Top 10 Overwatch Moira Skins
The best look for the best healer.
It doesn’t matter what game you’re playing, nobody ever seems to want to play the healer. For some reason everyone wants to be the mighty heroes charging ahead at the enemy, instead of the guys standing behind the mighty heroes waiting to give them a band-aid. Any smart developer knows the best way to counter this is to make a healer who can hold their own in a fight.
There isn’t a better example of this than Overwatch’s Moira. Moira wasn’t made to be a combo Healer/DPS, like Baptiste was but she might as well have been . In any match using Moira it’s easy to get gold level eliminations, while still keeping the rest of your team alive. Not to mention her Ult can turn the tide of battle for your team at the right moment by breaking through enemy shields. So let’s celebrate everyone's favorite Irish mad scientist, and take a look at the best Moira skins you can get now.
10. Éireannach (Epic)
Dress like you were hit by a rainbow
Why It’s Awesome: Eireannach is an easy pick, as its Irish flag design falls right in with Overwatch’s theme of celebrating all cultures. Not to mention is colorful theme makes a fun contrast with Moira’s downbeat cybergoth personality. In game, it makes sure that you stand out enough that your teammates always know where their healer is.
How to Get it: Eireannach is pretty rare, appearing only in drops during Overwatch’s Summer Games Events or purchasable for 750 credits .
Skin Rating: 7/10Skin in Action:
9. Banshee (Legendary)
Who wouldn't trust those souless dead eyes?
Why It’s Awesome: The Banshee skin really compliments Moira’s abilities of giving life and then taking it, while being a nod to her Celtic origins. It’s all white color scheme can let you easily camouflage in Eichenwald’s during the Halloween event. For the rest of the year it’s a bold skin for the player who likes to push right into the fray of battle.
How to Get it: Like Eireannach, Banshee is only available during a seasonal event; in this case the annual Halloween Terror. Unlocked through loot boxes or bought for 3000 credits .
Skin Rating: 7/10
Skin in Action:
Moira skin, or villain in the next Conjuring movie?
8. Fiery (rare)
Burn baby burn!
Why it's Awesome: Fiery just radiates power and energy.Fiery makes you look exactly how playing Moira feels, like your a raging inferno rushing through the map.. The perfect skin when you’re going on the attack.
How to Get it: Fiery is a much more common drop in loot boxes, and can be bought for 75 credits .
Skin rating: 7/10
Skin in Action:
Fire destroys all in it's path
7. Scientist (Legendary)
The doctor is in!
Why it’s Awesome: The latest skin released for Moira, scientist is both a memory of Moira’s past as well as Overwatch’s origin. The lab coat and design is a nice reference to the medic from Overwatch’s parent game, Team Fortress 2. Definitely the skin you want if you’re a more tactical player
How to get it: Scientist was released as part of the archives event Storm Rising. The event has ended, so it can’t be obtained from a loot box until the next archives event. Whenever that roll around, you can purchase it for 3000 credits
Skin rating: 8/10
Skin in Action:
Always dress for the job you want.
6. Pale (epic)
Just when you thought she couldn't get anymore goth
Why it's Awesome: Pale is the skin that shows Moira as the agent of death she’s meant to be. If you want to be the top DPS on your team, use the Pale skin. With this skin you are the grim reaper, felling other heroes before your might. It’s badass look will send that message to everyone playing.
How to get it: Pale is an epic skin that can be obtained through a loot box or 250 credits .
Skin rating: 8/10
Skin in Action:
And low, a pale horse appeared. Her name was death
5. Minister (Legendary)
Either dressed for a rave or doomed experiment
Why it’s Awesome: Minister speaks to Moira as a more cerebral character. Perfect for players who like to influence the game from behind the scenes. If you want to be awarded the Short Caller endorsement, choose the Minister skin.
How to Get it: As a legendary skin, Minister isn’t a common occurrence in loot boxes. But it can be purchased for 1000 credits .
Skin rating: 8/10
Skin in Action:
So weird that it just works somehow
4. Classic (common)
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Why it's Awesome: Sometimes you can’t beat the original. Classic imbues Moira with the harsh personality that would define her origin story. Classic also gives her that distinctive look that made her an unofficial DPS/healer combo from the start. The yellow purple color balance is the right choice for her dichotomy as both killer and medic New Players will feel right at home discovering Moira’s abilities with this skin.
How to Get it: Good news! This skin is the default so it's immediately available.
Skin Rating: 9/10
Skin in Action:
We never suspected she'd be a game changer
3. Royal (Rare)
Move over Beyonce, there's a new queen in town.
Why It’s Awesome: Royal is an immediate standout, just like Moira. It shows how she’s a cut above the other medics with a sense of elegance and danger. Like a queen ruling her court, players use this skin to rule the game. A must for anyone who has obtained gold level weapons in competitive.
How to Get It: Royal can be obtained through loot boxes, and as rare skin you don’t have to grind too long to earn it. Purchasable for 75 credits .
Skin Rating: 9/10
Skin in Action:
Purple has never been deadlier
2. Blackwatch (Legendary)
Why don't any of the other ones come with armor?
Why it’s Awesome: Blackwatch is the best of both worlds. Putting Moira as both a soldier and strategist. Any player who enjoys playing as Moira will want Blackwatch for the fun of healing one second and racking up eliminations the next.
How to Get It: Like the Scientist skin, Blackwatch is only available in archive events. Either through loot box or bought for 3000 credits .
Skin Rating: 9/10
Skin in Action:
Seriously, no other skin has armour!
1. Glam (Legendary)
Why it’s Awesome: This it it. The Skin that shows Moira is unlike any character from Overwtch. There really isn’t any comparable skin in the game. Glam shows off the rockstar style you get from playing Moira and leading your team to victory. Which makes sense given its a tribute to the late great David Bowie.
How to Get It: Understandably a must have, so save your credits for this one. It’s available for 1000.
Skin Rating: 10/10
Skin in Action:
Come on, they clearly chose that look on purpose
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