What Are The Best Games Like Cyberpunk 2077?
When Polish studio CD Projekt Red released demo footage for their next game, Cyberpunk 2077, it took the internet by storm. The potential of a rich RPG and immersive sim set in a cyberpunk America left many gamers chomping at the bit for more, but all signs point towards a sizeable wait until release. So excited gamers might be looking for some other titles out there that can give you the feeling of Cyberpunk while you wait.
10. E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy
E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy gameplay
E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy is, in the best way possible, a strange game. Players will transcend into a Cyberpunk world crossed with fantasy elements, using guns, swords, and psychic powers as a member of a secret society, E.Y.E. stop a deadly coup, and wage war against a powerful federation. Fight it alone or alongside friends through this rigorously complex, but still satisfying immersive sim shooter.
Enter a world of gothic cyber horror in E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy.
You’ll need more than guns to defeat the creatures of the dark in Divine Cybermancy.
9. Syndicate 2012
Syndicate (2012) gameplay
The 2012 reboot of Syndicate may not have set the world on fire, but it did provide a thrilling shooter experience in a cyberpunk setting. Syndicate takes you into a world of sci-fi espionage action, where mega corporations hire syndicates of hacker-mercenaries to do their bidding. Whereas the original Syndicate game provided an isometric, tactical feel to combat, the 2012 installation in the series adopted a more modern, twitchy first-person shooter gameplay. Combine that with a refreshingly ostentatious aesthetic, neon lights and techno music, Syndicate remains a fun, quick dip into the world of cyberpunk.
Syndicate keeps your heart racing with a fast-paced soundtrack and tight action.
Play through Syndicate alone or with three of your friends.
8. Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Deus Ex: Human Revolution gameplay
One of my favorites out there, Deus Ex: Human Revolution arrived as a spiritual successor to one of the most monumental immersive RPGs out there, Deus Ex. As Adam Jenson, a private detective brutally injured and reborn with augmented capabilities, you explore the seedy underbelly of a world wrestling with the future of mankind and uncover a deadly conspiracy. The game excels in giving its players’ choice in their actions; you’ll play it through again and again, either as an unseen ghost, or action hero.
Explore Shanghai, Detroit, and more as you uncover a global conspiracy in Human Revolution.
Face down your enemies with a variety of futuristic weapons, including augmentations.
7. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided gameplay
The sequel to Human Revolution, Mankind Divided continues the story of Adam Jenson where it left off, dealing with the impacts of the previous story. Deus Ex lets you customize the cybernetic augmentations of Jenson in the way you play best; focus on weapon augmentations if you’re itching for a gunfight, or stealth modifications like cloaking if you’d prefer a sneakier approach. If you were captivated by Human Revolution, Mankind Divided is worth revisiting.
Operate covertly in a city under siege, or go in hot in Mankind Divided.
Mankind Divided refines an already sleek aesthetic in every way.
6. Metro Exodus
Metro Exodus gameplay
Metro Exodus is the next installation into a fascinating ride into a world of terror and survival. The long-awaited sequel to 4A Games’ Metro 2033 and Metro: Last Light, which were set in the Moscow underground after a devastating nuclear war, Exodus looks to take you out of Moscow and into dangerous new territory, and hopefully more frenetic stealth survival gameplay. Metro’s post-apocalyptic Soviet aesthetic is a great change of pace compared to other titles on the market, so Exodus, which releases early 2019, should be an amazing experience to try.
As one of the Metro’s highly trained rangers, you are sent on an exploration mission into the wilds.
4A Games’ unique blend of stealth and survival seems to be intact in the upcoming Exodus.
5. Prey
Prey gameplay
Made by the developers of the Dishonored series, Arkane Studios, Prey takes their expertise in stealth-action RPGs into space! Trapped in a space station overrun by terrible aliens, players must use a variety of weapons, stealth, and special alien abilities to escape. Prey was well received for introducing not only an interesting sci-fi world and a thrilling story experience but for also rewarding player creativity. Prey hearkens back to a golden age of immersive sim games, with Cyberpunk as a successor to the genre.
Explore a station in peril from alien infestation in Arkane Studios’ Prey.
Sometimes you may have to use more than traditional weaponry to stop your enemies.
4. Hard Reset
Hard Reset gameplay
While many games on this list prioritize restraint over action, Hard Reset goes all-in. A fast-paced, hardcore shooter, Hard Reset takes place in a cyberpunk dystopia where humanity is all but wiped out by machines. Use weapons like chain guns and cyber katanas to mow down hordes of cyborg zombies in this frenetic and destructive shooter, which pays homage to “old school” games like Quake and Serious Sam.
Hard Reset revels in its violent cyberpunk setting and throws hordes of enemies your way.
Your guns might be big, but some enemies will be even bigger.
Bioshock Remastered gameplay
One of the most iconic RPG shooters of the last generation, Bioshock Remastered shows us that the first journey into the heart of sea is still worth taking. Using an array of traditional weapons and various mutative powers called plasmids, players will explore a devastated underwater utopia, Rapture, for what it really is, a ruin filled with doomed souls. While some areas of the game have aged better than others, the improved graphics and haunting story of this remaster help buoy a modern classic.
Bioshock Remastered promises your return, or first journey, to Rapture will be a pleasant one.
Fight iconic enemies like the Big Daddies with guns or supernatural abilities.
2. Borderlands
Borderlands gameplay
Fast-paced, loot driven, and comedic, Borderlands probably isn’t what you would expect as a fan of Cyberpunk. Borderlands’ has a charming combination of absurdist humor in its writing and a captivating search for more and better guns, intertwined with exciting RPG elements. All of that in addition to a fully-fledged four-player co-op campaign makes for quite an entertaining package.
You’ll come for the Mad Max charm and fun shooting gameplay, and stay for all the guns.
In Borderlands, you can build all aspects of your character and loadout how you want it.
1. Secret World Legends
Secret World Legends gameplay
Secret World Legends is a third person action RPG where players explore a modern world besieged by supernatural forces. Fans of co-op adventures and cryptid monsters and creatures will come for the Lovecraftian styled story experience and stay for investigations and quests that will bring you to London, Seoul, Transylvania, and more. Currently free-to-play on steam, Secret World Legends may be just the fix you’re looking for on a dark night.
Your investigations in Secret World Legends will take you across the world.
Secret World Legends asks, “If Cthulu existed, could you shoot him?”
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