[Top 5] Persona 5 Best Teams
"Take your heart!"
By Chris Park
These are the very best party compositions for Persona 5. Whether it’s by dealing heavy physical blows or ailment-inducing magic attacks, these five different team compositions with unique perks will give you a heads up against any opponent that you may be facing. While the characters, Personas, and abilities used can be highly customizable, this list will be created using the base statistics all build around the Protagonist. Akechi will not be included in this list due to his limited availability in the game.
5. Powerhouse
Skull + Fox + Queen + Joker
If you’re looking for raw physical damage, then this team composition is perfect for you. Skull and Fox especially are known for their heavy-hitting physical moves. When paired with the correct buffs or a baton pass, even bosses with high levels of HP will seem like under-leveled shadows. Along with that, Queen’s healing and ailment-curing abilities will allow your team to continue to plow through enemies without any worries about going down.
Why This Team Comp Is Great:
- High damage output
- Pairs well if you are running high-crit or technical attacks
- Does not rely on SP as much, which can run out after many battles with no chance to recover
4. Party Buff
Joker + Mona + Skull + Panther
Fights may prove to be difficult against strong enemies, especially bosses. Using abilities such as Matarukaja can turn the fight around in a matter of turns. Using self-buffs and enemy debuffs, Skull and Panther can deal tremendous damage to foes. Mona will be able to cure teammates of any stat downs or debuffs, leaving you to follow up with the Persona loadout of your choosing.
Why This Team Comp Is Great:
- Gives team buffs, debuffs enemies, and cures status ailments
- Perfect for any fight, especially if the enemy has no weakness
- Effective against boss fights, where stat buffs and debuffs are used the most
3. Heal and Defense
Joker + Panther + Mona + Queen
If you were ever up against a boss that dealt more damage than you could heal, that is quickly about to change. Some say that defense is the best offense, and this is a perfect example. Using this team comp will not only grant you multiple ways to keep your team up but allow you to continue outputting heavy damage simultaneously.
Why This Team Comp Is Great:
- Powerful magic attacks
- Compatible with defensive abilities to decrease overall damage intake
- Every teammate is capable of healing to some degree, growing stronger later on
2. Ranged and Magic
Joker + Fox + Noir + Panther
For those who prefer to sit back and fire ranged attacks instead of constantly depleting HP with physical moves, this ranged composition is perfect for you. Not only do these characters possess high-damage firearms but their magic attacks can pack quite the punch as well.
Why This Team Comp Is Great:
- Strongest ranged weapons in regards to attacking power and stat boosters
- Noir’s One-Shot Kill skill paired with Cripple and Heat Riser makes her a deadly force to be reckoned with
- Higher SP levels allow the constant cycle of magic attacks
1. Wildcard
Joker + Mona + Yusuke + Haru
While this may seem like an unorthodox lineup, every area of combat can be covered using these four characters. Mona takes care of healing and dealing critical blows. Yusuke is the heavy hitter, along with his attack buffs. Haru can deal strong physical and ranged attacks as well, with everyone in the party capable of using their respective magic elements. With this lineup, you are free to use whoever you please, as your team will be able to cover you in areas that you may not be able to reach yourself.
Why This Team Comp Is Great:
- Taps into every area of combat, no matter what loadout is used for the Protagonist
- Depending on circumstances, members of the team comp can be interchanged while maintaining similar properties: Ann with Haru, Mona with Makoto, and Yusuke with Ryuji
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