Lazy type villagers definitely come with their own quirks in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, and they have some of the most entertaining dialogue in the game.
Lazy type villagers definitely come with their own quirks in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, and they have some of the most entertaining dialogue in the game.
Lazy villagers all have a unique sense of style, and you never know what you are going to see the first time you go inside of their house.
Most of the dialogue centers around food, hobbies, and bugs.
Every Lazy villager seems to have a plethora of bugs that live inside their house and talk to them at night. The bugs even let the villager know when you are coming.
When Lazy villagers aren’t at home, you will most likely find them enjoying a hobby on the island, such as fishing or studying bugs.
If you can’t find them outdoors, try Nook’s Cranny, as they love to shop and often talk about needing to “go on a snack run.” You might also run into them at the museum, either checking out the bugs or the fish.
In this list, we’ll take a look at the top 10 Lazy villagers in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
10. Biskit
Biskit can see into your soul.
Biskit is one of the most popular Lazy villager types in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
Aside from the solid white all-staring eyes, Biskit has green-striped ears and a rad t-shirt featuring a cat with laser-beam eyes. What is not to like?
Biskit’s home décor is equally as quirky, and it resembles a backyard scene, complete with a white picket fence background, a hammock, and a jungle gym.
What’s amusing about Biskit:
- That t-shirt with the laser-eyes cat is one of the best things I’ve ever seen in a game.
- With those solid-white eyes, you never really know if Biskit is looking at you, or through you.
9. Bob
Be wary of gifts from Bob.
Bob is a neon purple cat with dark purple spots and a red flower-print shirt.
His bright yellow eyes are usually narrowed in such a way that you are sure he is thinking about his next prank.
His no-nonsense, tell-it-like-it-is way of speaking makes Bob a popular villager among players.
His bright clothing and home décor bring a smile to anyone’s face, and you never know what kind of outfit he will wear to start his day.
What’s amusing about Bob:
- The smirk on Bob’s face perfectly matches his tagline of “You only live once…or nine times.”
- The brightly-colored furniture in his house contrasts with his tough guy attitude.
8. Drago
Drago is very suspicious about this whole “island living” deal.
Drago is classified as an alligator even though his horns clearly indicate that he’s a dragon.
He even has a dragon on his shirt just in case you didn’t get the hint.
Despite his Kung-Fu inspired clothing style, his home is a cozy mix of log furniture and pieces from the fruit DIY collection.
This would imply that even though he’s lazy, he still tries to eat healthy, though most Lazy villagers prefer sweet snacks like cake and hard candy.
What’s amusing about Drago:
- His appearance as a dragon wearing a bright-yellow dragon suit is pretty amusing on its own.
- He has occasional dialogue about conspiracy theories relating to the entire island setup.
7. Erik
Erik always has a back-up sweater.
Every island needs a moose villager, and Erik makes one of the best ones with his Lazy type personality and laid-back style.
Overall, he’s just fun to have around, and his home is a very unique one to see, as well.
Erik keeps his house decked out with ice furniture, even in the summer time. So, anytime you’re dreaming of winter weather, you can just pay Erik a visit to his icy home.
He even has the ski-slope wallpaper, so you can really immerse yourself with thoughts of cold weather.
What’s amusing about Erik:
- His sleepy-eyed gaze and little tuft of fur between his antlers give him a comical appearance.
- His dialogue is often joking or comical.
6. Joey
This is Joey’s main thought most of the time, actually.
Joey is a yellow baby duck with a comically giant head and a confused, somewhat blank expression on his face.
Just when you thought this little fellow couldn’t get weird enough, you notice that he is sporting a bright shirt with a bear on the front of it.
Much like Drago, Joey’s home décor features log furniture combined with pieces from the fruit DIY collection, giving his house a cozy feel.
The calming atmosphere seems to contrast with Joey’s high-strung, yet lazy, personality.
What’s amusing about Joey:
- His choice of clothing is usually something to look forward to.
- There are not that many bird villagers aside from eagles, so Joey’s appearance is unique.
5. Lucky
Nah, I’m good, Lucky…I really need to be leaving anyway, so don’t mind me as I back towards the door, ok?
Lucky is a Lazy type dog villager with the unique twist that he is wrapped in bandages like a mummy.
The one eye that is exposed glows a bright yellow, and is the only thing exposed on Lucky other than his ears.
Lucky’s personality is not only Lazy, but he tends to act very childish.
His main focus is on snacking and the bugs that live in his house.
Did I mention there are three graves in Lucky’s living room?
A skeleton, a leaf pile, and some well-placed candles on the dirt floor really reinforce the dark scene of Lucky’s home décor.
What’s amusing about Lucky:
- Lucky is completely bandaged up except for his ears and one eye, and it is a mystery as to how he got that way.
- The interior of his house is certainly a sight to behold. Definitely move Lucky in to your island if you are creating a horror theme or if you just want a spooky house on the island around Halloween.
4. Nate
Nate always has helpful suggestions.
Nate is a yellow bear with a very bright green uni-brow streaking across his face, right above the freckles on his cheeks.
While his eyebrows give him a gruff appearance, his old-man sweater gives him more of a laid-back vibe.
Nate’s house is also one to get a look at, as he has it decked out with Woodland wallpaper and furniture that gives his home a definite woodsy feel.
What’s amusing about Nate:
- His bright-green eyebrows above his rosy freckled cheeks gives Nate an almost menacing, but amusing, appearance.
- It would be easy to get Nate confused as a Cranky type villager just based on appearance alone.
3. Punchy
Punchy makes all of the best observations.
Punchy is a dark blue and white striped cat with unnervingly wide yellow eyes with dilated pupils.
He sports a bright plaid shirt, which is a contrast to the calm and cool dark blues used to decorate his home.
Like other Lazy type villagers, Punchy is often found in the aquarium section of the museum.
What’s amusing about Punchy:
- The expression on Punchy’s face is pretty funny, and I highly recommend it when you need a pick-me-up.
- Punchy always comes up with the oddest dialogue out of the Lazy villager type.
2. Stitches
That’s a bit of an over-share, Stitches.
Stitches resembles a teddy bear made of colorful patchwork fabric and sewn “Xs” for eyes.
A brightly colored tank top completes the ensemble, giving Stitches a unique appearance.
Stitches lives in an equally colorful home with patchwork quilt wall paper and homey accents such as a bright green plaid rug and a mix of bright wooden block furniture.
A popular trait among the Lazy type, Stitches is particularly fond of bugs and will bring them up in conversation as often as possible.
What’s amusing about Stitches:
- Stitches’ colorful patchwork appearance and lack of real eyes really gives you something to look at.
- Stitches’ home is just as colorful as his personal appearance.
1. Zucker
Zucker started the whole “bloop” catchphrase fad.
Zucker is among one of the rarest animal species of animals in New Horizons, being just one out of three octopuses in the game.
He is meant to resemble the Japanese snack, takoyaki, complete with a bamboo toothpick stuck in his head.
Zucker’s head represents the doughy ball of takoyaki with his green freckles mimicking the takoyaki seasoning and his hair resembling takoyaki sauce.
His home interior is one of the most interesting because it is meant to look like a street food vendor, complete with a stall and cotton-candy machine.
Zucker’s wallpaper and floor makes it look like he is selling his food outside in the city.
What’s amusing about Zucker:
- His personal resemblance to the Japanese snack, takoyaki will definitely make you smile.
- The attention to detail to make his home look like a street food vendor selling his wares outside on the street is worth a look for inspiration.
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