Time to burn your enemies!
The fire staff weapon tree may not be the most versatile set of weapons in Albion Online, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s bad. It just means that you have to use them for what they’re good at.
Their number one strength? Damage.
The power of fire staves manifests through their high DPS and lethal DOT. Although Fire staves lack mobility, their damage output more than makes up for it.
Here are the top 5 best fire staves to burn your enemies with.
5. Dawnsong
Albion Online | DawnSong| Blackzone fight | 던송 #03 - YouTube
Dawnsong is a potent ranged DPS in large-scale PvP and ZvZ. Like all the fire staves, Dawnsong can dish out significant damage while also inflicting decent DOT.
Flaming Phoenix (E) deals high damage over an 18-meter long area and sets the ground on fire, which then deals small damage over time. However, the main advantage of this skill is its debuff to healing received.
Any enemies hit by Flaming Phoenix or caught in the burned area will have their healing received reduced by 40%. That’s why Dawnsong is mostly assigned to experienced players in ZvZ—timing your Flaming Pheonix correctly is crucial to winning a fight.
This effect is extremely valuable in large fights because it leaves your enemies more vulnerable to your team’s follow-up DPS and prevents them from resetting effectively.
Once you get your enemies' HP low enough, hitting them with Flaming Phoenix significantly decreases their chance to survive. A quick DPS follow-up from your team will more than likely result in plenty of kills.
What makes Dawnsong great:
- Large AOE damage: Flaming Phoenix has a cast range of 15m and reaches up to 18m, allowing you to deal damage in a very large area.
- Healing received debuff: Flaming Phoenix reduces your enemies’ healing received by a significant amount (40%), which can be a decisive factor in fights.
Dawnsong details: Elder's Dawnsong - Albion Online Wiki
4. Brimstone Staff
Albion Online | Brimstone POV | ZvZ 20 - YouTube
While it’s preferable to assign Dawnsong to more experienced players, Brimstone Staff, on the other hand, is much more beginner-friendly. It’s a fun weapon that is mainly seen only in ZvZ and sometimes in large-scale fights.
At first glance, it may seem like Brimstone Staff’s Meteor (E) requires more “skill” compared to Flaming Phoenix. However, the main difference is you can use Meteor much more freely since you only use it for the damage.
Unlike Meteor, the impact of Flaming Phoenix can be further maximized if your team can capitalize on its additional effect.
Not to mention, Meteor’s cast time is often offset by a Scholar Robe anyway, and its cooldown is usually lower than average because Brimstone Staff sets primarily use Assassin Hood.
Simply put, if you won’t be able to take advantage of the healing received debuff of Dawnsong, then you might as well just play Brimstone Staff for the higher damage. The latter deals almost twice the burst damage with the same cooldown and range.
The main problem with this weapon is that it’s easy to miss your main spell. If you don’t have proper team composition and communication (and are bad at aiming), it might be extremely difficult to have any impact in fights.
What makes Brimstone Staff great:
- Insane AOE burst damage: Your Meteor deals massive AOE damage within an area.
- Decent cooldown: Meteor only has a relatively low cooldown of 30 seconds for a spell with such high power.
Brimstone Staff details: Elder's Brimstone Staff - Albion Online Wiki
3. Infernal Staff
As I’ve mentioned, fire staves aren’t really known for their versatility and utility. Their straightforward nature of inflicting large damage and DOT often results in a monotonous playstyle.
But the Infernal Staff is a different story. Although it retains the damage and DOT features of the fire staff weapon tree, it also has an added utility from its Combustion (E).
Combustion not only deals damage and DOT in an area but also leaves a fiery trail behind your target. This fiery trail silences any enemies that step on them, which is a good bonus effect that can be lethal given the right circumstances.
Although Combustion does not deal that much damage, the additional silence effect can prove to be more useful in certain situations.
The fiery trail is more effective in small- to medium-scale PvP where players are most likely fighting only within a limited area. It’s also extra useful against weapons that require a lot of moving around on the battlefield, such as Bloodletter and Bear Paws.
What makes Infernal Staff great:
- Additional utility: The Combustion’s added silence effect can be very useful in certain scenarios.
- Zero cast time: Combustion’s zero cast time, together with its decent 12-meter range, makes it a decent weapon for kiting enemies.
Infernal Staff details: Elder's Infernal Staff - Albion Online Wiki
2. Great Fire Staff
The Great Fire Staff was rarely used in PvP before it got improved. In the past, players only used it in PvE, and even then, Blazing Staff was always the better choice for that content.
Fortunately, SBI soon buffed the Great Fire Staff, which propelled it to become the second-best fire staff in the game. Although the buffs weren’t really that big, they gave this weapon the small push that it needed to be great (no pun intended).
The Great Fire Staff’s Flame Pillar (E) simply deals damage in a small AOE. But what makes this skill excellent is the combination of several factors: high damage, low cooldown, decent range, zero cast time, and low energy cost.
Flame Pillar’s damage is not as high as the other fire staves, but it’s still good enough to put a dent in your enemies’ HP. Not to mention, it only has a 15-second cooldown that can go further down to 10 seconds if you hit at least one enemy.
Despite having a 0.8-second hit delay, Flame Pillar has zero cast time. And coupled with a decent 15-meter range and AOE, it’s pretty difficult to consistently miss with this skill.
The low energy cost also prevents you from quickly running out of energy, making Flame Pillar a reliable and spammable AOE nuke.
What makes Great Fire Staff great:
Reliable and spammable AOE nuke: Flame Pillar excels in PvP due to a combination of high damage, low cooldown and energy cost, zero cast time, and decent range and AOE.
Great Fire Staff details: Vendetta's Wrath - Albion Online Wiki
1. Wildfire Staff
All the other fire staves on this list are effective only in a few types of content. Some are useable only in ZvZ, while others are good only in small- to medium-scale fights.
This is why Wildfire Staff deserves to be the top 1 best fire staff in Albion Online. While the other staves are limited in their usefulness, the Wildfire Staff can work in most types of PvP.
It’s perfectly viable in solos and small-scale fights, and it works excellently in small- to medium-scale PvP.
Magma Sphere (E) is a straightforward skill without any complex mechanics. It first deals high initial magical damage and then deals true damage equal to 12% of your enemies’ max HP.
As you can imagine, this skill has the potential to single-handedly obliterate an entire group of enemies. A big part of its damage is based on their max HP, so it’s effective even against tanks or enemies with high IP.
Even though it has a cast time of 0.6 seconds, this often isn’t enough time for most enemies to react.
Aside from the massive total damage, Magma Sphere also has a good range of 25 meters. The sphere has a decent radius as well, which makes it easier to land and hit multiple targets.
Taking into account the percentage-based true damage and large AOE of Magma Sphere, it potentially has the highest overall DPS of all the fire staves.
What makes Wildfire Staff great:
- Massive overall DPS: The combination of initial magical damage and percentage-based true damage makes Magma Sphere a formidable spell.
- Good range and decent radius: Magma Sphere has a 25-meter long range and decent radius, allowing you to hit multiple enemies.
Wildfire Staff details: Elder's Wildfire Staff - Albion Online Wiki