Are you looking for a furry here? Awesome, because I'm introducing you to the best one.
The precious and lethal Violet Raven is as beautiful as deadly. Xayah is a Vastayan who rebelled against the people in her tribe who made treaties with humans that were encroaching on Ionia's lands. She found her husband Rakan in one of her missions to save Ionia from human hands, thenceforth they fight together for freedom. Xayah has one of the most entertaining stories in the LoL universe. If you haven't read her biography and story yet, you shouldn't waste any more time. Go on and take a look at it, surely you don't expect her to be such a relentless and fierce character. The truth is Xayah's place is among the best ADCs in-game, with Rakan as support it's one of the strongest duos in the bot lane.
If you're looking forward to playing with her you'll probably find a struggle on choosing a skin since all of them are stunning. Let me make it easier for you with this rank list of every Xayah skins:
8. Sweetheart Xayah
Skin spotlight:
A Valentine's related skin released on the 12th of February 2018.
To be honest I had high expectations for this skin and it was certainly disappointing. Although it's a very decent skin, it's not as beautiful as it looks on the splash art. Colors don't match with the game design and her clothes design are also different. The white stockings which look wonderful on the splash art aren’t the same in-game. If you're playing with Rakan it is a far better experience but without him, you don’t even notice you’re using a skin. The recall has nothing interesting to add to the skin unless you're with Rakan. But even with him it's not as good as it could be for a valentine themed skin.
Besides all mentioned, it's still a good skin. Her auto attack feels nice and smooth but that happens with all Xayah skins. The sound and visual effects have romantic details that you may like if you like pink-romantic themes. The colors of her feathers are surely beautiful.
How to get Sweetheart Xayah: as a legacy skin you're only able to get it on special dates, probably around Valentine's day. It will cost you 1350 RP.
7. SSG Xayah
Skin spotlight:
This one was released on the 20th of July 2018 as a celebration of SSG's victory in the World Championship. The player Ruler chose Xayah and CoreJJ chose Rakan.
Personally, I love the color palette on this skin, cold colors around blue and purple degradé with white details. Her wing and feathers have a nice glowing effect when using her abilities. It's a very simple skin, there's nothing outstanding apart from the colors and the recall with Ruler signature.
If you like to collect skins this one is worth having for the nostalgia. Unlike Sweetheart, SSG skin looks far better than the splash art.
How to get SSG Xayah: as a legacy skin it's only available during Worlds and MSI. The cost is 1350 RP.
Her eyebrow is on fleek.
6. Brave Phoenix
Skin spotlight:
Released on the 2nd of September 2021, is not a very appreciated skin among the community. It's her very first solo skin as the rest of them are in duo with Rakan. It's a fact that is very colorful, everything about this skin is startling.
The color palette is vivid which can be a little annoying along with the sharp sound effects on the basic attack. The concept suits Xayah and it's the only one that's on the warm side of the color palette.
The good thing about it is that it brings nine chromas for you to choose from if you dislike the original design. Visual effects are stunning for all her abilities and the recall is one of my favorites.
The splash art puts her in the center of the spot and looks absolutely gorgeous. Although it is a little bit sad that you can't match skins with Rakan, this one is actually very beautiful and yes, it is totally worth it.
How to get Brave Phoenix: it's available in the game store for 1350 RP.
A close appreciation.
5. Arcana Xayah
Skin spotlight:
Released on the 14th of April 2022 it was a little disappointing for Xayah players. If you're playing with Rakan it's a totally amazing experience, not so without him. It looks similar to the base skin, somehow it feels like an improvement from the original skin. There's nothing really surprising other than the recall animation and the effect on the feathers. The reddish-golden palette is a great choice but it doesn't stand out considering the price. A big complaint about this skin is that it doesn't have a joint recall with Rakan, this would have made a big difference. I think the best part of this skin is the splash art and the gameplay with Rakan. Other than that, I wouldn't spend that much having far better skins for the same price.
How to get Arcana Xayah: it's available in the game store for 1350 RP.
Arcanas' splash arts are magnificent!
4. Cosmic Dusk
Skin spotlight:
Her first skin released along with the champion on the 18th of April 2017. As her oldest skin is not bad at all. The concept might be a little cliché but no complaints about it, it suits the romanticism of Xayah and Rakan resembling the moon and the sun. Auto attack in this skin is visually very satisfying, it leaves a constellation behind it. The blue tone they used for the design of her wing is perfect, it looks delicate and powerful at the same time. The only problem I found is that the sound effect for the basic attack is still sharp and it can be annoying when playing with earphones. Her solo recall animation is magnificent. With Rakan it's the same as the base skin.
This skin doesn't have so many details, it's kinda flat and to be a Cosmic-themed skin you'll probably wish it had much more details. Maybe you'll be left unsatisfied but I personally love it! Gameplay is highly comfortable with this one.
How to get Cosmic Dusk Xayah: it's available in the game store for 1350 RP.
The moon and the sun almost touching each other.
3. Brave Phoenix Prestige Edition
Skin spotlight:
An amazing Prestige Edition; very well designed with a lovely color choice. For a Prestige skin, it feels nice not to have the usual white and gold colors and to see a real change from the original one. It is by far better than the base skin. In this one, her wing looks like a peacock design which, together with the outfit, makes her look graceful. I love how her paws look in this skin, it's so satisfying to look at. The dress she wears is second on the list of her most stunning outfits. Her R ability gives you that wow feeling together with the recall. The problem is that they failed to give Rakan a Prestige skin too. They don't have a matching prestige edition skin which is pretty unfair. It does take away a little value but if you don't really mind about it, this is a lovely skin without any doubt.
How to get Brave Phoenix Prestige: you'll have to wait for it to come up in mythic store. It’ll probably cost around 150/130 mythic essence.
2. Elderwood Xayah
Skin spotlight:
It was released on the 10th of December 2020. This skin is just perfect, everything about it has a mystic charming aura that makes it impossible not to love it. You should definitely consider buying it. The concept, the color palette, the glowing effect on her wing and feathers when using her abilities. The R design, the recall, the joint recall with Rakan, the splash art. Everything it's perfect. The only small detail I dislike is her paws/bird feet, it doesn't actually look like bird feet, it looks like she has some weird shoes, but it's not relevant in the gameplay.
This outstanding skin has 8 beautiful chromas in case it wasn't enough with the base chroma. An absolutely exquisite skin that you can't miss.
How to get Elderwood Xayah: it's available in the game store for 1350 RP.
A very soft splash art don't you think?
1. Star Guardian Xayah
Skin spotlight:
Her last skin released to date; it's available since the 12th of September 2019. Oh my God this skin. You can clearly see when they put a lot of effort into the designing process. There are so many details in this one it's impossible not to like it. It's like having a completely new Xayah. Everything is new, even the dancing with Rakan which doesn't change in any of the other skins, in this one does. The recall is amazing, if you look at it carefully you'll see the Star Guardian Xayah before getting corrupted, as well after throwing her R. In her purified form you can see she's wearing Rakans gem, which is a very cute detail. If you want to invest in a skin for her that's really worth it, just buy this one, trust me you'll never regret it. You won't get tired of this skin, even the dancing music in her animation is catchy.
I won't add more information other than it has 3 chromas. Experiencing and discovering this skin on your own is otherworldly, and I don't wish to spoil that for you.
How to get Star Guardian Xayah: it's available in the game store for 1820 RP.
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