadly Shot (Q2) shoots an arrow that pierces through all the enemies dealing good damage and decreasing their resistance (max 3 stacks).

Ray of Light (W1) fires an arrow in the sky that lands on the enemy, rooting in an AOE and dealing huge AOE damage.

Raging Storm (E) shoots an arrow that creates a thunderstorm. It deals good AOE DOT and interrupts all the spell-casting.

The Royal Jacket, and Beef Stew are your offensive items.

The Druid Cowl, Graveguard Boots, Lymhurst Cape, and Resistance Potion are your defensive items.

How to use this build:

Use (E) on the pull → Then use (W) and (Q) off-cooldown → Use (D) to refill your team’s mana and use (R) after the pull to reset everyone’s cooldowns. Use resistance potions while fighting another group. Use (F) to engage in fights.

What Bow of Badon excels in:

. Huge AOE DOT

. Low Cooldown

. High CC

. Versatile

The Bow of Badon full details:

. Weapon: Bow of Badon

. Head: Druid Cowl

. Chest: Royal Jacket

. Shoes: Graveguard Boots

. Cape: Lymhurst Cape

. Food: Beef Stew

. Potion: Resistance Potion

2. Shadowcaller

Shadowcaller Static Dungeon

If using dark magic, cursing your enemies, and watching them slowly melt away is your style, then the Shadowcaller is the weapon for you. With its high DOT abilities and excellent sustain, it excels at steadily breaking down enemies.

Cursed Tar (Q3) creates a cursed puddle that slows enemies and applies vile curse charges that deal AOE DOT.

Armor Piercer (W1) strikes the enemies by a laser that you fire significantly damaging them and decreasing their damage resistance.

The Inner Shadow (E) summons a ghost that:

Deals high DOT against cloth armor users.

Deals moderate DOT and lifesteals against leather armor users.

Deals huge AOE burst damage, slows and reduces the resistance of plate armor users.

The Assassin Hood, Muisak, and Beef Stew are your offensive items.

The Graveguard Boots, Hellion Jacket, Lymhurst Cape, and Resistance Potion are your defensive items.

How to use this builds:

Use (Q) → Use (W) and (E) on the pull → reset your cooldowns with (D) and repeat → Use (R) when you are getting low if you get dove by a team. Use resistance potions while fighting another group. Use (F) to engage in fights.

What Shadowcaller excels in:

. Huge AOE DOT

. Low cooldown

. Good sustain

The Shadowcaller full details:

. Weapon: Shadowcaller

. Off-Hand: Muisak

. Head: Assassin Hood

. Chest: Hellion Jacket / Cleric Robe

. Shoes: Graveguard Boots

. Cape: Lymhurst Cape

. Food: Beef Stew

. Potion: Resistance Potion

1. Blazing Staff

Blazing Staff Static Dungeon

If you're the type who loves setting mobs on fire and sending them straight to hell with a flaming tornado, then the Blazing Staff is the weapon for you. Its fiery spells and huge AOE damage make it perfect for those who want to burn everything in their path.

Burning Field (Q2) drops a fire orb that puts the ground on fire. It deals a decent instant AOE damage and good AOE DOT.

Fire Artillery (W5) targets an enemy and starts throwing fiery orbs on them dealing good instant AOE damage and sets the ground on fire dealing AOE DOT if the enemy remains on the AOE.

Brambleseed (W1) delivers solid AOE damage while hurling enemies into the air along a straight line in front of you.

The Royal Robe, and Beef Stew are your offensive items.

The DRuid Cowl, Graveguard Boots, Martlock Cape, and Resistance Potion are your defensive items.

How to use this build:

Use (R) before the pull in order to get stacks → after getting full stacks use (E) on the pull and then throw a (Q) → (W) → Use (D) to give mana. Use resistance potions while fighting another group. Use (F) to engage in fights.

What Blazing Staff excels in:

. High Burst Damage

. High AOE Damage

. High DOT

The Blazing Staff full details:

. Weapon: Blazing Staff

. Head: Druid Cowl

. Chest: Royal Robe

. Shoes: Graveguard Boots/ Royal Sandals

. Cape: Martlock Cape

. Food: Beef Stew

. Potion: Resistance Potion

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