Think, tank!
One of the most crucial roles in any lineup, Tanks are those heroes you deliberately put in the center to soak up most of the damage, allowing others to freely take down the enemies. More than just behemoths in terms of defense and health points, however, most tanks in Empires and Puzzles also have other skills, making killing them - and the team they’re protecting - far from being a walk in the park.Here are the Top 10 Empires and Puzzles Best Tanks, particularly from Seasons 1-4 - meaning you have more opportunities to pull them every month if you’re lucky!
10. Justice
Worth her name in gold.
Justice has all the markings of a classic Tank: high defense and high HP, as well as being a Paladin who has a chance to acquire increased defenses after taking damage. However, her offensive ability, Right of Judgment, is nothing to sneeze at: up to 285% damage to all enemies and -40% accuracy for 4 turns! That makes all the inflicted enemies miss their targets often, which would help ensure Justice’s team’s longevity.
As a Holy hero, Justice is only weak to Dark heroes, except she’s strong against them, too. Lastly, Justice is one of the Legendary Heroes available via Summons Portal or through Hero Academy, making pulling her relatively easy. She might be one of the “old” models, but she can still shine amidst the newer ones!What Makes Justice a Great Tank:
- Deals up to 285% damage and -40% accuracy to all enemies
- Only weak to Dark Heroes, which she is also strong against
- Relatively one of the easiest 5*s to acquire

Here, kitty!
For a tank, Azlar’s defense might be a bit on the lower side. However, he’s also a character you want to get hit repeatedly, as it enables him to unleash his Volcanic Eruption a whole lot sooner! His Special Skill hurts with its 205% damage to all enemies as well as its 360 damage over a lengthy 6 turns. Run him in Rush Attack Tournaments and Wars, and he’ll make sure his enemies can’t ever recover from their massive burns.
Like Justice, Azlar is also relatively easy to get through Summons Portal or Hero Academy as compared to the other heroes in this list. Max him soon as you can, and you’ll be the one purring afterward.
What Makes Azlar a Great Tank:
- Deals damage to and burns all enemies
- Great to use during Rush Attack Tournaments and Wars
- Relatively one of the easiest 5*s to acquire

Wish we could be part of her world.
Using Healers as Tanks is definitely something players in this game can opt to do, as activating their Special Skill basically undoes all the damage the enemies have given them - and then some. Why not use one of the best healers there is for that purpose? Ariel’s Divine Protection does everything you want a healer to do: not only does she recover 40% health, but she also gives everyone +24% mana generation, too!
Lastly, Ariel cleanses nasty status ailments from all allies, which often comes with other heroes’ Special Skills. She’ll save you from swimming with the fishes, that’s for sure.What Makes Ariel a Great Tank:
- Can recover 40% health
- Gives all allies +24% mana generation for 4 turns
- Cleanses status ailments from all allies
7. Ursena
She isn't playing around!
We all know what the antagonistic relationship between Dark and Holy heroes in this game is - and Ursena ups that war by several notches. Her Depth Blast, while hitting all enemies, is especially devastating to use against a Holy hero as it deals extra damage against them. However, if they’re not a Holy hero but have more than 50% health, the 130% damage is doubled to 260%!
Ursena’s skill also protects her team by making them reflect all status effects to the attacker with an added 115% damage. Use her against a team with a Holy hero, and they’ll be praying for mercy in no time.
What Makes Ursena a Great Tank:
- Special Skill hits all enemies and can inflict higher damage depending on their health
- Makes her team reflect all status effects to the attacker with an added 115% damage
- Fantastic to use against Holy heroes
6. Costume Kadilen
The better to hear the enemy approach!
A Fast Heroine who can hit all enemies? Sign us up, please! Except that’s not all Costume Kadilen offers. Her specialty lies in her Crescent Shield giving the team a+45% chance to dodge Special Skills for 3 turns. Dodging means they won’t get affected by whatever effects are in that attack too, and gives them a Thorn Minion for each successful dodge as well!
In addition, her costume gives her regular counterpart increased stats (health, defense, attack, and mana). Whether you use that one or Kadilen’s flashier self is up to you - you won’t regret utilizing either one.
What Makes Costume Kadilen a Great Tank:- Fast heroine that deals damage to all enemies
- Gives all allies +45% chance to dodge Special Skills
- Permanent stat bonuses acquired from costume

Age is just a number, you know.
Not all Tanks are built just to protect their team; some can also give as much damage as they receive. Just ask Costume Richard, whose Cloud Axe can deal a whopping 435% damage to the target and minor damage to nearby enemies. This is a death sentence to more fragile heroes, especially Fire ones!
In addition, his Special Skill gives them a -34% attack for 4 turns, taking their ability to hurt Richard’s team down several pegs. As a bonus, his costume gives his regular counterpart permanently increased stats along health, defense, attack, and mana - making this Ice hero way cooler than he has any right to be.
What Makes Costume Richard a Great Tank:
- Deals substantial damage (435%) to the target
- Gives target and nearby enemies -34% attack for 4 turns
- Permanent stat bonuses acquired from costume
4. Bera
Tiny but mighty!
Minion summoners are a pain in this game and few are more annoying than those who can summon them without mercy - like this little lady over here. And she’s a Fast heroine to boot! Bera’s Moth Minions are quite sturdy as they inherit 20% HP and 20% attack from her. Beef her up defensively and you’ll be sure her minions will be quite hard to get rid of, making killing her an almost impossible feat!
What’s more, each hit from the moths inflicts Poison over 3 turns as well as renders enemies unable to summon minions - making pitting her against other summoners a walk in the park, should she unleash her Special Skill first. Lastly, she’s a Dark Hero; she’s only weak to the element she’s also strong against. That makes her pretty deadly in our opinion!
- Fast minion summoner
- Minions inflict poison and won’t allow enemies to summon minions
- Only weak to the element she’s strong against

I'll get you, my pretty!
As if Bera isn’t annoying enough, here comes another Fast Minion summoner with different skills from hers. Freya’s Raven Minions initially get 20% health and 20% attack when first summoned - but get more of them, and they’ll be given a +120% attack boost. It’s like having beefed up tiny attackers in the field all under Freya’s command!
Ravens’ Vigil also grants +30% defense to all allies for 4 turns. Use Freya as a Tank and this defense buff will often be present and protecting Freya’s team - unless you dispel it and take her down hard and fast. Good luck using Holy heroes though, as she’s strong against them! Seriously, good luck going against her in general - you’ll need it.
What Makes Freya a Great Tank:
- Fast Summoner whose Raven Minions can acquire +120% attack boost
- Special Skill gives all allies +30% defense for 4 turns
- Only weak to the element she’s strong against
2. Prof. Lidenbrock
Off to the adventure of our lives!
For all the things Prof. Lidenbrock can do as a Healing Tank, we sure are glad she’s a Slow Hero! Encountering a team with her as a Tank can be a very annoying experience, considering her Glorious Grace can cleanse status ailments and boost the health of all her allies by 200. But wait, there’s more: they also regenerate 600 boosted health over 4 turns, which resets if the target gets status ailments! It’s insane just how much healing she can do!
Lastly, as a Holy hero she’s only weak to Dark ones - although considering she can basically make herself and her team immortal, it’ll take a lot of effort from the enemies’ side to take her down. That’s Prof. Lidenbrock for you!
What Makes Prof. Lidenbrock a Great Tank:
- Cleanses status ailments from all allies
- Can boost health up to 800 for possibly more than 4 turns, if it resets
- Only weak to Dark heroes, which she’s strong against
1. Heimdall
You horned?
Now Heimdall is a hero you’d definitely want protecting your team at all times. As a healing tank, he’s a beast - his Boon of Gjallarhorn boosts the health of all allies by 500 and gives them that sweet, sweet +30% attack for 4 turns, making them live longer and have stronger attacks to take down enemies quicker.
Of course, that’s not all as Heimdall is also a reviver; leave him alive long enough and he can revive every ally the enemies have already killed - assuming they can get past his mighty defenses, of course! All hail the mighty Heimdall!
What Makes Heimdall a Great Tank:
- Boosts all allies’ health by 500
- Gives all allies +30% attack for 4 turns
- Gives all fallen allies a 20% chance to get revived.
Those are the Top 10 Best Tanks in Empires and Puzzles! Pay hard (or pray harder!) and you might just pull them next time they’re available. Good luck!