Ready or not, here they come!
As valuable as healers and tanks are, arguably the most important members of any team are your attackers. After all, they’re the ones in charge of mowing down enemies left and right, as victory can only come when your team’s the only one left on the battlefield!
Here are our picks for the Top 10 Empires and Puzzles Best Attack Heroes that Are OP, specifically from Seasons 1 - 4.
10. Joon
Don’t look at me like that!
Joon doles out a special brand of pain to his enemies. His Solar Beam deals a massive 468% damage to a single target - which is devastating particularly to a Dark enemy! And with Joon’s mana speed set at Fast, you can be sure he’d be constantly unleashing this attack. Ouch!
As if this isn’t enough, this Special Skill also gives his target -40% accuracy for 6 turns. Since this decrease also applies to offensive Special Skills, then Solar Beam can sometimes render their own skills and attacks harmless to Joon’s team! Truly he’s one of the must-have OG heroes who’s still worth his salt today!
What Makes Joon a Great Attacker:
- Solar Beam deals 468% damage to target
- Has Fast mana speed
- Special Skill also gives his target -40% accuracy for 6 turns

Abs of steel!
Magni is another OG hero you’d definitely want to pull - and considering he can be obtained through most Summons Portals, Hero Academy, or even the Training Camp, this means you will have a higher chance of getting him!
His Strike of the Ancients deals 420% damage to the enemy - which hurts tons, particularly if they’re of the Fire variety. But what makes Magni especially awesome is that he protects his team members too, considering his Special Skill also gives him and nearby allies +63% defense for 4 turns - and at Fast mana speed, you can bet this buff will be on him and the others often. A good attacker who doubles as a defensive hero? Now that’s a good deal!
What Makes Magni a Great Attacker:
- Relatively easy to acquire
- Strike of the Ancient deals 420% damage to the enemy and gives +63% defense to Magni and his nearby allies
- Has fast mana speed
8. Poseidon
All hail the King of the Seas!
It’s not difficult to see why Poseidon rules. He will regularly deal 450% damage to a single target - which is already devastating on its own, particularly to a Dark enemy. However, like Magni, his Ruler of the Seas give a ton of benefits to his own team when used - and as a Fast hero, he sure will shell out these buffs often!
Once active, all his allies will resist negative mana and other effects which block usage of Special Skills for 3 turns - rendering Silence and other negative debuffs along this line moot. We don’t know about you, but versatile heroes who can attacc and protecc always get our vote.
What Makes Poseidon a Great Attacker:
- Deals 450% damage to a single enemy
- Makes all allies resistant to new negative mana effects for 3 turns
- Makes all allies resistant to effects that block the use of Special Skills for 3 turns

She’ll get you, you know.
Ah, Lianna! One of the most sought-after OG heroes in the game - and rightfully so. Like Joon and Magni, she’s relatively easy to acquire through Summons Portal, Hero Academy, or Training Camp - and thank heavens for that!
While most heroes on this list have two or more skills, Lianna only has one. Don’t let it fool you, though - her Perfect Shot deals a massive 512% damage to a single target, which sometimes means death to her enemy, particularly if they’re of the Ice variety. And at Fast mana speed? She’s definitely one of those heroes you’d want to bring with you anywhere!
What Makes Lianna a Great Attacker:
- Relatively easy to acquire
- Perfect shot deals 512% damage to a single target
- Has Fast mana speed
6. Azlar Costume
Here kitty, kitty, kitty
Azlar is scary enough - but with this costume? Oh boy. He may be a slow hero, but once his Volcanic Flareup flares up, it’ll need a ton of effort from the enemy side to recover.
His Special Skill deals 205% damage to the target and nearby enemies, but it doubles to 410% if the target has less than 50% health. If that doesn’t kill them, then the Burn effect of this Special Skill definitely will, considering it gives the afflicted heroes 518 damage over 2 turns. Which can’t be cleansed. Good luck trying to cure that!
What Makes Azlar Costume a Great Attacker:
- Special Skill deals 205% damage to the target and nearby enemies
- Damage doubles to 410% if the target has less than 50% health
- Gives target and nearby enemies 518 Burn damage over 2 turns, which can’t be cleansed
5. Phileas Fogg
Pleasure to make your acquaintance!
Phileas Fogg is one of those awesome heroes who can deal elemental defense down to his enemies. His Valiant Lunge gives his target -58% defense against Nature for 4 turns, making him ideal to include in an all-Green team that can exploit the heck out of this enemy debuff. Perfect when dealing with a tough Ice Titan, too!
But that’s not all. Phileas Fogg’s Special Skill also dispels buffs from his target before dealing them a massive 420% damage. As a Fast hero, he can - and will! - use this attack often too. This makes him one of the most must-have heroes from the Underwild family - and rightfully so!
What Makes Phileas Fogg a Great Attacker:
- Gives elemental damage down to a target, making him ideal to use against Titans
- Dispels buffs from the target
- Deals 420% damage to the target

Odin? More like O-dang!
At first glance, the 100% damage to all enemies might not seem a lot - except, as a Fast hero, Odin will sure be quick in firing his Fury of Grimnir. What makes this Special Skill unique, however, is that the 100% damage is the minimum amount of hurt. Depending on how many Holy shields are on the board, the damage can increase up to 244%. To all enemies!
That’s not all. Once this Special Skill is used, all his allies get +8% mana at the minimum. Depending on how many Holy shields are on the board, this can be as high as 29% - meaning he can (and will!) make everyone ready to unleash their special attacks in no time at all. Now that’s a fantastic skill - and hero! - to have in your roster!
What Makes Odin a Great Attacker:
- Has Fast mana speed
- Deals damage to all enemies depending on the number of Holy shields on the board
- Makes all allies generate mana depending on how many Holy shields are on the board
3. Octros
Woah that’s a big blade.
Like Odin, Octros’ Special Skill depends on how many shields of his element are on the board. The Hallowed Blade deals 180% damage to all enemies at the minimum - but if you have a ton of Fire shields at play, then that damage can easily go up to 340%. Yikes!
Additionally, all enemies get their attacks blunted by 24%. And, because the horrors don’t stop there, Octros is also from the Fighter Class - or heroes who may occasionally revive themselves with 1 HP after a fatal attack. Another Underwild Hero we all wish we have? Yes. Very much yes.
What Makes Octros a Great Attacker:
- Deals damage to all enemies depending on the number of Fire shields on the board
- Gives all enemies -24% attack
- May revive himself with 1 HP after a fatal attack
2. Elizabeth
Looking pretty and deadly there, madam!
You’ve heard of minion summoners like Bera and Freya - but how about Fiend summoners? That’s something that sets Elizabeth apart and makes her a fantastic hero to pull. Unlike minion summoners, fiends are given to all enemies - and they pack some really nasty side effects, too.
Each fiend damages the enemy with 43% attack every turn, and just when you think healers are good to counteract them… well, you’ll be half-wrong. These fiends also absorb healing for up to 28% of the target’s max health and will only disappear once they get that amount. Lastly, all fiend-afflicted heroes suffer -24% mana generation - and did we mention these are all on top of the 175% attack Elizabeth deals to all her enemies?
What Makes Elizabeth a Great Attacker:
- Summons fiends for all enemies that attack them every turn
- Her fiends also absorb healing and give -24% mana generation to all her enemies
- Deals 175% damage to all enemies

Square Inches of Death!
If there’s anything this game has taught us, it’s that heroes with Very Slow mana speed are deliberately designed like that - otherwise, they’d just be ridiculously overpowered. Just look at this heroine as an example!
Once she unleashes her Special Skill, Alfrike just does a ton of things all at once. Her Cube of Dark Realm deals 200% damage to hit targets, casts 5 Dark Cubes to random enemies that reduce their max health by 224, and her target gets Mindless Attack on a random ally of theirs when their mana is full. By the time she attacks, it’s usually game over for the other team.
Now imagine encountering her in Rush Attack Tournaments, where all mana speeds are set to very fast! We guarantee it will be a total nightmare.
What Makes Alfrike a Great Attacker:- Does 200% damage to hit targets
- Casts 5 Dark Cubes that reduces max health by 224
- Enemies hit automatically cast Mindless Attack on a random ally of theirs
Be sure to thank your lucky stars if you get any of these heroes - they sure will destroy your enemies for you for a long time.