The Power of Dark Compels you!
When it comes to a variety of abilities, heroes under the Dark element are not ones to be left behind. So many phenomenal heroes in the game are Purple-colored - and some don’t even need to be 5* heroes to shine spectacularly on the battlefield! Here are our choices for the Top 10 Empires and Puzzles Best Purple Heroes that are Powerful.
10. Treevil
Woe be Nature!
Honestly, no list of Purple heroes will be complete without this natural menace - who’s powerful enough to even take on Legendary heroes during Rush Attack battles, and possibly win over them!
Treevil’s Archaic Dread spells trouble for all foes he faces: it deals 250% damage to all enemies and gives them a ton of debuffs like -54% attack, -56% defense, and -44% mana generation for 6 turns. Treevil’s mana speed is Very Slow, however, reminding us all that he’s “merely” a Rare hero - but with Rush Attacks being a regular thing in both Tournaments and Wars? He can definitely find a place in your lineup by then!
What Makes Treevil Great:
- Deals 250% damage to all enemies
- Gives all enemies -54% attack and -56% defense for 6 turns
- Gives all enemies -44% mana generation for 6 turns
9. Bjorn
Most Rare heroes are uncomplicated when it comes to their Special Skills and Bjorn? Definitely has one thing in mind with his.
His Dual Slash, once activated, deals 200% damage to the target. But its secondary effect is even better considering it deals 350% damage to a random enemy, and if that target’s a Holy hero? Bjorn ends up dealing even more damage to them! His one-two hit wonder really makes him a great hero to deploy during 3* Tournaments!
What Makes Bjorn Great:
- Deals 200% damage to a target
- Deals 350% damage to a random enemy
- Deals extra damage to Holy targets
8. Sergei
One of those nice bois
We love our magicians as much as we love our ninjas, and Sergei definitely deserves a soft spot in anyone’s heart especially as he can power up his fellow Dark heroes!
His Midnight Moon makes him an elemental defense down debuff-giver as, at 1x charge, all enemies get -54% defense against Dark for 3 turns - making him ideal to use against Titans, particularly Holy ones. But at 2x charge? He then gives all his allies +100% normal attack for 5 turns, which can stack up to +160% if the boards really, really favor you that day! And considering both effects can be at play in the field? Sergei can just be the key to your victory!
What Makes Sergei Great:
- His Special Skill has different effects depending on the mana charge:
- At 1x, he gives all enemies -54% defense against Dark for 3 turns
- At 2x, he gives all allies +100% normal attack for 5 turns, which can stack up to +160% normal attack
7. Marie-Thérèse
A cutie snakey!
We honestly can’t think of any other hero who has a (live?) snake on their person, but more importantly, Marie-Thérèse also has an ability that revives her allies… but in a slightly different form, of course.
Her Zombie Blessing is a hodge-podge of abilities rolled into one Special Skill. It deals 168% damage to all enemies, but it does more for her allies! First, they get to regenerate 612 HP over 4 turns. Second, they get +30% defense for 4 turns. Lastly - and most interestingly! - they receive the eponymous Zombie Blessing, which means if the enemies kill any of them in the next 4 turns? They get turned into a freaking zombie with 100% health, 500 attack, and 500 defense! Is it a blessing or a curse? You decide!
What Makes Marie-Thérèse Great:
- Deals 168% damage to all enemies
- Makes all allies regenerate 612 HP and get +30% defense for 4 turns
- Gives all allies Zombie Blessing which turns them into a zombie if they die in the next 4 turns
6. Xnolphod
Is that an octopus on his chin?
Xnolphod may not look like a healer, but he is - and so much more than that!
His Ancient Enchantment recovers 32% health for all allies, enhances the Dark shields on the board (which can give attacking heroes +37% more mana), and increases the mana of all allies by 20%, too! This means the more Xnolphod uses his skill, the quicker his allies can unleash their Special Skills. And if he’s surrounded by attackers, as he very well should be? Ho boy! Game over can’t come soon enough for the other guys!
What Makes Xnolphod Great:
- Recovers 32% health for all allies
- Enhances the Dark shields on the board
- Increases the mana of all allies by 20%
5. Dr. Moreau
What a distinguished gent!
Just when you think Holy heroes have got dibs on the blinding debuff, here comes Dr. Moreau with a hearty ‘nope, they don’t!’
His Blinding Wisdom, at Fast Mana Speed, deals 270% damage to the target and nearby enemies, sure. But they also get a secondary effect to the tune of -35% accuracy for 3 turns, and we all know this can make them miss hitting the good doctor’s allies - even if they’re unleashing their Special Skills! What’s more, if the original target is healed? Then the effect duration gets reset. Which would suck even more - just as Dr. Moreau probably intended!
What Makes Dr. Moreau Great:
- Deals 270% damage to the target and nearby enemies
- Has Fast Mana Speed
- Hit enemies get -35% accuracy for 3 turns, the duration of which gets reset when the target is healed
4. Arfanias
The Braid of Doom
Arfanias is literally a hit and miss: he hits his target, and then they miss hitting him back!
His Dagger of Shadows, at Fast Mana Speed, deals 360% to the target - and the more mana they have, the higher the damage gets. Up to 550% even! And then Arfanias gets possibly the highest dodging rate in the game considering he gains +75% chance to dodge Special Skills that deal damage for 3 turns! Lastly, he gives all his Dark allies an undispellable +10% defense for 4 turns, which can’t be dispelled. A master at dodging this guy really is!
What Makes Arfanias Great:
- Has Fast Mana Speed
- Deals 360% - 550% damage to one target, depending on their mana
- Gets +75% chance to dodge Special Skills dealing damage for 3 turns
- Gives all Dark allies an undispellable +10% defense
3. Dark Lord
The Book of Shadows
Man, the game’s OG enemy though. The Dark Lord deserves his name in more ways than one!
His Doomstrike is aptly named considering it does 550% damage to the target. What’s more, if they have buffs on their person then? Their duration gets shortened by 1 turn. Further, the target and their nearby enemies receive Corrosive Poison for 4 turns, which not only damages them but also lowers the target’s mana generation by 9% each turn. At Fast Mana Speed? It won’t be long until the Dark Lord’s spelling everyone’s doom!
What Makes Dark Lord Great:
- Deals 550% damage to the target
- Reduces the target and their nearby enemies’ buffs by 1 turn
- Gives target and nearby enemies Corrosive Poison for 4 turns
- Lowers the target’s mana generation by -9% each turn
2. Jabberwock Costume
A mythical creature!
Jabberwock Costume walks the fine line between cute and terrifying, and honestly? It’s what makes him special.
His Avenger of Mothkind, at Fast Mana Speed, deals 300% damage to the enemies on the edge of the enemy formation, and if there’s only one enemy left? Damage is easily doubled to 600%. And if that isn’t enough, the enemies also get Corrosive Poison damage for 3 turns and lowers mana generation by -12% each turn. Worst of all, these effects can’t be cleansed! We love a very vengeful insect - especially if they’re as capable as Jabberwock Costume!
What Makes Jabberwock Costume Great:
- Has Fast Mana Speed
- Deals 300% damage to the enemies on the edges of enemy formation, which doubles if there’s only one enemy left
- Enemies on the edge gets corrosive poison damage for 3 turns which lowers mana generation by -12% each turn.
1. Hel
Oh what the Hel!
Man, the amped up 5* version of Proteus is fantastic - and very worth being called a Legendary Hero!
Hel’s Crush of Hel deals 315% damage to the target and minor damage to nearby enemies, but the worst effect might be that they can’t gain mana for 3 turns. And that ability? Makes Hel invaluable, not just in PvP but also while progressing through the game’s story mode as well as undertaking several quests! Hel deals more damage to Holy enemies too, and lastly? She gives all her Dark allies an undispellable +15% defense for 6 turns. She’s awesome, she’s fantastic, she’s Hel-a good too!
What Makes Hel Great:
- Deals 315% damage to the target and minor damage to nearby enemies
- Makes targets unable to gain mana for 3 turns
- Deals extra damage against Holy
- Gives all Dark allies an undispellable +15% defense for 6 turns
And that’s our pick for the Top 10 Best Purple Heroes that Are Powerful! They’ll always find a spot in your lineup considering how good they are, and honestly? More power to you if you deploy them mono-style!