Give these 3-Star Heroes a chance, and you won’t regret it!
For heroes called “Rare”, they sure are everywhere in this game; chances are you’ll be getting more of their kind if you do multi-pulls than, say, 4 or 5-star heroes. However, before you start cursing RNGesus for your bad luck, you might want to take a second look at your heroes - and see that they’re not as bad as their fewer-starred selves might make it appear.In this game, these 3-star Heroes are still worth investing in as they don’t require a lot of resources to maximize, and having them in your lineup will also enable you to join events, such as tournaments, specifically catered to their level. Mix them up with Epic and Legendary Heroes in your lineup and watch them prove their worth, too! Here are the Top 10 Empires and Puzzles Best 3 Star Heroes from Seasons 1 - 4.
10. Helo (Healer/Druid)
Look at this cutie!
Status ailments are a pain in this game, especially when you’re fighting a team that deals a lot of them. Fortunately, Helo can heal and cleanse your team at the same time - which, before his release, are usually the jobs of two separate Rare heroes in one lineup. Build him up defensively, and with his Healthiest Catch, you won’t have to worry about those annoying status ailments bogging your team down any time soon!
What Makes Helo Great:
- Recovers health
- Cleanses status ailments
9. Chochin (Mana Controller/Sorcerer)
Dare you venture into the Mouth of Chochin?
Use of Special Skills is essential in winning any battle - which means heroes who can manipulate their enemies’ mana are more than worth leveling up. This makes Chochin a brilliant hero, with his Unholy Light’s ability to slow down his target and their nearby enemies’ mana generation. That 215% damage to them isn’t bad, too! He’s also a Dark Hero - meaning he’s only weak to Holy Heroes, which he’s also strong against. Chochin’s cool - and we’re too afraid of him to say otherwise.
What Makes Chochin Great:- Slows down enemies’ mana generation for 3 turns
- Only weak to Holy heroes, which he’s also strong against

Biceps of fury!
One of the easiest heroes to acquire, Bane is still a great hero to use even after all this time. Being a Fast hero, he’ll be sure to keep attacking using his Harmonic Slam that deals 300% damage as well as -35% accuracy to an enemy for 4 turns - allowing them to miss hitting your team. Lastly, being a Holy hero he’s only weak to the element he’s also strong against - Dark! This makes Bane truly timeless, in our opinion.
What Makes Bane Great:- Easy to get
- Special Skill gives -35% accuracy to an enemy for 4 turns

Look at his cool beard!
Elemental defense down to enemies is a great skill to have, and in this game, it’s pretty rare for a 3-star hero to have that ability - which just makes this dude stand out even more. Use Nordri in a team of Ice Heroes who can take advantage of his Frosty Axes, and watch them take down Titans, especially Fire ones, with relative ease. You can also use him in battles, as once that elemental defense down is in place, Nordri can then lay the hurt on his enemies - and set them up for a world of hurt from other Ice allies, too.
What Makes Nordri Great:- Gives elemental defense down
- Great to use when fighting Titans, particularly Fire ones
6. Costume Hawkmoon (Buffer/Sorcerer)
Hear her roar!
Having costumes can really make a difference to any hero - just ask Hawkmoon. As opposed to her very vanilla counterpart who merely heals all allies without giving any other secondary effect, her costume’s Wind Gospel makes her a hundred times better. Now, not only does she allow her team members to regenerate health, she also gives them +30% attack for 3 turns, making her invaluable to add to any team!
What Makes Costume Hawkmoon Great:
- Allows all allies to regenerate health for 3 turns
- Gives +30% attack to all allies for 3 turns

Grevle, I choose you!
What’s better than having boosted attack? How about having boosted health as well? Amazingly, Grevle does both! Build him up defensively and with his Traveler’s Snack, he’ll make his team immortal, able to shrug off enemy attacks left and right so long as he uses his Special Skill. And with that additional +30% attack for 4 turns, he’ll make sure everyone on his team is at the top of their game at all times!
What Makes Grevle Great:- Boosts all allies’ health by 250
- Gives +30% attack to all allies for 4 turns
4. Bauchan (Mana Controller/Monk)
Watch out for those nails!
Since one skill on a hero is never enough, how about having three? Bauchan’s Goblin Fury attacks all enemies, reduces their mana by 20%, and gives all his allies +24% mana generation for 4 turns. He can manipulate everyone’s mana from the first time he uses this skill! Utilize him anywhere and his enemies might not even be able to unleash their Special Skills, while Bauchan’s team sets off theirs faster than ever!
What Makes Bauchan Great:
- Hits all enemies and reduces their mana by 20%
- Gives all allies +24% mana generation

Gunnar strong! Gunnar protect!
There’s few statuses more debilitating than a defense down - something that Costume Gunnar doles out freely to his enemies via Steel Link. And, with them sharing damage, any attack coupled with that tremendous -44% defense will surely deplete their health in no time! Lastly, his costume gives his regular counterpart permanent stat bonuses along health, defense, attack, and mana. Use either version of him and see just how solid he can be.
What Makes Costume Gunnar Great:- All enemies get shared received damage and -44% defense
- Permanent stat bonuses acquired from costume

Care for some honey?
Ah, minions. Love them or hate them, you’ve got to admit they’re very useful - and Kvasir, with his Bee Bravado, regularly summons them for all his allies! It’s not rare to see everyone in his team having three bees on their person, which, aside from acting as meat shields absorbing damage, will also poison their enemies and render them unable to summon minions of their own. As if that’s not enough, he’s a Holy hero too, with Dark being the only superior element to his - except he’s also strong against it. That just makes him one of the best 3-star heroes to get in the game!
What Makes Kvasir Great:
- Fast minion summoner
- Only weak to Dark heroes, which he is also strong against

Look at his tools, they're awesome!
We don’t know about you, but Revivers are extremely OP in our opinion; leave them alive long enough and you’re allowing them to revive every enemy you’ve already killed thus far. And Gramps? Oh, boy is he OP for a 3-star hero, considering every time he uses his skill, he has a 33% chance to revive any dead teammate!
Him having Slow mana might turn anyone off - except his Elder’s Remedy also counters that, allowing everyone in his lineup to regenerate a moderate amount of mana for 4 turns and making even the slowest ally ready to release their Special Skill quicker. For a Rare Hero to have those abilities though - that just proves he’s one of the best there is.
What Makes Gramps Great:
- Has a 33% chance to revive fallen allies
- Allows all allies to regenerate moderate amount of mana
Be sure to maximize these ten heroes if you pull them - they’re worth their weight in gems!