Ice, Ice Baby
One of the five elements in play in Empires and Puzzles, Ice has a variety of awesome heroes you’ll definitely want to include in your roster. From awesome healers to useful debuffers and killer snipers, Ice has them all - and in this list, we’ll be giving you our picks for the Top 10 Empires and Puzzles Best Blue Heroes. Let’s get started!
10. Chick Jr.
Not your average chick!
Starting off our list is a 3* seasonal hero summonable from the Springvale Event. Chick Jr. is definitely a Rare Hero you’d want to put in your 3* team!
His Compact Lance, at Average Mana Speed, deals 180% damage to all enemies. It’s not often for a 3* hero to hit everyone at the same time, which instantly makes him worth investing in, in our opinion - particularly if you’ll be using him for 3* Tournaments! Like all Springvale characters though, using him has some form of drawback - in this case, he gets -20% attack for 3 turns, which can’t be dispelled. Still, this won’t lessen the value he brings to the table, particularly if you use him during Rush Attacks!
What Makes Chick Jr. Great:
- Deals 180% damage
- Hits all enemies
- Good to use during 3* Tournaments
9. Boril Costume
Did someone say armor?
One of the original counterattackers in the game, Boril - especially with his costume on - is still a viable Epic Hero to include in your defense team, and for good reason.
His Special Skill, Sturdy Riposte, gives all allies the ability to counterattack with 60% of the damage they received for 4 turns. Without any cleanser/healer hybrid on the attacker's side, working around this buff can be tricky - and with Boril Costume usually attracting all hits like a tank, soon he’ll be ready to unleash his Special Skill again. Add the fact that this dude’s got massive defense stats especially if limit-broken and emblemed! No wonder people still rely on him - especially if you’re a F2P!
What Makes Boril Great:
- All allies can counterattack 60% of the damage they received for 4 turns
- Has high defenses
- Awesome to use as a tank
8. Kiril Costume
Rock and rolling!
Kiril Costume is one heck of a useful healer to have on your side, especially as he takes care of your team while being an absolute menace to the enemies at the same time!.
His Blessed Solo not only heals all allies for 28% health, but it also grants his enemies -34% attack and defense for 3 turns, which can seriously derail their style especially during Rush Attacks. Pair him up with attackers who can maximize those debuffs, and soon it’ll be game over for the enemy. Time to party!
What Makes Kiril Costume Great:
- Recovers 28% health for all allies
- Debuffs all enemies with both -34% attack and -34% defense down for 3 turns
7. Frida
Warning! Do Not Cuddle!
A 2019 Hero of the Month, Frida can be summoned from the Tavern of Legends portal.
Her Polar Bash deals 290% damage to the target and nearby enemies, as well as gives them -54% defense against Ice for 4 turns - making her extremely useful in an all-blue team. She’ll dispel her targets’ buffs too, which makes her a rare mix of elemental defense down-giver and dispeller! Lastly, her Element Link gives all Ice Enemies +46% defense against Nature for 4 turns, which can’t be dispelled. If you are ever in the mood to build an all-Ice Hero lineup? She’ll definitely find her place in it without question - if you’re lucky enough to summon her!
What Makes Frida Great:
- Deals 290% damage to the target and nearby enemies
- Gives the target and nearby enemies -54% defense against Ice for 4 turns
- Dispels buffs from the target and nearby enemies
- Element Link gives all Ice heroes in the lineup +46% defense against Nature for 4 turns
6. Alice
Time to win!
Our Fairy Tale heroine Alice is summonable whenever the Riddles of Wonderland Challenge Event is up and running in the game.
A fantastic sniper, her Timeless Timepiece deals 430% damage to a single target - and leaves them with a -44% attack for 3 turns, too, which just gets reset if they’re healed. At Fast Mana Speed, Alice has the potential to shoot everyone down as well as dull their attack power - especially if the boards are on her side that fairy tale day!
What Makes Alice Great:
- Deals 430% damage to the target
- Gives them -44% attack for 3 turns, which resets if they are healed
- Has Fast Mana Speed
5. Ariel
A Sea of Greatness!
Arguably one of the best healers in the game, any lineup can almost feel safe and secure whenever she’s around!
Ariel’s Divine Protection heals all allies for 40% health and cleanses their status ailments too. However, her most precious gift is definitely her ability to increase mana, considering she gives everyone +24% mana generation for 4 turns - a considerable amount that makes everyone ready to unleash their attacks a whole lot faster than usual. Definitely one of the most sought-after Blue Heroes, Ariel is!
What Makes Ariel Great:
- Recovers substantial amount of health for all allies
- Gives all allies +24% mana generation for 4 turns
- Cleanses status ailments from all allies
4. Fenrir
Beware those teeth!
Sometimes a hero’s design tells you what type of hero they are - and in Fenrir’s case, it warns you he’s deadly.
His Gargantuan Bite deals 300% damage to a single target, which increases to 600% if they have less than 50% health before his attack. If an enemy or even a minion of theirs is killed, Fenrir gains mana for it, making him launch another attack faster. To add insult to injury, Fenrir heals himself for 50% of the damage he dealt, too. And having Fast Mana Speed? He can definitely lead the pack in wiping out the enemy in no time!
What Makes Fenrir Great:
- Deals 300% damage to the target. Damage increases to 600% if the target has less than 50% health remaining
- Heals himself for 50% of the damage dealt
- Gains a moderate amount of mana for each enemy killed
3. Vela
Vela deadly!
You’ve probably seen more than your fair share of Velas in this game, especially right beside Tellurias - and that's because she’s awesome.
At Fast Mana Speed, her Aquatic Outbreak is painful for the enemies. It deals 130% damage to all of them, gives them -34% attack for 4 turns, and they also receive 171 Water damage for 4 turns, too! She’s also a great candidate to be included in your All-Blue lineup considering her Element Link gives them all +10% critical chance for 6 turns, which can’t be dispelled. That’s Vela, Vela awesome.
What Makes Vela Great:
- Deals 130% damage to all enemies
- All enemies get 171 water damage over 4 turns
- All enemies get -34% attack for 4 turns
- Element Link gives all Ice heroes +10% critical chance for 6 turns
2. Master Lepus Costume
Bunny power!
Not all fearsome enemies are scary-looking - just like Master Lepus over here.
With his costume on, his Rift Blade deals 280% damage to all enemies. At Fast Mana Speed, to boot! He can definitely start the conga pain train rolling for the enemy. However, like with other Springvale heroes the drawback to this ability is that afterwards, he’ll get -24% mana generation for 4 turns, which can’t be cleansed - meaning his next attack will take considerably longer than that first swing. However, if he’s found his home in a team of other awesome Blue attackers? His first swing may as well be his last before victory comes knocking on his door!
What Makes Master Lepus Great:
- Has Fast Mana Speed
- Deals 280% damage to enemies
- Hits all enemies
1. Finley Costume
Fancy being flayed alive?
Man, just when you think Finley’s scary enough, here comes his costume and it is terrible - if you happen to be an enemy of his!
His Commodore’s Malice deals 420% damage to the target. If that target has buffs, his skill then targets another enemy with buffs - which means if all enemies have buffs, then they’ll all get hit! And that’s not even the worst part. All hit target then suffers -56% defense for 3 turns, which can be a death sentence if an ally of Finley’s, say Master Lepus, follows that up with his own skill. Making enemies walk the plank is easier for as long as Finley Costume is the Commodore, that’s for sure!
What Makes Finley Costume Great:
- Has Fast Mana Speed
- Deals 420% damage to the target. If that target has buffs, targets other enemies with buffs and hits them, too
- Gives all hit enemies -56% defense for 3 turns
And those are our Fantastic Ice Heroes! You won’t be Blue for long, so long as you have them on your team!