Great and Worth Your While!
So many heroes, so little time - and resources, too! Empires and Puzzles have a ton of fantastic characters players may try to summon for, and a lot of them are definitely worth your precious ascension items considering how good they are at what they do.
In this article, we’re listing down our favorites that we believe every player should include in their roster - if they’re lucky enough to have pulled them from their respective summon pools, of course! Here’s our Top 25 Best Heroes Every Player Should Use in Empires and Puzzles.
25. Peters
Gray and bony
At the beginning of our list is one of the most useful 4* around and can be deployed whether you’re fighting a Titan or in PvP!
Peters is a dedicated silencer at Fast Mana Speed, meaning once he’s unleashed his Buccaneers Blade on his target, they won’t be able to use their Special Skills even when their mana bar is full. This skill makes him a fantastic hero to use against Titans, most especially Ice ones, considering he can delay their Special Skills for 3 turns and lay the hurt on them with that 320% damage too! It’ll be hard to find a battle where this dude isn’t usable, to be honest!
What Makes Peters Great:
- Has Fast Mana Speed - can unleash his skill quicker
- Debuffer/Silencer - silences one enemy and deals 320% damage to them
- Versatile Hero - great to use against Titans, especially Ice Titans
24. Melendor Costume
Melendor the White
This old dude’s one of our favorites given all he does!
Melendor Costume’s Fog of the Perished is all about defense: it allows all his allies to regenerate 609 HP over 3 turns with +46% defense for 3 turns to boot. His main gift is in dispelling though - so he’s very badly needed against heroes who use counterattack as their specialty, considering his dispel won’t incur any damage to himself!
What Makes Melendor Costume Great:
- Buffer - allows all allies to regenerate 609 HP and gives all allies +46% defense for 3 turns
- Dispeller - dispels buffs from all enemies
- Good to use against counterattackers - his dispel won’t cause damage to himself
23. Rigard Costume
Very dapper-y!
This man cleans up very nicely - and we mean that in every sense of the word!
Rigard Costume provides fantastic support by way of regenerating the health of all allies amounting to 609 HP over 3 turns, dispelling their status ailments, and buffing them with +48% attack for 3 turns to boot. A hero who heals, cleanses, and boosts attack? No wonder he's one of the more desirable costumed heroes to get in the game!
What Makes Rigard Costume Great:
- Buffer - makes all allies regenerate 609 HP and gives them +48% attack for 3 turns
- Cleanser - dispels status ailments from all allies
22. Sergei
Magic is Power!
Man, these magicians are just lovely and powerful - and Sergei has a special place in our heart!
His Midnight Moon makes him either an elemental defense down giver or an attack booster - depending on your preference and patience while he charges up his mana. At 1x charge, all enemies get -54% defense against Dark for 3 turns - making him ideal to use against Titans, particularly Holy ones. But at 2x charge, he gives all his allies +100% normal attack for 5 turns, which can stack up to +160% if the boards really, really favor you that day! There’s really no downside to using this boy!
What Makes Sergei Great:
- His Special Skill has different effects depending on the mana charge:
- Debuffer - at 1x, he gives all enemies -54% defense against Dark for 3 turns
- Attack booster - at 2x, he gives all allies +100% normal attack for 5 turns, which can stack up to +160% normal attack
21. Mist
Angel deployed!
One of the very best 4* you can get from Valhalla Summons, Mist can give her enemies trouble - especially during wars!
Her Valkyrie Charge deals 175% damage to the target and nearby enemies, but that’s not all. A debuffer in every sense of the word, her skill makes enemies: 1) immune to new buffs for 3 turns, 2) have -34% defense against Special Skills for 3 turns, and 3) have -64% mana generation for 3 turns. All of that at Fast mana speed, too! The enemy better have a cleanser in their midst or else it’s game over for them in a heartbeat!
What Makes Mist Great:
- Multi-target attacker - deals 175% damage to the target and nearby enemies
- Debuffer - makes the target and nearby enemies immune to new buffs for 3 turns, have -34% defense against Special Skills for 3 turns, and have -64% mana generation for 3 turns
- Fast Mana Speed - can unleash her skill quicker
20. Wilbur
Fish for all!
This smiling dude has every cause to show off his pearly whites - and we adore him for it!
Wilbur’s Wonderful Feast is a buff feast for his team while also being a debuff nightmare for his enemies. Once he unleashes his skill, both parties will share damage with their allies as a result, but while Wilbur’s team gets to be protected by having +63% defense, his enemies will have to suffer -44% defense in return, all for 4 turns. With the skill in effect, Wilbur’s team will be way harder to kill, while his enemies will definitely be easier to dispose of. Who doesn’t want that?
What Makes Wilbur Great:
- Share Damage - both allies and enemies share damage with their teams for 4 turns
- Buffer - gives all allies +63% defense for 4 turns
- Debuffer - gives all enemies -44% defense for 4 turns
19. Proteus
Be very afraid
Hands down, Proteus makes even the most difficult Epic Quests a bit more bearable - and easier to finish!
As a mana controller, his Scar of the Depths actually stops his target and their nearby allies from gaining mana for 3 turns, halting their chance to use their Special Skills altogether. As if that’s not suffering enough, he also gives his enemies 342 Poison damage over 3 turns too, which is his way of punishing them even more - all the way from the bottom of the sea!
What Makes Proteus Great:
- Multi-target attacker - targets three heroes at once
- Status ailment giver - stops enemies from gaining mana and poisons them for over 3 turns
18. Francine Costume
Party’s at her place!
We’re partial to heroes who do their skills automatically - and Francine Costume’s one of those!
Despite its scary name, her Electric Stab actually makes her a cleanser. Aside from dealing 225% damage to her target and nearby enemies, it also cleanses any status ailments from all her allies at the end of each turn for 3 turns - and it can’t be dispelled! Moreover, she’s perfect to deploy against a team of Ice heroes - or even Titan ones! - considering her skill also gives them -54% defense against Nature for 3 turns! All these, at Fast Mana Speed!
What Makes Francine Costume Great:
- Multi-target attacker - deals 225% damage to the target and nearby enemies
- Cleanser - cleanses status ailments from her allies at the end of each turn for 3 turns
- Debuffer - gives all Ice enemies -54% defense down against Nature for 3 turns
- Has Fast Mana Speed - can unleash her skill quicker
17. Morel
Hearing victory from all sides!
More, more, more Morel!
Truly, they’re one of the best pulls players can get from the Underwild Summons considering Morel’s deployable practically in every situation. Their Deathly Glaive deals 180% damage to all enemies and makes them suffer -34% defense for 3 turns, which is just so easy to exploit by Morel’s attacker allies - and they should, if they’re aiming for victory. Go, Morel!
What Makes Morel Great:
- Fast Mana Speed - unleashes their skill quicker
- Multi-target attacker - deals 180% damage to all enemies
- Debuffer - gives -34% defense to all enemies for 3 turns
16. Kadilen Costume
Long and flowy, her locks are!
Dodgers are definitely among the most annoying heroes to fight - so use that to your advantage by deploying her!
Kadilen Costume is truly a step-up from her regular version. At Fast Mana Speed, it deals 170% damage to all enemies and gives her allies a +45% chance to dodge Special Skills for 3 turns, with each dodge summoning a thorn minion. This makes even the deadliest attack harmless since Kadilen’s team will just dance their way out of harm’s way anyway!
What Makes Kadilen Costume Great:
- Fast Mana Speed - unleashes her skill quicker
- Multi-target attacker - deals 170% damage to all enemies
- Buffer - gives all allies +45% chance to dodge Special Skills, which can summon a Thorn minion
15. Toxicandra
Every rose has its toxins
Toxicandra’s definitely a villain - but acts like a hero!
Her Accelerated Growth makes her one of the best and fastest healers in the game. It recovers 30% health for all allies, makes them regenerate a moderate amount of mana over 3 turns, and cleanses status ailments from all allies. All the good stuff done by a bad person? Yeah, we’re confused too!
What Makes Toxicandra Great:
- Fast Mana Speed - can unleash her skill quicker
- Healer and cleanser - heals all allies for 30% health, cleanses status ailments, and makes all allies regenerate a moderate amount of mana over 3 turns
14. Diaochan
Pretty lovely and deadly
A hero who steals buffs for a living? That’s Diaochan for you!
Her aptly named Lady’s Charm makes her a healer. At Fast Mana Speed, she recovers 35% health for all her allies while also summoning a Lackey Minion for her and her nearby allies. What makes these minions special is that each hit from it steals a random dispellable buff from their enemies, only to give it to their owner! That’s just criminal, isn’t it? Criminally good!
What Makes Diaochan Great:
- Fast Mana Speed - can unleash skill quicker
- Healer and minion summoner - heals allies 35% health while also giving herself and nearby allies minions
- Deploys a special type of minions - each minion hit steals a random dispellable buff and gives it to their owner
13. Faline
Kicks rarely don’t hurt, so don’t be surprised if Faline’s is ouch-worthy!
Her Chakram Kick, at Fast Mana Speed, deals 250% damage to the target and nearby enemies. But that’s not all, as of those three that were hit, the one with the highest base mana speed among them also gets punished -44% mana generation for 3 turns. If RNG’s on your side, you’ll definitely be seeing this lovely lady kick everyone in sight left and right!
What Makes Faline Great:
- Fast Mana Speed - can unleash skill quicker
- Multi-target attacker - deals 250% damage to the target and nearby enemies
- Debuffer - hit target with the highest base mana speed gets -44% mana generation for 3 turns
12. Prof Lidenbrock
Round glasses for longevity!
Overhealing is never a bad thing - just ask this distinguished professor!
At the onset, her Glorious Grace cleanses status ailments and boosts the health of all her allies by 200. And there’s more: they also regenerate 600 boosted health over 4 turns, which resets if the target gets status ailments! The enemies will surely need to have a ton of offensive power on their side just so they can counter all of that healing!
What Makes Prof. Lidenbrock Great:
- Cleanser - cleanses status ailments from all allies
- Health booster - boosts health of all allies by 200, and allies regenerate 600 boosted health over 4 turns, which resets if the target receives status ailments
11. Mother North Costume
Hot and Sticky!
Revivers? Definitely the first in our list to be taken down, whenever encountering one in the wild - and this includes this kindly-looking woman!
Mother North Costume’s Hyper Porridge makes her a reviver, minion summoner, and HP regenerator all in one. She makes it so that each ally has a 55% chance to get revived with 15% HP, they all get an elf minion, and regenerate 612 HP over 4 turns, too. All the stuff she does makes everyday feel like Christmas morning to her allies - and turns them to undefeatable heroes, too!
What Makes Mother North Costume Great:
- Reviver - gives all fallen allies a 55% chance to get revived with 15% HP
- Minion summoner - summons elf minion for each ally
- Healer - makes all allies regenerate 612 HP over 4 turns.
10. Mr. Pengi
A handsome penguin!
If there’s anyone who likes making enemies pay just because his allies own minions? It’s this guy. Bird. Creature?
Mr. Pengi’s Herring Blaster initially deals 450% damage to a single target, but this morphs into a multi-target attack if his team owns minions, as he then deals additional 130% damage to as many random enemies as there are minions owned by his allies - though the damage is reduced on each consecutive hit. As if this isn’t enough, all hit targets get 120 frost damage over 3 turns too! And, as if to make sure the second effect of his attack gets activated? Mr. Pengi summons an elf minion for himself and nearby allies. And this all happens at Fast Mana Speed, too! What a guy, bird, creature Mr. Pengi is!
What Makes Mr. Pengi Great:
- Can be a multi-target attacker - if his team owns minions
- Minion summoner - summons minions for himself and nearby allies
- Fast Mana Speed - can unleash his skill quicker
9. Garnet
Ki-lling you softly
Ninjas in this game can do anything they put their Ki into - and boosting health? Is Garnet’s specialty!
As with all ninjas, the effectiveness of Garnet’s Awaken Ki and ability to boost health depends on how long her mana has been charging - and sometimes, the player’s willingness to wait. At 100% mana, she boosts the health of all allies by 180 and makes them immune to new status ailments for 2 turns. At 200% mana, the health boost becomes 400, and their immunity to ailments goes up to 3 turns. At 300% mana, this goes up to a whopping 720 - and their immunity extends up to 4 turns! We do love our health boosters, and Garnet is definitely way up on our list!
What Makes Garnet Great:
- Dedicated healer - depending on her mana charge, she can:
- Boost health from 180 up to 720
- Make all allies immune to status ailments from 2 to 4 turns
8. Frigg
Bow to royalty!
Frigg is frigging fantastic, and there’s no question about it.
With her Brittling Force, she can deal 100% damage to all enemies - which may increase up to 244% depending on how many Nature shields are on the board. She also gives them a debuff of anywhere from -8% to -44% defense depending again on the number of Nature shields currently in play. And at Fast Mana Speed? She’ll just be royally attacking everyone in plain sight, making her a royal pain for her enemies!
What Makes Frigg Great:
- Multi-target attacker - deals 100% to 244% damage to all enemies, depending on the number of Nature shields on the board
- Debuffer - gives enemies -8% to -44% defense depending on the number of Nature shields on the board
- Fast Mana Speed - can unleash her skill quicker
7. Milena
Witchy witch witch!
Healer or killer? You decide!
Her Restoration and Annihilation promises nothing but life to her allies or death to her foes. At 1x Mana Charge, she’s both a healer and cleanser - recovering 25% health for all allies and cleansing their status ailments. But at 2x Mana Charge? Milena shows her bad side as she now deals 420% damage to all enemies as well as dispels buffs from all of them. What a magical being Milena is!
What Makes Milena Great:
- Depending on her Mana Charge, Milena can be a:
- Healer and cleanser - recovers 25% health and cleanses status ailments from all allies at 1x Mana Charge, or
- Multi-target attacker and dispeller - deals 420% damage to all enemies and dispels their buffs at 2x Mana Charge
6. Ruby
Green means go!
Did you know ninjas can be mana controllers too? And Ruby just so happens to be the mistress of control!
Ruby’s ability to paint the town red depends on how long she’s been saving up her mana - and it’s named Crimson Calamity for a reason. At 1x mana charge, she only attacks one target for 290% damage, reduces their mana by 25%, and gives them -14% mana generation for 2 turns. At 2x, she attacks the target and nearby enemies for 330% damage, reduces their mana by 50%, and gives them -24% mana generation for 3 turns. At 3x mana charge though? She deftly deals 370% damage to all enemies, reduces their mana by 100%, and gives them -34% mana generation for 4 turns. Calamity alert!
What Makes Ruby Great:
- Depending on her mana charge, she:
- Is a single to multi-target attacker - attacks one to all enemies
- Controls enemy mana - reduces mana from 25% to 100% and gives -14% to -34% mana generation, which can last from 2 to 4 turns
5. Elizabeth
Serving up fiends in style
Fiends? Must be Elizabeth, who bestows them upon her enemies on top of the 175% damage via her Widow’s Kiss. Each fiend damages the enemy with 43% attack every turn, absorbs healing for up to 28% of the target’s max health, and will only disappear once they get that amount. Because that’s not awful enough, all fiend-afflicted heroes suffer -24% mana generation too! Truly Elizabeth makes awful look good!
What Makes Elizabeth Great:
- Multi-target attacker - deals 175% damage to all enemies
- Fiend summoner - summons fiends that absorb healing and give -24% mana generation to all her enemies
4. Octros
Like Frigg up there, Octros’ Special Skill depends on how many shields of his element are on the board. The Hallowed Blade deals 180% damage to all enemies at the minimum - but if you have a ton of Fire shields at play, then that damage can easily go up to 340%. Ooooh burn!
And, because there’s always a secondary effect to these things, all enemies get their attacks blunted by 24% too. Lastly, Octros is also from the Fighter Class - or heroes who may occasionally revive themselves with 1 HP after a fatal attack. Another Underwild Hero we all should use if we have him!
What Makes Octros Great:
- Multi-target attacker - deals damage to all enemies depending on the number of Fire shields on the board
- Debuffer - gives all enemies -24% attack
- From the Fighter Class - may revive himself with 1 HP after a fatal attack
3. Master Lepus Costume
By the power of fluff!
One bunny kill all? That’s Master Lepus for you!
His Rift Blade is amazing as it simply deals 280% damage to all enemies at Fast Mana Speed. Of course, the drawback comes in the form of gaining -24% mana generation for 4 turns, which can’t be cleansed - meaning he won’t be as fast after the first slash. Honestly though, the slower mana can’t be felt at all especially if there are a ton of Ice shields at play - so you better hope there is when deploying this hero!
What Makes Master Lepus Costume Great:
- Multi-target attacker - hits all enemies for 280% damage
- Has Fast Mana Speed - can unleash his skill quicker (unless the -24% mana generation is in effect)
2. Xnolphod
You want a great healer? Oh you’ll have that in Xnolphod, and so much more!
His Ancient Enchantment recovers 32% health for all allies, enhances the Dark shields on the board (which can give attacking heroes +37% more mana), and increases the mana of all allies by 20%, too! This means the more Xnolphod heals them, the quicker his team can unleash their Special Skills - which, if he’s surrounded by attackers, means a death sentence to the enemy. Yay team!
What Makes Xnolphod Great:
- Healer - recovers 32% health for all allies
- Mana enhancer and giver - enhances the Dark shields on the board and increases the mana of all allies
1. El Naddaha
Harping your pain with her fingers
You wouldn’t think she’s powerful since she looks so peaceful - but boy can El Naddaha bring forth pain for her foes!
Her Luring Song, at Fast Mana Speed, makes her deal 305% damage to the target and minor damage to nearby enemies. However, its real menace is in its ability to make the three of them immune to new status effect buffs for 3 turns - and punishes each attempt by making them receive 200 damage for it. Oof! Don’t even try it, is what she said!
Her Passive Skill also gives her a 50% chance to deal 70% damage to all enemies and/or dispel the latest dispellable buff from enemies when she casts her Special Skill. Dunes heroes, guys. They’re incredible - and this woman is proof of that!
What Makes El Naddaha Great:
- Has Fast Mana Speed - can unleash skill quicker
- Multi-target attacker - deals 305% damage to the target and minor damage to nearby enemies and makes them immune to new status effect buffs for 3 turns while making them receive 200 damage for each attempt
- Awesome passive skills - has a 50% chance to deal 70% damage to all enemies and/or dispel the latest dispellable buff from enemies when she casts her Special Skill.
And that’s our list of the Empires and Puzzles Every Player Should Use! Thank RNGgesus if you have these guys - you’re definitely the luckiest (or wealthiest!) of them all.