Elden Ring has tons of strong and unique-looking weapons throughout the world, but some of the most unique weapons can be found in the great axe category. FromSoftware has been really creative by testing the limits of what can and cannot be a great axe. On this list, you’ll find that players can make use of great axes in the form of giant knives, antlers of a Regal Ancestor, and even an old rusty anchor. Of course, there are plenty of normal-looking axes on the list for players to enjoy (although the anchor is by far funnier to kill enemies with). Regardless of what kind of style you're looking for, the great axe category has plenty of strong weapons that can help you on your journey to find the Elden Ring.
10. Crescent Moon Axe(best used as a dex or strength build)
The first axe on the list is the Crescent moon axe that can be farmed from the axe-wielding enemies in Stormveil Castle. The Crescent Moon Axe is a fairly ordinary weapon with its only perk being that it can be infused with your preferred ash of war. This trait, combined with a similar dex and strength scaling, makes this weapon a good fit for many different builds.
The axe also has a unique R2 attack that's shared with Godrick’s GreatAxe. Beyond this, the weapon is no different from many of the other weapons found throughout Elden Ring. The damage and scalings are powerful, but not more so than most Great axes, swords, and various other giant weapons. If you happen to get this weapon, definitely try it out, but other weapons on this list are gonna be much better for specific builds.
What's good about the Crescent Moon Axe
- Can be infused with the player’s preferred ash of war
How to get the Crescent Moon Axe
- Head to Stormveil Castle
- Within Stormveil castle kill any soldiers that are holding the axe, and with some luck, they’ll drop it
Full details on the Crescent Moon Axe: Elden Ring Wiki
9. Winged Greathorn(best used as a strength or dex build)
The Winged Greathorn is a boss weapon that you can obtain after killing the Regal Ancestor. This weapon has a very unique look as the blades of the great axe seem to be serrated antlers. In terms of base damage, this weapon is a little below the average great axe on this list. On the bright side, this weapon scales in both dex and strength making it a viable weapon for many builds.
Where this weapon really shines however is the special ability called “Soul Stifler”. Soul Stifler sends out an AoE status effect that lowers the defense of your enemies making it a very good weapon against bosses and tough enemies. Because this weapon doesn't have good damage, I would recommend having this weapon in your roster and activating the skill, then switching to your main weapon for good damage.
What's good about the Winged Greathorn
- Comes with the skill “Soul Stifler” which summons an AoE effect that lowers enemie’s defense
How to get the Winged Greathorn
- Make your way to Nokron the Eternal City and kill the Regal Ancestor
- Turn in the Regal Ancestor’s Remembrance for the Winged Greathorn
Full details on the Winged Greathorn: Elden Ring Wiki
8. Executioner’s Great Axe (best used as a strength build)
The Executioner’s Great Axe is a great axe that is perfect for players pouring their upgrade points into strength. This weapon scales an (A) in strength when upgraded as a heavy weapon. However, if you want, you can also infuse this weapon with your preferred ash of war. This makes this weapon versatile yet powerful in specific builds which is ideal for mixed builds.
This axe also comes with the skill called “War Cry” similar to the Longhaft Axe in the number nine spot. This means this axe does additional damage on top of its already phenomenal damage (372 base damage plus 172 for base strength when fully upgraded). Overall this weapon is a good damage-dealing weapon for strength-based players or strength hybrid builds..
What's good about the Executioner’s Great Axe
- Can be infused with the player’s preferred ash of war
- Comes with the ash of war “War Cry” which increases the player’s attack power and changes heavy moves to charge attacks
How to get the Executioner’s Great Axe
- Drops from skeletons holding this weapon
- A good spot to farm is the Church of Irith graveyard
- Head west of the church and you’ll come upon a small graveyard where a giant skeleton will spawn holding the axe
Full details on the Executioners Great Axe: Elden Ring Wiki
7. Gargoyle’s Black Axe (best used with a strength/faith build)
The Gargoyle’s Black Axe is a perfect weapon for anyone looking to make a strength/faith build. This axe does phenomenal physical and holy damage due to the scaling in both strength and faith. Besides this, the Gargoyle’s Black Axe is very similar to the Gargoyle’s Great Axe, only slightly less versatile.
This axe comes with the “War Cry” skill just like the Gargoyle’s Great Axe, but this weapon cannot be infused with your preferred ash of war. That makes this weapon a lot less versatile than many of the other axes on this list. Overall this axe fits perfectly for a strength/faith build, but it has no adaptability to other builds.
What's good about the Gargoyle's Black Axe
- Scales well in both faith and Strength
- Comes with the ash of war “War Cry” which increases overall damage and changes heavy moves to charge attacks
How to get the Gargoyle's Black Axe
- Head to the Grand Lift of Roldfrom Lyendell
- On your way there, just before the elevator, you’ll encounter another gigantic Gargoyle
- Kill this Gargoyle to receive the Gargoyles Black Axe
Full details on the Gargoyles Black Axe: Elden Ring Wiki

6. Axe of Godrick(best used as a strength or dex build)
The Axe of Godrick is a powerful great axe that players can find quite early on by beating Godrick in Stormveil Castle. Unfortunately, this weapon has some pretty hefty requirements for both strength and dexterity, so players will have to upgrade their character a bit before using this weapon.
However, once you're able to properly wield this weapon it is an absolute monster. First and foremost is the unique ability called “I Command Thee Kneel” which will slam the ground up to three times, stunning and damaging enemies. This skill is super useful in small spaces with lots of enemies.
This axe scales a (C) in both strength and dexterity although it will scale better with strength. Overall, this is a powerful weapon both in its skill and in its base damage.
What's good about the Axe of Godrick
- Comes with the skill “I Command Thee, Kneel!” which allows you to slam the ground up to three times causing earth-shattering shockwaves
How to get the Axe of Godrick
- Make your way to Stormveil Castle
- At Stormveil Castle beat Godrick the Grafted and turn in his remembrance for his axe
Full details on the Axe of Godrick: Elden Ring Wiki
5. Longhaft Axe (best used with a strength build)
The Longhaft Axe is a very unique weapon that I highly recommend for players going for a strength build. This weapon has several unique perks most notably its hyper armor. The hyper armor modifier of this weapon when two-handed is higher than the other great axes on this list meaning your attacks won’t be interrupted as easily as the other axes. Additionally, this weapon scales really well in strength reaching a scaling of (B) when upgraded as a heavy weapon.
These perks are already pretty good but combined with good damage and the ash of war, this great axe becomes a beast. The ash of war that's naturally on this weapon is called “War Cry” and it buffs the player's damage and turns the heavy attacks into charging attacks. This is a good ash of war that compliments this weapon well, but if you have other plans you can also infuse it with your preferred ash of war.
What's good about Longhaft Axe
- Comes with the ash of war “War Cry” which increases the player’s attack power and changes heavy moves to charge attacks
- Can be infused with the player’s preferred ash of war
- Higher hyper armor modifier than other great axes when two-handing this weapon
How to get Longhaft Axe
- This weapon is a rare drop from misbegotten warriors
- Easy and early misbegotten warrior to kill can be found at the Rampart Goal site of grace after crossing the bridge and turning left
- Two can be found by heading down and north to a farm from the Windmill Village site of grace
Full details on the Longhaft Axe: Elden Ring Wiki

4. Rusted Anchor(best used as a strength build)
The Rusted Anchor is probably one of the funniest weapons in Elden Ring that players can wield, but don’t let its appearance fool you as this is one heck of a weapon. When upgraded as a heavy weapon, the anchor scales (A) in strength and does amazing damage. Additionally, the damage is also categorized as piercing damage which is unusual for the axe category.
This weapon comes with the scale “Barbaric Roar” which changes the strong attack into a strong combo of swings. This means that if you equip the Spear Talisman (increases thrusting weapon counterattack damage by 15%), and one of the talismans that increases the damage of repeated attacks, then this weapon deals even more damage than its already high base damage. If this strategy doesn’t sound good to you then you can always infuse the Anchor with your preferred ash of war.
What's good about the Rusted Anchor
- Can be infused with the player’s preferred ash of war
- Deals piercing damage
- Comes with the skill “Barbaric Roar” which changes strong attacks to savage combos
How to get the Rusted Anchor
- Head to the Mourne Tunnel in the Weeping Peninsula
- Kill the Misbegotten Warrior boss and obtain the rusted anchor
Full details on the Rusted Anchor: Elden Ring Wiki

3. Great Omenkiller Cleaver (best used as strength build)
The Omenkiller Cleaver is certainly a wacky-looking weapon, but it has the potential to be an absolute damage pumper. Firstly, this is the only great axe to come with the blood loss passive ability naturally. Additionally, this weapon can be infused with your preferred ash of war, and when upgraded as a blood weapon, the cleaver does (100) blood loss build-up.
The weapon does come with the “Wild Strikes” skill, which with blood loss build-up, will do massive amounts of damage to bosses and tough enemies. These perks combined with the reliable damage this weapon deals, make it a possibly OP weapon if you dedicate yourself to centering your character around it.
What's good about the Great Omenkiller Cleaver
- Causes blood loss
- Can be infused with the player’s preferred ash of war
- Comes with the skill “Wild Strikes” which allows the player to perform wild swings until they run out of stamina or cancel the move
How to get the Great Omenkiller Cleaver
- To get the Great Omenkiller Cleaver you’ll have to farm Omenkiller enemies
- One can be found in Volcano Manor
- Another can be found at Perfumers Grotto
Full details on the Great Omenkiller Cleaver: Elden Ring Wiki
2. Sacred Butchering Knife(best used with a dex build)
This weapon is a bit of an oddity as it doesn’t sound or even look like a Great Axe. Not to mention that it actually scales better when used as a dex build rather than a strength build like the other axes. Regardless it’s classified as such and it is definitely on the better end of the great axe category.
For one this weapon comes with the “barbaric Roar” skill making it an intensely aggressive weapon. You can also infuse it with your preferred ash of war. More importantly, however, is its intrinsic ability that heals 1% of your health on successful attacks. This means ashes of a war that utilize multiple hits make it very effective as both a weapon and a healing item.
What's good about the Sacred Butchering Knife
- Comes with the skill “Barbaric Roar” which changes strong attacks to savage combos
- Hitting an enemy with this weapon restores 1% of HP
- Can be infused with the player’s preferred ash of war
How to get the Butchering Knife
- Head to the Corpse Stench Shack on the road to Mt Gelmir (just before the broken bridge)
- You’ll be invaded by Anastasia Tarnished-Eater
- Kill her to obtain the Butchering Knife
Full details on the Butchering Knife: Elden Ring Wiki

1. Gargoyle’s Great Axe (best used as a strength build)
The Gargoyle’s Great Axe is perfect for the player who wants to smash all of their enemies into the ground as it is an entirely strength-based weapon. In fact, the Gargoyle’s Great Axe is the only great axe to scale an S in strength (when upgraded as a heavy weapon).
This weapon can be infused with your preferred ash of war which means players can make this weapon useful in a lot of other ways besides just a straight-up skull-crushing weapon. It does come with the skill “War Cry '' similar to the Gargoyle’s Black Axe, which is a really helpful skill if you upgrade it as a heavy weapon. Overall this is one of the best axes for a strong character but it has the potential to be a beast for other builds since it can be infused with different ashes of war.
What's good about the Gargoyle’s Great Axe
- Scales S in strength
- Comes with the ash of war “War Cry” which increases the player’s attack power and changes heavy moves to charge attacks
- Can be infused with the player’s preferred ash of war
How to get the Gargoyle’s Great Axe
- Dropped by the Giant Gargoyle at Lyendell
- Make your way to the Outer Wall Phantom Tree site of grace
- Head northeast along the wall until it spawns