[Top 15] Persona 5 Best Personas
"I am thou, and thou art I."
By: Chris Park
These are the very best Personas ranked from good to best. Ranked based on abilities, stats, affinities, and more, this guide will tell you everything you need to know about these fifteen strongest Personas. For your convenience, Personas that are DLC exclusive or can’t be equipped by the Protagonist will not be included in this list.
The ranks of the Personas listed below have been mainly decided not only by their base attributes, but potential and obtainability as well. While any Persona can be made into a powerful fighting force, the right combination of abilities can make these fifteen a must-have for battles.
15. Throne
"The third of the nine orders of angels. They are the angels of dignity and justice who carry God's throne and govern thought. They are angels of knowledge."
A Persona of the Justice Arcana, Throne’s fusion can be unlocked once the fifth rank of the Strength Confidant is completed with Caroline and Justine. Only one of a few Personas to learn multiple abilities such as Auto-Maraku, Throne is an essential component to creating a powerful lineup.
Why Throne Is Great:
- Can be itemized into the Invigorate 3 skill card
- Absorbs fire, blocks bless, and resists nuclear
- High damaging Bless attacks with a natural skillset to avoid curse
14. Abaddon
“I am Abaddon. The strength of the abyss is yours for the taking...”
Abaddon is a high-level Persona of the Judgement Arcana that can be located within the depths of Mementos. While they are weak to psychic and nuke attacks, they can be easily resisted, nulled, or drained with the appropriate skill cards. Abaddon’s most notable feature is their ability to drain physical, gun, and curse attacks while dealing colossal physical damage. Quite notably, they are the only Persona with the natural ability to drain these physical skills as well.
Why Abaddon Is Great:
- Has one of the higher base endurance levels
- Can drain physical, gun, and curse attacks
- Can be itemized to obtain the Makarakarn skill card
13. Rangda
“I’m Rangda. I’m gonna become your mask, OK? Just don’t go dying on me!”
Rangda is a mid-level Persona that can be located in Sheriruth-Mementos or Niijima’s Palace. With an assortment of abilities, Rangda is capable of dealing heavy physical and curse attacks. While weak to electricity and bless, Rangda can reflect physical and gun, as well as block curse and fire.
Why Rangda Is Great:
- Reflects physical and gun, blocks fire and curse
- Can be acquired earlier in the game, compared to other late-game Personas
- Can be itemized to acquire the Bloodbath skill card
12. Sandalphon
“I am Sandalphon. As the bearer of my mask, your prayers grant me strength. Come, let us fight together.”
The ultimate Persona of the Moon Arcana, Sandalphon can only be obtained through Velvet Room Fusion once your confidant with Yuuki Mishima has been maxed out. Bearing both attack and support abilities, no weaknesses, and several resistances, Sandalphon is a reliable asset to use for battle.
Why Sandalphon Is Great:
- Reflects bless, blocks curse, resists physical and gun
- Has heavy damaging attacks along with revival and ailment-curing support skills
- Can be itemized to give the Angelic Grace Skill Card
11. Black Frost
“I’m Black Frost, ho! I’m gonna be-hee your mask, ho! Nice to mee-hee-t you, ho!”
First appearing in Persona 5 as a Mementos Boss, Black Frost can be summoned with the Evil Snow Crystal, which you obtain once defeating him. With no weaknesses, the inability to be damaged by four elemental attacks, and high damaging moves, Black Frost definitely gives you a bang for your buck.
Why Black Frost Is Great:
- Can be itemized to create the Naraka Whip, used by Ann Takamaki
- Reflects fire and curse, absorbs ice, and blocks nuclear
- Deals heavy ice damage due to the natural Ice Amp and Freeze Boost abilities
10. Odin
“I am Odin. This might for which I traded mine own eye shall be a mask of thine soul and lead thee into battle.”
The ultimate Persona of the Emperor Arcana, requiring a maxed out Confidant with Yusuke Kitagawa before it can be summoned through Velvet Room fusion. Odin is the sole wielder of Thunder Reign and Wild Thunder, two powerful electric magic attacks. With no weaknesses and severely damaging electric attacks, Odin lives up to the name of the Norse god of war and the dead.
Why Odin Is Great:
- Can be itemized into the Wild Hunt SMG through Electric Chair Execution, used by Ann Takamaki
- Reflects bless and curse, drains wind, and blocks electricity
- With concentrate and electric amp, Odin’s electric attacks can deal 3.75x its base damage
9. Cybele
“I am Cybele. I’ll hunt you down and skin you if you dare cheat on me. I’m your mask now… You better be ready.”
The ultimate Persona of the Priestess Arcana, Cybele can only be acquired by fusion once Makoto Niijima’s Confidant is maximized. Unlike many other combat-oriented Personas, Cybele is focused more towards supporting the team, with ally-reviving and health-restoring abilities. While Cybele is weak to electricity, that can easily be fixed with the use of an electric-resistant skill card.
Why Cybele Is Great:
- Can be itemized to create Sabazios, Makoto’s strongest melee weapon
- Cybele can block bless and resist fire
- The only natural source of the skill Drain Bless
8. Beelzebub
“I am Beelzebub. My demonic powers are gonna become your new mask and show everyone what hell really is!”
Beelzebub is the ultimate Persona of the Devil arcana, which requires a maximum Confidant rank with Ichiko Ohya. The sole user of Demonic Decree, which halves the HP of one opponent. With a magic heavy loadout, Beelzebub is the perfect addition for those who prefer high damage and insta-kill spells.
Why Beelzebub Is Great:
- Can be itemized into Fleurs Du Mal, Haru Okumura’s strongest melee weapon
- Absorbs fire and reflects curse
- The sole user of Demonic Decree, the curse counterpart of Divine Judgement
7. Shiki-Ouji
“Me Shiki-Ouji. You have that mask in your heart. That means you my peer!”
Shiki-Ouji is a Persona of the Chariot Arcana who can be found in Madarame’s Palace as well as Chemdah-Mementos. With Shiki-Ouji being relatively easy to acquire earlier on, along with blocking physical, gun, and curse attacks, they are definitely a strong asset you’ll want in your lineup for early game combat.
Why Shiki-Ouji Is Great:
- Can be itemized into the Dormin Rush skill card
- Blocks physical, gun, and curse
- Is easy to acquire and flexible for early game domination
6. Trumpeter
“I am the Trumpeter. The ring of my trumpet signals calamity and death… I shall be your mask, so let us harmonize…”
Trumpeter, of the Judgement Arcana, can be unlocked once the fifth rank of Caroline and Justine’s Confidant is achieved. Trumpeter has no weaknesses and heavy attacks that can deliver a boatload of ailments ranging from burn to despair.
Why Trumpeter Is Great:
- Can be itemized to produce the Debilitate skill card
- Reflects electricity and bless, absorbs ice, and blocks curse
- Uses heavy attacks paired with inflicting status ailments
5. Alice
“I’m Alice! Hee-hee! I think I’ll be your mask… You’ll play with me, won’t you?”
Alice is the ultimate Persona of Death, who is unlockable after maximizing the Death Confidant with Tae Takemi. With an arrangement of attack boosting and insta-kill skills, Alice is certainly capable of turning around a fight at a moment’s notice. While being able to deal instant-kill attacks, her Survival Trick allows you to survive an instakill attack with one HP remaining.
Why Alice Is Great:
- Can be itemized into the Mamudoon skill card
- Is the sole user of Die For Me! , which can’t be passed down to any other Persona
- Reflects curse, resists psy and nuclear
4. Michael
“I am Michael. In the name of the light within you, I shall become your mask.”
Like many other Personas on this list, Michael can be unlocked rather easily, simply by reaching the fifth rank in Caroline and Justine’s Confidant of Strength. With a wide attack range including Divine Judgement, which halves the HP of one enemy, Michael is a deadly Persona with an especially large advantage over others who are weak to his attacks.
Why Michael Is Great:
- Can be itemized into Judge of the Dead, one of Makoto’s strongest ranged weapons
- Reflects bless, blocks curse, and resists gun
- Has a wide variety of attacks, granting him half of the elemental pool
3. Satan
“I am Satan, the judge of all things. O sinner who knoweth not the true meaning of fear… I shall be thy mask and bear witness to the end.”
Satan is the ultimate Persona of the Judgement Arcana, requiring a maximized Confidant with Sae Niijima. Satan is also the sole wielder of Drain Ice and Black Viper. With regenerating SP and HP every turn, no weaknesses, and powerful attacks, Satan is one of the strongest Personas the game has to offer.
Why Satan Is Great:
- Can be itemized to create Tantric Oath armor, which can be worn by any male character
- Reflects ice and curse, and reflects gun
- Sole wielder of Black Viper, which can deal colossal almighty damage to an enemy
2. Satanael
“I am Satanael. You would slay gods to protect the justice you believe in… Very well, I shall once again become your mask.”
Satanael is the ultimate Persona of the Protagonist, who is summoned during the final battle. Only when in New Game + will you be granted the recipe to summon him through fusion, like any other Persona. With no weaknesses and the ability to either resist, block, or drain every form of attack, Satanael is understandably the most preferred contender in the topic of the strongest Persona. However, due to the requirements needed to be met in order to obtain him, Satanael will only be taking the runner-up spot on this list.
Why Satanael Is Great:
- Can be itemized into Paradise Lost, the strongest melee weapon for the Protagonist
- Has no weaknesses, blocks bless, drains curse, and resists every other form of attack
1. Yoshitsune
“I am Yoshitsune. I see you know of my ingenious feats. Rejoice, for I shall graciously become your mask…”
Yoshitsune has made their name well known through Persona 4 and Persona 5 as a near-invincible killing machine. Requiring the fifth rank of the Strength Confidant with Caroline and Justine as well as a maximized Confidant with Morgana, it is relatively easier to obtain them compared to Satanael, who requires a NG+ run. Yoshitsune is also able to learn nearly exclusive skills such as Brave Blade and Last Stand, along with his signature move Hassou Tobi, which guarantees an eight hit combo on all enemies. While an ultimate Persona like Satanael may be stronger immediately upon summoning, the right skillset with Yoshitsune can make you invincible in almost every battle.
Why Yoshitsune Is Great:
- Blocks physical, reflects electricity and bless, and resists fire
- Deals colossal physical damage to foes which can be multiplied by 2.5 using Charge
- Can be itemized to create Usumidori, the strongest melee weapon available for Yusuke
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