Titans, Go!
One of the toughest challenges offered by Empires and Puzzles, Titan battles require a collective effort from Alliance members to beat these OP enemies in exchange for awesome loot. The higher rank the Titan is, the more difficult the battle will be - and players will need to use the right heroes to get the job done!
Here are our Top 10 Empires and Puzzles Best Heroes For Titans from Seasons 1 - 4.
10. Nordri

Metal-beard? Metal-beard!
Heroes with elemental defense down as a skill are a must to use in Titan battles - which makes Nordri a good hero to use for this purpose. And considering he’s a 3-star hero, that’s saying a lot!
Use him in a team of Ice Heroes who can take advantage of his Frosty Axes, and watch them take down Titans, especially Fire ones, with relative ease. -54% defense down is nothing to sneeze at, after all! You’ll have a higher chance of pulling him than, say, a 4 or 5-star hero during Valhalla summons too, so why not take advantage of him? You’ll definitely find him worthy of your ascension items!
What Makes Nordri Great For Titans:
- Gives the Titan a -54% defense against Ice for 4 turns
- Relatively easy to pull during Valhalla summons
9. Wu Kong
Gambling is baaaad tho.
One of the OG heroes, Wu Kong’s Special Skill is literally a hit or miss. His Gambler’s Stance allows all allies to get +185% attack for 5 turns, but with the caveat of them missing their mark 32% of the time - including when using their Special Skills. But don’t let that scare you off.
He’s usable in all types of Titans, making him a mainstay in battles with them. Plus, heroes will also have a 68% chance of not missing their target - and with that incredible attack up in place, that’ll make taking down Titans faster than usual. Lastly, he’s easily obtainable from Summon Portals, Training Camps, and Hero Academy - making him a good character to build up and utilize early on!
What Makes Wu Kong Great For Titans:
- Gives all heroes +185% attack and -32% accuracy for five turns
- Can be used in any Titan battle
- Relatively easy to obtain
8. Rigard Costume
What a Dapper Gentleman!
If gaining a higher attack at the expense of accuracy isn’t your thing, then may we interest you in using Rigard Costume, instead?
One of the best 4* heroes there is, Rigard Costume boosts his team’s attack by a whopping +48% for 3 turns while also allowing them to regenerate health and dispelling any status ailments they may be inflicted with. And considering Titans’ Special Skills often have status ailments as a bonus, it just makes him even more of a necessity in the face of whatever colored Titan you’ll be fighting. Now that’s what we call dependability!
What Makes Rigard Costume Great For Titans:
- Boosts attacks of all allies by 48% for 3 turns
- Allows all allies to regenerate health for 3 turns
- Dispels status ailments from allies
7. Almur
Those cheekbones tho!
Ah, Almur! A fast hero who does three things at once, Almur is really a great hero to use against Titans - particularly Ice ones.
His Shadow Sweep gives the Titan -54% defense against Nature for 4 turns, making him an ideal member to use in a team full of Green heroes who can take advantage of this elemental debuff. What’s more, he deals 150% damage and lowers its max HP by 75, too! His presence is definitely always welcomed when facing Titans!
What Makes Almur Great For Titans:
- Fast hero
- Gives the Titan a -54% defense against Nature for 4 turns
- Deals 150% damage to and lowers the Titan’s max HP by 75

The better to hear you with, my dear!
As always, defense down to enemies is a great skill to have for any hero in this game - which is why Morel is a fantastic character to use when fighting Titans, especially Fire ones!
That -34% defense is no joke, particularly if you decide to use another Ice hero who can also inflict an elemental defense down on top of this debuff, as well as attackers who can really take advantage of these negative effects on the Titan. Plus, that 180% damage is great too considering it’s delivered at fast mana speed! This definitely makes Morel one of the best pulls you can get from the Underwild Summons.
What Makes Morel Great For Titans:
- Deals -34% defense to the Titan
- Deals 180% damage to the Titan
- A fast hero

Oooh a magic trick!
Some Rare Titans employ a trick wherein their Special Skills can also make them reflect all the attacks used against them back to the heroes - which means you’ll need a dispeller to remove this buff without incurring any damage in return. Fortunately, that’s where Vivica Costume shines the most!
Not only does she dispel, but Vivica Costume also heals her team and gives the Titan a whopping -44% defense for 4 turns, enabling the attackers in your team to really lay the hurt on it. Don’t let her Slow mana speed scare you - she’s one great hero to use in any Titan fight!
What Makes Vivica Costume Great For Titans:
- Dispels buffs from the Titan
- Recovers substantial amount of health for all allies
- Gives the Titan -44% defense for 4 turns
4. Leonidas Costume
You’re gonna hear him yell!
Sometimes costumes really upgrade ordinary heroes to fantastic levels - which is clearly the case with our boy Leonidas.
With his costume on, Leonidas becomes a killing machine meant to destroy Dark Titans. His Spartan Charge does three things at once: deals 390% damage, gives -54% defense against Holy for 4 turns, and inflicts -34% attack for 4 turns. Put him in a lineup of awesome Holy Attackers and that Titan will say bye-bye in no time.
What Makes Leonidas Costume Great For Titans:
- Deals 390% damage to the Titan
- Gives the Titan -54% defense against Holy for 4 turns
- Gives the Titan -34% attack for 4 turns

Yes Ma’am Captain Ma’am!
Meanwhile, Marjana with Costume gives regular Marjana more versatility in that, with it on, she now becomes the go-to heroine when destroying Nature Titans!
Her Lava Blast is just meant to make them hurt, giving them 358% damage and -54% defense against Fire for 3 turns at Fast mana speed, too! Use her in a team of Fire heroes and make that Green Titan cry a river. But if you’re just craaazy enough to use Marjana against Ice Titans, despite her element being weaker to it? Take solace in the fact that her Special Skill blunts the enemy’s attack by 34%. Not a bad trade-off if you want to risk it, we think!
What Makes Marjana Costume Great For Titans:
- Deals 358% damage to Titans
- Gives the Titan -54% defense against Fire for 3 turns
- A fast hero
2. Phileas Fogg
En garde!
Phileas Fogg is like Almur but upgraded in every way. His Valiant Lunge gives the Titan -58% defense against Nature for 4 turns, making him ideal to spearhead the all-Green hero team who can exploit the heck out of this enemy debuff.
His Special Skill also dispels any buffs the Titan may have before dealing it a massive 420% damage. As a Fast hero, he can - and will! - use this attack often too. This makes him one of the most must-have and must-use heroes from the Underwild family, particularly when dealing with a tough Ice Titan!
What Makes Phileas Fogg Great For Titans:
- Gives Titans -58% defense against Nature for 4 turns
- Dispels buffs from the Titan
- Deals 420% damage to the Titan
1. Tarlak
Who’s his stylist tho?
Don’t let his placid looks fool you: Tarlak is a Titan-killing beast.
His Martial Prowess allows all his allies to get +100% normal attack for 4 turns. This also stacks up to +160% - which just means more bad news to the Titan you’re facing. Unlike Wu Kong’s Special Skill, there is no drawback to Tarlak’s - so just sit back and watch his team decimate the Titan with nary a care in the world.
Lastly, Tarlak doesn’t just boost attack, he heals too, as he allows his team to regenerate 324 HP over 4 turns. Pull him during Atlantis season, and there’s no Titan you can’t face with him on board!
What Makes Tarlak Great For Titans:
- Boosts all allies’ normal attack by 100% for 4 turns
- This stacks with similar status effects up to a maximum +160% normal attack
- Makes all allies regenerate 324 HP over 4 turns
And there you have it! Use these heroes wisely - and they’ll help you reap tons of glorious rewards from defeating Titans. Good luck!