[Top 10] Empires and Puzzles Best Healers That Are Great

Top 10 Empires and Puzzles Best Healers That Are Great
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Healers. Can’t live without them! One of the more standard yet most crucial members in any lineup, Healers do the amazing (and often thankless!) job of keeping everyone alive and kicking. Fortunately, Empires and Puzzles offer a wide array of healer selection for its players who not only recover health for all their allies but also have other abilities which can help their team achieve that sweet, sweet victory in the end! 

Here are the Top 10 Empires and Puzzles Best Healers That Are Great - specifically from Seasons 1 - 4. Fair warning: no health boosters and revivers on this list, though!  

10. Helo


For a 3*, Helo is great. Once his Special Skill is unleashed, he does two jobs at the same time: healing and cleansing. Cleansing is a particularly necessary skill to have considering most of the other heroes can inflict a lot of nasty ailments alongside their attacks, and Helo doing it alongside plain healing can be a literal lifesaver. 

Once you pull him, level him up quickly - he’ll be saving your team a lot, especially when you use him during 3* tournaments!

What Makes Helo a Great Healer:

  • Recovers health for all allies
  • Cleanses status ailments from all allies

9. Costume Belith
Costume Belith

Nothing is more annoying than you setting up your heroes with all these fantastic buffs (attack up! Defense up! Regeneration! The works!) only for an enemy to dispel them away. Fortunately, Costume Belith counters exactly that! 

She has something most other healers don’t - the ability to make all her allies immune to buff dispels for 3 turns. This makes enemy dispellers worthless for as long as she gets to use her Special Skill first, and you get to keep enjoying all those sweet buffs on your team, too!

What Makes Costume Belith a Great Healer:

  • Allows allies to regenerate health for 3 turns
  • Makes all allies immune to buff dispels for 3 turns

8. Costume Hawkmoon
Costume Hawkmoon
If granting immunity from buff dispels isn’t your thing, how about the ability to make allies more lethal? This is what Costume Hawkmoon is particularly good at, and what makes this character worth investing in and using particularly during 3* Tournaments. 

That additional +30% attack given to all allies is just fantastic, as it will make them more effective in dealing damage to the enemy. She’ll keep all her allies’ health topped up while making them deadlier in battle - now that’s a great deal. 

What Makes Costume Hawkmoon a Great Healer:

  • Allows all allies to regenerate health for 3 turns
  • Gives +30% attack to all allies for 3 turns

7. Costume Sabina
Costume Sabina

Costume Sabina’s ability is almost at the opposite spectrum of Costume Belith’s. Instead of making allies immune to buff dispels, what Costume Sabina does is to make all enemies immune to getting new buffs in the first place and dispelling their existing ones, if there are any. 

It renders enemies’ Special Skills with bonuses (i.e. attack up/defense up/reflect/etc.) worthless, since they won’t stick! Add the fact that she also makes all her allies regenerate health over 3 turns while at it… that’s just A+ trolling, right there.

What Makes Costume Sabina a Great Healer:

  • Allows all allies to regenerate health for 3 turns
  • Makes all enemies immune to new buffs for 3 turns
  • Dispels buffs from all enemies

6. Costume Melendor
Costume Melendor

Like Costume Sabina, Costume Melendor is both a healer and a dispeller; their type is ideal to use particularly when battling enemies who can reflect substantial amounts of damage to your heroes. 

However, what gives Costume Melendor an edge is that he can protect your team while at it, as well. +46% defense for 3 turns is a fantastic buff that allows for the more delicate members of your lineup to survive longer, and even for your team to face tougher teams and/or Titans, too! Whatever type of foe you may face, this old man will surely have your back.  

What Makes Costume Melendor a Great Healer:

  • Allows all allies to regenerate health for 3 turns
  • Gives all allies +46% defense over 3 turns
  • Dispels buffs from all enemies

5. Boldtusk

Boldtusk is seriously one of the heroes you’d want to be with you anywhere, if only because he will make your team deadlier for as long as he can heal them. Look at that whopping +48% attack for 4 turns! Use him as your healing tank and he’ll keep that buff going for as long as he’s alive!  

Additionally, he’s from the Fighter Class - the set of heroes who can sometimes revive themselves from a fatal attack with 1 HP. If you’re lucky, Boldtusk might just never die on you - so you should go build him up, buttercup!  

What Makes Boldtusk a Great Healer:

  • Recovers health for all allies
  • Boosts attacks of all allies by 48%
  • May revive themselves with 1 HP

4. Costume Rigard

Costume Rigard
One of the best 4* heroes there is, Costume Rigard does a lot for your team. He’ll make them regenerate health and boost their attack by a whopping +48% for 3 turns, while also dispelling any status ailments they may be inflicted with. Not a lot of heroes can do his work - let alone all of them!  

He does a fantastic job of taking care of any team he’s in. No wonder he’s almost always on everyone’s lineup, and why he’s often regarded as a 5* hero hiding in a 4* body!

What Makes Costume Rigard a Great Healer:

  • Allows all allies to regenerate health for 3 turns
  • Boosts attacks of all allies by 48%
  • Dispels status ailments from allies

3. Costume Kiril
Costume Kiril

Costume Kiril is adorable. Look at him! Aside from being everyone’s beloved grandpa, Costume Kiril will take care of your team while dulling the enemies’ blades at the same time, so to speak.

His Special Skill grants them -34% attack and defense for 3 turns, which can seriously turn the battle in your favor. Pair him up with heroes who can maximize those debuffs, and it’s game over for the enemy - something we all can drink to! 

What Makes Costume Kiril a Great Healer:

  • Recovers health for all allies
  • Debuffs all enemies with both attack and defense down for 3 turns

2. Costume Vivica 
Costume Vivica
Don’t let her Slow mana speed scare you - once Costume Vivica’s Special Skill is used, it’ll take a lot of effort from the enemies’ side to offset it. That 44% health recovery can surely bring anyone at the brink of death to more or less 50% health in an instant, giving you a shot at defeating your enemies. 

And to further help you do that, her skill gives the enemies -44% defense for 4 turns - which is just nasty, considering it’s one of the most devastating ailments to inflict in this game. Lastly, she dispels all enemies’ buffs too, making her ideal to use in any type of fight. Costume Vivica may be slow, but she’s worth waiting for!

What Makes Costume Vivica a Great Healer:

  • Recovers substantial amount of health for all allies
  • Gives all enemies -44% defense for 4 turns
  • Dispels buffs from all enemies

1. Ariel

Widely considered as the best healer there is, Ariel gives almost the same amount of health as Vivica does (40% vs 44%), but at an average mana speed - as opposed to slow. She also cleanses status ailments from all allies, which is always a great ability for a healer to have. 

However, what sets her apart from other healers - and heroes in general - is her ability to control mana, considering she can give everyone +24% mana generation for 4 turns. This effectively makes everyone unleash their Special Skills faster for as long as Ariel is healing them - a total nightmare for the enemy, and a dream come true for all of us using her in our lineup!

What Makes Ariel a Great Healer

  • Recovers substantial amount of health for all allies
  • Gives all allies +24% mana generation for 4 turns
  • Cleanses status ailments from all allies

Those were the Top 10 Empires and Puzzles Best Healers that Are Great. These heroes will serve you well - just make sure you feed them well first!


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A dedicated white mage, I will top off everyone's HP even if it's currently at 99.99%. Let me heal you!
Gamer Since: 2008
Favorite Genre: RPG
Currently Playing: Tales of Crestoria, Empires and Puzzles, DFFOO
Top 3 Favorite Games:Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward, Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare, Street Fighter X Tekken

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