![[Top 5] Marvel Snap Best Discard Decks In The Game Marvel, Marvel Snap, Best Cards, Card Game](/sites/default/files/styles/responsive_image_600xauto/public/2023-04/discard.jpg.webp?itok=SwLbCkt0)
The Discard archetype of decks in Marvel Snap exists since you start playing the game. As you move through the pools and acquire more and more interesting cards, the decks you can make become way more interesting and way more competitive.
Keep in mind that Discard decks, while fun, can be pretty unpredictable, since discarding an important combo piece might result in you instantly being unable to win the game. I still really recommend Discard if you enjoy the risky play style, since it’s a good way for you to practice your snap discipline, while also being really fun to play.

Discard decks have 2 big cards that you can build a deck around. Apocalypse and Hela usually don’t mix in decks together, because they support two vastly different playstyles. Apocalypse is usually used in combination with Dracula to get you a lot of power for only 4 energy, while Hela is used in decks that discard powerful cards and then ‘revive’ them at the end of the game and overpower your opponent.
We’re also going to take a look at some other fun decks that don’t focus around those two cards, but instead build up really powerful Ongoing cards like Morbius and the Collector, as well as a deck that I really hope becomes a meta strategy soon - decks that revolve around using Stature in combination with cards like Black Bolt and Moon Knight that discard your opponent’s cards instead of yours.
5.Discard Lockjaw

This deck has taken a hit and has become less viable now after Lockjaw’s nerf, since you can no longer pile up all of your free Swarms on Lockjaw’s location on the last turn. It’s still a really fun deck to play, you just have to pilot it a little differently to get the most out of Lockjaw.
The goal with this deck is to set up your board with Morbius, the Collector and Lockjaw and then slowly build up their power. After you’ve played Lockjaw, you have a few options for what you should play on that location. Lady Sif, will usually discard either Apocalypse or Helicarrier which is a nice way to generate more value, while also pulling out another, hopefully strong card from your deck. Colleen Wing is also a good option for the same reason as Lady Sif, except with her you want to discard Swarm, to get two copies of him that cost 0. After that you can calmly play 1 Swarm on Lockjaw’s location each turn to proc his effect, while also being able to play more cards on other locations and spread out some of your power that way.
What This Deck Excels At:
- This deck combines the Discard archetype with Lockjaw’s effect to shuffle cards, it lets you discard cards from your hand when that’s beneficial for you, and then swap out those discard cards with more powerful cards from your deck
- MODOK is the main man of this deck, since if you play him on the 5th turn, he will clean out your hand and leave just the cards that you want in there, going into the 6th turn, like Swarm and Apocalypse
- America Chavez passively makes it so that you have better chances to pull out your important combo pieces early, and she also makes sure that you have something to play on turn 6 after MODOK discards your hand
- Apocalypse and Helicarrier are your big cards that you both want to pull out from the deck with Lockjaw’s effect and you don’t mind discarding either of them, since they have beneficial effects when they’re discarded
- Colleen Wing has a lot of synergy with Swarm, you just have to make sure that she doesn’t discard something else, like the Collector or Blade, so play those cards before playing Colleen
Card List:
- Blade
- Morbius
- The Collector
- Swarm
- Colleen Wing
- Lockjaw
- Lady Sif
- Hell Cow
- Apocalypse
- America Chavez
- Helicarrier
4.Stature Control

This is a fun, experimental deck featuring a few pool 4 cards and Stature, so if you’re a high CL, or if you were lucky enough to have gotten Stature from a Collector’s Reserve and want to use her, this is the perfect deck for that. Marvel Snap becomes more fun as new cards are released and Stature is a card that was recently released and has found her place only in this experimental deck that uses Black Bolt to discard an opponent’s card from their hand and thus make Stature a really valuable play on the next turn.
Because relying only on Black Bolt and Moon Knight to discard your opponent’s cards and make Stature a 1-cost is way too unreliable to be the only strategy you rely on, this deck combined that little combo with Darkhawk and cards that are good at supporting him. Rock Slide and Korg are there to make him more powerful, and Goose and Zabu are great at limiting what your opponent can do, while still giving you the freedom to freely play all of your cards. Shang-Chi and Killmonger are good at countering some decks that rely on playing powerful cards or if they’re swarming the board with 1-cost cards like some Thanos decks.
What This Deck Excels At:
- Blackbolt and Moon Knight can discard a card from your opponent’s hand and make Stature a card that costs 1 energy and has 7 power, which can be really good, especially in this deck that maximizes the usefulness of Stature
- Goose is a great card that will prevent both players from playing cards that cost more than 3 on that location, if you manage to play Zabu in the same game with Goose, you’re going to be able to play all of your cards on that location, besides Black Bolt, making it pretty easy to win that location
- Darkhawk is a great card that can net a lot of power on board, especially when you add a few rocks to the opponent’s deck with Korg and Rockslide
- Shang-Chi and Killmonger are your safety cards that can interrupt your opponent’s plans, by destroying their board
Card List:
- Hood
- Korg
- Black Widow
- Goose
- Zabu
- Killmonger
- Moon Knight
- Darkhawk
- Shang-Chi
- Rockslide
- Stature
- Black Bolt
3.Morbius-Collector Discard

This is another fun example of a fun and unique Discard deck that became possible with the release of MODOK. Morbius, the Collector and Mystique are good cards with Ongoing effects that become stronger as you discard cards from your hand.
In the early game you should set the field up with Morbius, the Collector and choose if you want to copy Morbius’ effect with Mystique or save her for copying Wong’s effect, which is going to be really important later in the game. With your board set up, all you need is Swarm in your hand a few cards that will discard him, the best choices are Colleen Wing, since she’s likely to discard Swarm, since he’s the cheapest card in your hand most of the time, or MODOK, who will discard your entire hand full of Swarms. When you discard Swarm, you will get 2 more, this buffs both Morbius and the Collector, so pairing MODOK with Wong to discard your hand multiple times, will make your Ongoing cards really powerful and hard for your opponent to overcome.
What This Deck Excels At:
- Morbius, the Collector and Mystique are your main cards that you want to focus around, the goal of the deck is to buff them up as much as possible and overpower your opponent
- Wong makes your Discard effects like Colleen Wing and MODOK trigger twice, thus making them twice as useful, and usually necessary if you want to win the game
- Swarm is a really important card here, since he’s your main engine for buffing up both Morbius and the Collector, discard him with MODOK or Colleen Wing multiple times, to get the most out his effect and power up your Ongoing cards in this way
- This deck also has some back-up win conditions with Lady Sif, Apocalypse and Helicarrier, these cards won’t help with your main goal of buffing Morbius, but they’re good cards to fall back on if you don’t pull out all of your combo cards
- Gambit can also be a win condition if you set up Wong and Mystique and then play him to clear out your opponent’s entire side of the field
Card List:
- Morbius
- The Collector
- Swarm
- Colleen Wing
- Mystique
- Gambit
- Agent Coulson
- Lady Sif
- Wong
- Apocalypse
- Helicarrier
2.Hela Discard

We’ve finally made it to a Hela deck! These decks are usually plagued more by RNG even more than other discard decks, Invisible Woman and MODOK, make that risk a little lower, but still, you’re going to want to be really careful when snapping with this deck. It’s capable of getting you 8 cubes often, but it will also be useless if your opponent places a Cosmo on the location with Invisible Woman.
This deck revolves around discarding as many powerful cards as possible, and then being able to play Hela on the last turn to resurrect all of those cards, back on the field - keep in mind that the cards are resurrected at random, and it’s possible that they all get summoned to a single location, which is even more RNG. Invisible Woman and MODOK are a really good setup for Hela, since this combo will empty out your entire hand and then summon it to the board. This is a really fun and flashy deck that's really exciting to see in action, it’s only problem is that it’s really easy for your opponent to figure out what deck you’re playing, and if they have Cosmo in their deck, they can easily counter your entire strategy.
What This Deck Excels At:
- This deck can trick greedy opponents into thinking that you don’t have a lot of power on the board and then bring out all of the cards that you’ve discarded during the game
- Invisible Woman and MODOK are a great combo for supporting Hela since this will literally allow you to summon your entire hand to the field and additionally, any card that may have been discarded during the game
- Ghost Rider is a great card that can give you some additional value, it’s able to bring Hela back from the discard pile, but that’s not too reliable. In any case, Ghost Rider is great when you discard a single big card like Infinaut from your hand and then bring him back on turn 4 with Ghost Rider’s effect, for only 4 energy
- Gambit, Lady Sif and Sword Master are all cards that will discard from your hand, Lady Sif is the only reliable card, since you can figure out who she will target, you shouldn’t use her if you have Hela in hand, unless you have Death in hand, so that she gets discarded instead
- Discarding Helicarrier early in the game will add 3 6-cost cards to your hand, you can then go ahead and discard them all with MODOK’s effect later, which will give you a lot of value once you play Hela later, just hope you don’t get a Destroyer from Helicarrier, since he can really screw you up
Card List:
- Morbius
- Invisible Woman
- Gambit
- Lady Sif
- Sword Master
- Black Cat
- Ghost Rider
- Hela
- Helicarrier
- The Infinaut
- Death
1.Dracula Apocalypse

This is the most consistent and viable deck to play if your goal is to climb as high as possible with Discard. You can climb to Infinite with all decks on this list, this one just makes the climb the easiest. The goal here is to utilize Dracula’s effect to its fullest potential by combining it with Apocalypse and MODOK.
In the early game, you’re going to want to set up your board with Dracula and Morbius, since those are your early game cards that can give you a lot of power. MODOK will discard your entire hand right before turn 6, leaving only a buffed Apocalypse if he was previously in your hand, and America Chavez since you will draw her at the start of turn, this also buffs Morbius by a lot and sets it up so that you can decide how much power you’re getting on the Dracula location, and how much power you’re going to add to another location by playing either Apocalypse or America Chavez. By turn 6 you would have probably buffed up Apocalypse a few times since you have quite a few cards that can discard him like Lady Sif, Sword Master, Hell Cow and MODOK.
What This Deck Excels At:
- Dracula can give you a lot of power for only 4 energy, this deck is really good at setting him up so that he always discards Apocalypse if you want him to, he is also unpredictable since your opponent can’t accurately gauge how much power you’re going to have on Dracula’s location
- MODOK is a really useful card in this deck, because when he discards your hand, Apocalypse will get buffed if he was in your hand and if you also had Swarm in your hand, you will have 2 free copies to play on the last turn
- Swarm is a nice card that ends up giving you a lot of value by the end of the game, and you can reliably discard it to get more free copies with Colleen Wing and MODOK
- America Chavez passively makes it so that you have better chances to pull out your important combo pieces early, and she also makes sure that you have something to play on turn 6 after MODOK discards your hand
Card List:
- Sunspot
- Morbius
- Swarm
- Colleen Wing
- Moon Knight
- Lady Sif
- Sword Master
- Dracula
- Hell Cow
- Apocalypse
- America Chavez
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