There are many accessories in Persona 5 that can make you practically unstoppable in battle that boost your stats or give you advantages. They are crucial in order to make your Persona 5 experience better. Whether it be a boost in stats or one that gives you regenerative abilities they are useful in every possible situation. Here are the top 10 best Persona 5 accessories and how to get them.
#10. Regen Patch 3
The Regen Patch 3 can be a very important accessory, especially if you are struggling staying alive due to damage being taken. It can be acquired very easily with just a little bit of effort. It is good for all types of players, especially for players who have just picked up the game for the first time.
The basics of this accessory is that it gradually restores HP every turn. Since it is the largest one it is also more expensive, but it will help to keep you alive during long and painful battles while in a Palace or Mementos. The requirement in order to get this accessory is to level up Tae Takemi’s Confidant (Death Arcana).
What is good about Regen Patch 3:
- It gradually restores HP
- Restores 6% of max HP each turn
- Prevents you from dying
How to get Regen Patch 3:
- Get Tae Takemi as a confidant
- Level her up to Rank 5
- Pay ¥90,000
Regen Patch 3’s details: https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Regen_Patch_3
#9. SP Adhesive 3
The SP Adhesive 3 is a very important item and can be acquired very easily with just a little bit of effort. This is useful for everyone, those who have been playing for a long time or new players who have picked up the game for the first time.
The basics of this accessory is that it restores SP every turn, since this is the largest one and the more expensive one it restores the most SP per turn. Though it is still a small amount, it is enough to help you survive long and arduous battles in a Palace or Mementos. The requirement in order to be able to get it is to level up Tae Takemi’s Confidant (Death Arcana).
What is good about SP Adhesive 3:
- It gradually restores SP
- Restores 7% of max SP each turn
- Prevents you from running out of SP
How to get SP Adhesive 3:
- Get Tae Takemi as a confidant
- Level her up to Rank 5
- Pay ¥100,000
SP Adhesive 3’s details: https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/SP_Adhesive_3
#8. Expedite Ring
Expedite Ring can be insanely valuable to those with a specific goal in mind, leveling up. Though it is not easily acquired as you need to start New Game+. Besides that fact, it is perfect for those who want to level up quickly for their specific goal in mind.
The basics of this accessory is that it boosts how much EXP you gain after each battle, therefore, helping you level up faster and become stronger as well as gain more Personas as well as use them a lot quicker. This is insanely useful when you want to fast-track your leveling progress.
What is good about Expedite Ring:
- Gain EXP 1.5x faster
- +50% EXP
- Great for speed leveling
How to get Expedite Ring:
- You need to have New Game+
- Go to Mementos and Talk to Caroline next to the Velvet Room door to unlock the fight
- Lose a fight against Caroline and Justine
Expedite Ring’s details: https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Expedite_Ring
#7. Orlov
Orlov can be insanely wonderful to put on your team members, especially with those where their stats will be boosted to make them even stronger than they already are. Acquiring would potentially take a bit of time but is worth it in the end.
The basics of this accessory is that it boosts your magic stats as well as repels physical attacks. This makes your character’s Persona insanely strong when used correctly and effectively it can also help you throughout countless numbers of battles. You can acquire it in the Velvet Room.
What is good about Orlov:
- Magic +3
- Repels Physical attacks
How to get Orlov:
- Unlock Electric Chair Execution in the Velvet Room
- Use the Electric Chair Execution on Orlov and make an item
Orlov’s details: https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Orlov_(accessory)
#6. Hope Diamond
Hope Diamond is much like Orlov but a lot more powerful. It increases more stats and has something extra which negates a need for another. It can be used on any of your teammates as it has a very strong benefit.
The basics of this accessory is that it improves all of your stats and gives you regenerative HP over time. This means that you are stronger and can survive long battles. This is insanely strong on any of your teammates and even on Joker himself.
What is good about Hope Diamond:
- All stats +3
- Restores 6% of max HP each turn in battle
How to get Hope Diamond:
- Unlock Electric Chair Execution in the Velvet Room
- Use Electric Chair Execution on Hope Diamond to make the item
Hope Diamond’s details: https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Hope_Diamond_(accessory)
#5. Black Moon
Black Moon is insanely valuable to those who want to get a lot of criticals in their attacks a lot more often. It is insanely strong in that regard. Unfortunately one of the things you need in order to even get it is the DLC.
The basics of Black Moon is that it gives you a higher chance to critical your attacks while within battles. This helps you in a lot of different ways as when you critical an enemy it tends to down them, leaving you an opening for a possible All-Out-Attack. You do however need the DLC Persona Tsukuyomi.
What is good about Black Moon:
- Ups Critical Rate (high)
How to get Black Moon:
- Unlock Electric Chair Execution in the Velvet Room
- Use Electric Chair Execution on Tsukuyomi to get the item
Black Moon’s details: https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Black_Moon
#4. Roland Medal
The Roland Medal is insanely valuable to those who wish to use it because of how it can benefit your Personas. It can help you in battle and boost your strength.
The Roland Medal basically boosts all of your stats, making your Personas more powerful. This is always useful as stats can determine how much damage you are able to deal out as well as keep you alive.
What is good about Roland Medal:
- All stats +5
How to get Roland Medal:
- Go to Tanaka’s Shady Commodities
- Spend ¥500,000
Roland Medal’s details: https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Roland_Medal
#3. Crystal Skull
Crystal Skull can make a great addition to your team as it will give you a strong advantage to your battles. It can work insanely well on any of your teammates and even Joker himself. This is also relatively easy to get if you are able to do so.
The basics of the Crystal Skull is that not only does it boost all your stats but it gives you a high chance to evade magic attacks. This is insanely useful because it not only makes your Personas better but magic attacks are one of the most common attacks used by enemies.
What is good about Crystal Skull:
- All stats +5
- Evade Magic (high)
How to get Crystal Skull:
- Unlock Electric Chair Execution in the Velvet Room
- Use Electric Chair Execution on Crystal Skull to get the item
Crystal Skull’s details: https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Crystal_Skull_(accessory)
#2. Divine Pillar
Divine Pillar is an extremely strong accessory but it is rather hard to get as it is very rare. This makes it insanely valuable and will make a great addition to any of your teammates or even Joker himself.
Divine Pillar basically halves the damage you will take from enemies but there is a cost, you are no longer able to evade. In order to get it, you need to fight and defeat the Reaper, which shows up when you spend too much time in one part of Mementos.
What is good about Divine Pillar:
- Halves damage taken but no longer able to evade
How to get Divine Pillar:
- Go to Mementos
- Stay in an area until you hear the Reapers' chains
- Defeat the Reaper
- Repeat until you get Divine Pillar
Divine Pillar’s details: https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Divine_Pillar
#1. Omnipotent Orb
Omnipotent Orb earns its place at the top of this list because of how insanely powerful it is. However, due to how insanely powerful it is, it is also insanely difficult to get. This is once again due to a fight with Caroline and Justine.
The basics of the Omnipotent Orb is that it negates all attacks except Almighty, meaning that you can survive almost every single battle you engage in with this accessory. Getting it involves fighting and winning against Caroline and Justine, which is by far the hardest part.
What is good about Omnipotent Orb:
- Nulls all except Almighty
How to get Omnipotent Orb:
- Start New Game+
- Unlock the Caroline and Justine fight by the Velvet Room door in Mementos
- Fight and win against Caroline and Justine
Omnipotent Orb’s details: https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Omnipotent_Orb
When choosing an accessory for your party, it is always best to go for what you need and want. To some, the SP Adhesives are all they need in order to thrive. It is all up to what your party desires at any given point in time.
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