Platform: Android and IOS
This game is a zombie escape game that has a story mode offered. The mission to see how far you can run through zombies before you are killed.
The farther you go the more items and stuff you unlock. Like, any android or ios game it does take a while to build up gold, items and things for new weapons.
You can purchase the weapons or more gold, or you can watch ads to open more boxes.
Storms: Zombie and lightning. What more could you want. A faster gun well you have one.
Construction: Don’t mind all the zombies what is that big piece of equipment and will it kill you?
#12. Zombie gunship survivalPlatform: Android and IOS
This game has you killing zombies from a military helicopter. Most of the time you are in the air aiming your gun on zombies and shooting them.
Zombies on here are very hard to kill and the number of zombies can eventually overwhelming. Your weapons have a cooldown period in which time your party could be killed as you watch from above helpless to do anything to save them.
Death from above: This is one picture you see from above as you can watch the zombies walk right into sight and attack.
Evac: I would say the evac is late as it looks like there is no one left alive. Did you have to cool down the weapon?
#11. No More Room in HellPlatform: PC
This first-person shooter, zombie survival game shows you what happens when hell gets overloaded with people and they come back as the walking dead.
If you love George Romero’s zombie movies this game takes its inspiration from his undead series.
Weapons and ammo are rare in this game and you have to work as a team with other survivors if you plan to stay alive. One bite can ruin your game completely. After being bitten you can tell your team and have them end it for you or stay in the shadows and hope there is a cure to be found.
Night-time: Fire, cop cars, automatic weapons, zombies, and the darkness of the streets. How do you survive alone, have good aim, or be stealthy?
Exploding heads: What can you say about this, on hit explodes zombie’s head. That is a powerful gun or a weak zombie?
#10. Codename CUREPlatform: Microsoft Windows, Linux, macOS
Codename is a zombie FPS survival horror game. Your main task is “curing” infected areas of the post-apocalyptic world and planting explosives before leaving the area asap.
In survival mode, it is wave upon wave of zombies in a no-win situation where you only have time to restock between waves.
You can play this both online and offline with or without computer controlled teammates. You can also pick your class out of five specific classes: Pointman, Support, Sniper, Technician, and Assault.
Desolation: Cleared area or just hidden threats? Careful when treading out to seemingly empty places.
Teamwork: Key to survival teamwork. Stick together and maybe survive or go alone and perish.
#9. Dead mazePlatform: Microsoft Windows, Linux, macOS
Dead Maze is a massively multiplayer 2D game. Cooperation is needed in order to rebuild the community especially your own camp as well as uncover the dark side of the apocalypse.
You must scavenge for resources to craft life-saving items as much as possible.
There are over 500 potential weapons available to use, even a teddy bear to fight a horde off. You have to manage thirst, hungry, and fatigue as well.
Cartoonish: zombie horde fight together with other online players to survive. Though it does look like you are in a cartoon.
Co-op: Cooperation is required, MMO survival game.
#8. Zombie Panic! SourcePlatform: Windows and Linux
This is a first-person shooter Half-life 2 mod. It is a standalone zombie horror survival game. There are three different mode settings, survival, hardcore, and objective.
You can barricade yourself in a fortress, meet zombies head on and if they both fail panic. Your life depends on it. You can play as a human or as a zombie each has unlockable upgrades to use.
Dark hallway: Well this situation looks dire. You are in a dark hallway with blood splatter on the floor. Do you keep going or do you panic and run away?
Explosion: zombies in the same building looking for food, Guess who is on the menu. You have weapons, and you can hide. What caused the explosion?
#7. SAS: zombie assault 4Platforms: Android, iOS, PC
You have three unique classes to pick from as this is set more of a space-aged zombie horror game.
Humankind is on the brink of extinction because of this virus and you are one of the select few who can stop it. You have a customizable skill tree and weapon options. 4 player co-op availability, with over 160 things of loot and RPG style of upgrades.
There are 17 zombie types each evolves and when you think you won a zombie boss comes calling.
Collection: You have collections you can gather and it seems to have some very nice weapons and multi of each type.
Top view: If you do not like the top view camera angle not sure if you can change it. Zombie hunter becomes the hunted with the zombie boss closing in.
#6. Zombidle: RemonsteredPlatforms: Windows
In this game, you are the leader of the zombie and evil minions. You have them do your bidding as you sit back and watch. Do evil deeds in a land called goodlandia. Many skills are available for the ultimate sins.
A lot of towns to plunder and pillage and many good people to annoy and bug to your satisfaction.
Comic: More comic book style though funny. You take over the world as an evil villain, let loose your inner demon.
Hell building: Well that is a new one. Who would have thought you could shape and rebuild hell.
#5. The Walking Dead: season onePlatforms: Android, IOS, Kindle Fire, Windows, Mac, Linux, Ouya, PlayStation 3,4, vita, Xbox 360/ONE, and Nintendo Switch
This game has a story to it and is the first out of 5 walking dead games. Each season goes off the prior season and as this is the first it shapes the rest of the games based on your decisions.
This game starts out as Lee meets Clementine as she is left alone during the zombie outbreak. Your main goal is to get farther down Georgia state and see if there is a place of a refugee.
Along the way you fight zombies, meet other characters and build a pact. You can play as Clementine or as Lee for most of the first season.
Shooting lesson: Lee teaches Clementine how to shoot a gun. She may be young but she is a fighter.
Zombie guts: Lee covers Clementine in zombie's guts to get her out of the horde safely. If they walk like zombies and smell like zombies they are safe.
#4. Plants vs. Zombies 2Platforms: Android and IOS
Well, you grow plants to kill zombies. Plants vs. Zombies 2 is a single player game with multiple levels and achievements. Your mission is to complete each level without the zombies eating your brains.
Crazy Dave returns to tell you how to upgrade your plants as well. You have many different plants to choose from and is an overall fun game.
Mission: This shows another section of the game where you have another world or island to complete.
Wild West: This is the wild west board. You have a zombie that will release chickens which are annoying.
#3. Zombie defensePlatforms: Android, iOS, Microsoft Windows, Windows Phone, Linux, Wii U, Macintosh operating systems, SteamOS
This zombie game is an RTS and Tower defense game with 49 available missions. 22 different types of recruits, 5 difficulty settings, and 8 basic enemies with 2 mutant enemies.
Your objective is to build a defense that can withstand the Zombie attacks and survive. You can replay every mission you have completed to earn more money to buy permanent upgrades.
Defending area: This circle is the area you must defend against the zombie waves.
Rock: Use the landscape to your advantage and place soldiers and technology strategically for better survivability.
#2. SurvariumPlatform: Windows
Survarium is a survival FPS game that offers multiple playthrough options. Some include solo or squad killing, and all the basic shooting survival features.
There are many strange places around and death is always lurking around every corner or step. In turn, search for valuable artifacts that make you stronger and other artifacts that can give you a passive or active bonus.
You get experience to level up from battle, the skills available to level up are physical abilities, shooting skills, and protect from all the anomalies to name a few.
People or zombies: You must survive you have desperate people out there trying to kill you as well as zombies and animals.
Mist: Strange things happen in the mist, but you have a double barrel shotgun to play with. Does that increase your survival chances?
#1. UnturnedPlatforms: Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, Macintosh operating systems
The challenge to stay alive and unbitten in Unturned, the environment is even against you aside from zombies.
To survive you need to forage wild vegetables and fruit and take shelter from the winter blizzards. Look around for items and food, as well as hunting animals for hides to stay warm or meat, be warned in some areas you become the prey.
Also available is planting crops and ensuring it gets rain. Multiple vehicle options and player interactions available.
Marina: Going fishing or just having a way out in case you get overrun by zombies?
Blockcopter: Green helo that looks more blockish and unflyable. Yet it flies and well by the looks of it.