Divine Protection, Activated!
Newer seasons in Empires and Puzzles are understandably harder than the last. Some stages - particularly those labeled ‘Hard’ - may even require fully ascended and emblemed heroes to take the enemies head on. However, sometimes relying on raw power alone can’t be enough to secure a victory - and isn’t that just the most annoying thing?
Fortunately for the newly-released Season V, help comes in the form of amulets. These are items with unique powers that can greatly aid players as they tackle every province - provided they are unlocked by finishing the required stages to do so, of course! Here’s our ranking of the Top 5 Best Amulets in Empires and Puzzles.
5. Tjet (Best for Mana Regeneration)
Free mana, woot!
We’re never ones to turn away free mana - they are, after all, what allows your heroes to fire off their Special Skills in the first place. So what happens when RNG sucks and you can’t get enough correctly-colored tiles to fill up your heroes’ mana gauges? If you’ve chosen to equip Tjet, then this amulet will readily come to your rescue!
Tjet gives 5% mana to your heroes every 3 turns, which admittedly may not seem a lot. But hey, if your healers badly need to heal your team, or if your attacker is one step away from finishing the big boss? That 5% mana will surely come in handy. And it’ll come every 3 turns, too, so at least something in the game is constantly on your side and ready to help. That’s definitely a plus in our book!
What Tjet Excels In:
- Mana regeneration - gives heroes 5% mana every 3 turns
Tjet details: link
4. Ankh (Best for Teams without Healers)
Boosted health is a go!
If using aggression is 100% your style and you choose to deploy an all-attacker team to take on each stage in Season V? Then the amulet Ankh is going to help guarantee your team’s going to live through each battle. This one’s all about giving 10% boosted health to a hero every time they cast a Special Skill, so the more times their mana gauge fills up and they have a go at the enemy, the more frequently they are healed via boosted health. Just imagine if you use heroes with Very Fast Mana Skills? Their health may just remain boosted the entire time, if you’re lucky!
Ankh is also one of the earliest amulets you unlock via completing Enter Kemyth, or Season V’s Province 1, so it’s possible this one will become a mainstay in the (currently) three slots allotted to players - especially if you like your heroes alive and well at the end of each fight!
What Ankh Excels In:
- Healing - if used, Ankh makes a hero gain 10% boosted health every time they cast a Special Skill
Ankh details: link
3. Udjat Eye (Best for Weakening Enemies)
Eye see dead enemies!
Debuffs are lovely - especially if you hand them out to your enemies like they’re candy during Halloween. Fortunately, equipping the Udjat Eye is definitely akin to permanently debuffing the enemy considering its effects activate alongside your hero’s Special Skill!
The Udjat Eye weakens all enemies by stacks of -5% attack and -5% mana generation each time you cast a Special Skill, so this is great to use on formidable bosses and their lackeys to dull their blades, so to speak - allowing you to cruise to the next stage with the tiniest bit of ease. Onward, soldier!
What Udjat Eye Excels In:
- Debuffing all enemies - weakens the attack of all enemies and gives them -5% mana generation each time you cast a Special Skill
Udjat Eye details: link
2. Shen (Best for Dealing with Enemies who give status ailments)
Shen I help you with that?
The newest amulet to be released turns out to be one of the most helpful in this list - especially if you’re dealing with nasty status-ailment causing enemies in Season V. And apparently, there are a lot of them out there!
Shen’s power lies in protecting your heroes from status ailments and reflecting them back to the enemy whenever possible, which is always better than just merely cleansing them alone - provided the enemies aren’t immune to the effects in the first place. With Shen equipped, players may also opt to forego bringing antidotes in favor of more offensive items, which will definitely help whittle enemy HP. And with how hard Season V is? Any and every help to secure victory is surely welcomed!
What Shen Excels In:
- Protecting heroes from status ailments - while also reflecting them back to the enemy whenever possible
Shen details: link
1. Was Scepter (Best for Damage Dealing)
Making enemies a thing of the past
Obviously, no amount of healing or cleansing can take the place of outright damage dealing when it comes to disposing enemies; a good offense is the best defense, after all. Which is why the Was Scepter is currently the most-equipped amulet by players, and rightfully so considering what it gives!
The Was Scepter increases the damage that enemies receive from your Special Skills by a whopping +80% - definitely a significant increase at any rate that makes all your attackers all the more effective in what they do. What’s even more amazing is that this amulet, like the Ankh, is one of the earliest amulets to be unlocked via clearing Province 1 of Season V - meaning its benefits can be enjoyed far earlier and far longer than the other amulets in the list. It’s definitely our favorite amulet - by far!
What Was Scepter Excels In:
- Buffing Special Skills - increases damage enemies receive from Special Skills by +80%.
Was Scepter details: link
And that’s our ranking of the Top 5 Best Amulets in Empires and Puzzles! If future amulets are as good as these ones? Then we say: well dune, game!