![[Top 10] Empires and Puzzles Best Heroes To Limit Break [Top 10] Empires and Puzzles Best Heroes To Limit Break](/sites/default/files/styles/responsive_image_600xauto/public/2022-04/title_pic_0.jpg.webp?itok=RVLMcRPQ)
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With Empires and Puzzles filled with so many phenomenal heroes, and the resources needed to limit-break them a bit in short supply, which of those in your roster are worth investing in for the long haul, you ask?
Well, here we have another list of heroes worth your precious aethers to make them even more formidable in whatever type of battle you choose to use them in! These are our Top 10 Best Heroes to Limit Break in Empires and Puzzles.
10. Wu Kong
Ready to rumble!
A classic 4*, Wu Kong is worth your aethers considering his usability during any Titan fight.
His Gambler’s Stance gives all his allies +185% attack with -32% accuracy for 5 turns, and they can also miss when using their Special Skills against the enemy. However! The chance to not miss their target is still bigger, so bringing him in a Titan battle is a risk worth taking, particularly as he’s only weak to the element he’s also strong against. As one of the OG heroes, he’s easily obtainable too. Limit breaking him to make his stats go up - especially if you don’t have any of the other highly-specialized heroes on your roster yet - is a must!
What Makes Wu Kong Great For Limit Break:
- Gives all heroes +185% attack and -32% accuracy for five turns, which also applies to their Special Skills
- Can be used in any Titan battle
- Easily obtainable
9. Gravemaker Costume
Burn, burn, burn!
Gravemaker Costume is definitely built to burn his enemies to smithereens - so leveling him to 85 is a must!
At Very Fast Mana Speed, his ‘Ashes to Ashes’ deals 135% damage to the target and nearby enemies - as well as give them 298 burn damage over 2 turns. Not only that, but Nature enemies will suffer extra damage from him, too! It won’t matter too much if the enemy has a cleanser/healer at their side, considering Gravemaker will just reapply the ailment faster than they can cure it. Now that’s a burning troll if we ever see one!
What Makes Gravemaker Costume Great For Limit Break:
- Has Very Fast Mana Speed
- Gives the target and nearby enemies 135% damage
- Gives the target and nearby enemies 298 burn damage over 2 turns
8. Ranvir
Holy moly!
One of the best heroes to use against any Titan, Ranvir is a Hero of the Month from 2019 but is currently summonable from the Tavern of Legends portal.
Ranvir is definitely a leveled-up Wu Kong in every way, so using aethers to take him to level 85 is a no-brainer. They both give all their allies +195% attack and -35% accuracy for 5 turns. However! Ranvir’s is set at Fast Mana Speed and comes with an added 265% damage to the target, too - as well as the caveat that it only applies when the enemy has more health than the attacker. Considering how high a Titan’s HP is, however, it will almost always be applicable!
He’s most effective when fighting a Dark Titan, and if he’s with a team of Holy heroes when destroying one? They will get to enjoy the +46% defense against Dark for 4 turns that his skill grants them, too. He’ll definitely help you score big in Titan fights!
What Makes Ranvir Great For Limit Break:
- One of the best heroes to use against any Titan, particularly Dark Titans
- Gives all allies +195% attack and -35% accuracy for 5 turns that only applies when the enemy has more health than the attacker
- Gives all Holy Heroes in his lineup +46% defense against Dark for 4 turns
7. Lianna Costume
Looking cute in the name of the moon!
Lianna is one of the best Nature attackers in this game. Her costume, however, makes her a great mana controller, too!
At Fast Mana Speed, her Pure Shot deals 482% damage and gives the target -34% mana generation for 3 turns. Unless cleansed, this effectively slows down her enemy’s ability to gather mana to unleash their Special Skill - which is a pain, particularly if she targeted a healer/cleanser in the first place!
With this skill set, bringing her to level 85 shouldn’t even be questioned. Since hers is a costume, however, players would need to limit break her OG version first, and then use more aethers to limit break her costume too. Is it costly? Yes. Is it worth it? Hell, yes!
What Makes Lianna Costume Great For Limit Break:
- One of the best Nature attackers in the game
- Deals 482% to the target
- Gives the target -34% mana generation for 3 turns
6. Xnolphod
Tentacles! Tentacles!
A hero summonable during Underwild season, Xnolphod may not look like it, but he’s a healer - and a great one at that!
His Ancient Enchantment recovers 32% health for all allies, enhances the Dark shields on the board (which can give attacking heroes +37% more mana), and increases the mana of all allies by 20%, too! This means the more Xnolphod heals them, the quicker his team can unleash their Special Skills - which can be devastating to their enemies. Healers will always have a place in any lineup, so bringing Xnolphod to level 85 for the increased stats should be done pronto!
What Makes Xnolphod Great For Limit Break:
- Recovers 32% health for all allies
- Enhances the Dark shields on the board
- Increases the mana of all allies by 20%
5. Killhare
And she knows how to swing that sword, too!
A seasonal heroine makes her debut on our list - and Killhare definitely lives up to her name, too!
Her Reckless Swing deals 300% damage to all enemies but at a cost, as it also gives all her allies, save the caster, -20% defense for 3 turns - which can’t be dispelled. It may sound risky on paper but considering the amount of damage she can inflict, especially if she’s brought up to level 85? It’ll be more than worth it, provided her allies can bear that burden for a while! Fair warning that there’s a limited window to getting her during the Springvale event, but it may be worth your while to pursue this hare!
What Makes Killhare Great For Limit Break:
- Deals 300% damage to all her enemies
- Bringing her up to level 85 will increase her stats, making her more powerful
4. Finley
‘Tis just a crack in the face!
Another seasonal hero, Finley can be summoned whenever the Challenge Event Pirates of Corellia is up and running.
His Commodore’s Revenge, at Fast Mana Speed, makes him a phenomenal hero to go after heroes with buffs. It deals 385% damage to the target and, if that target has buffs, the Special Skill will attack another with buffs. If all the enemies have buffs? Then they all can be hit once! What’s more, all hit targets will get -34% defense for 3 turns too! His increased stats by virtue of being level 85 will make certain that 385% damage will hurt the enemy even more - and that his allies can take advantage of that sweet defense down, too!
What Makes Finley Great For Limit Break:
- Has Fast Mana Speed
- Deals 385% damage to the target. If that target has buffs, he’ll hit another enemy with buffs. Each enemy can only be hit once.
- Gives all hit targets -34% defense
3. Morel
Look, over there! Victory!
Heroes who can damage all enemies? Check. Heroes who can give all enemies defense down? Check. A hero who can do both at Fast Mana Speed? Check, mate, win!
Morel is one of the best pulls you can get from the Underwild Summons, as their Deathly Glaive deals 180% damage to all enemies and makes them suffer -34% defense for 3 turns, too. This debuff is amazing to exploit, especially if Morel’s accompanied by a team of attackers who can then clobber the enemy even harder! This makes Morel a great choice to deploy in battles - whether in Titan battles, 5* Tournaments, and Wars. Bring them up to level 85 and watch them wreak havoc every time!
What Makes Morel Great For Limit Break:
- Has Fast Mana Speed
- Deals 180% damage and gives -34% defense to all enemies
- Usable in different types of battles
2. Frigg
Royal is as royal does!
A must-have hero from Valhalla, Frigg will only be more fantastic once you’ve limit-broken her!
With her Brittling Force, she can deal 100% damage to all enemies - which may increase up to 244% depending on how many Nature shields are on the board. She can also give them a debuff of anywhere from -8% to -44% defense depending, again, on the number of Nature shields currently in play. And at Fast Mana Speed? She can easily wipe out the enemies in battles provided that the board favors her! Bring her up to level 85 and she’ll even be more reliable than ever before!
What Makes Frigg Great For Limit Break:
- Deals 100% to 244% damage to all enemies, depending on the number of Nature shields on the board
- Gives enemies -8% to -44% defense depending on the number of Nature shields on the board
- Has Fast Mana Speed
1. Black Knight
Reliable as ever!
A phenomenal tank, Black Knight can be summoned whenever the Challenge Event Knights of Avalon is up.
His Special Skill ‘Just a Flesh Wound’ gives him a 50% chance to drop any received damage to 1 for 3 turns. Moreover, it allows him to direct all the enemies’ Special Skill towards himself for 3 turns, considering his Taunt prevents them from targeting his allies. Lastly, all his allies gain +45% attack and a further 20% increase every time they are hit during 3 turns! Bringing him up to level 85 will definitely up his stats, making getting rid of him a chore for the enemy. Long Live the Black Knight!
What Makes Black Knight Great For Limit Break:
- Has 50% chance to drop any received damage to 1 for 3 turns
- Taunts the enemies into using their Special Skills on him instead of his allies for 3 turns
- Gives all allies +45% attack and a further +20% increase every time they are hit for 3 turns
And there we have it! Limit break these heroes and you’ll definitely have a phenomenal roster, ready to trample anyone in your way!