[Top 15] Persona 5 Best Builds

This guide will tell you about the best Persona builds.
28 Jan 2021

[Top 15] Persona 5 Best Builds

"Give a man his mask and he will become his true self!"

By Chris Park

While Personas most definitely have their own strengths and weaknesses, they can easily be strengthened with the use of fusions and skill cards. Here are 15 amazing builds for Personas from Persona 5, DLC included. These aren’t ranked in any specific order, as each build is very powerful and essential towards winning battles.

    There are many overlapping abilities between these Personas, as they are essential to covering weaknesses and enhancing attacks. Most of these skills can be acquired through skill cards, but some may require a Persona to transfer them over. These include but aren’t limited to: 

  • Drain, repel, and resist skills for certain elements
  • SP and HP recoveries such as Invigorate, Regenerate, and Victory Cry
  • Various elemental and crit boosters


15.  Odin

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Odin is easily established as one of the strongest Personas that don’t require any DLCs or NG+ runs. This build focuses on enabling Odin’s strongest attacks, Wild Thunder and Thunder Reign, while also returning all HP and SP to the user after a victory.

What Odin Excels In:

  • High powered electrical magic attacks
  • Magic strengthening innate skills
  • Lowering SP costs, with HP and SP recovering passive skills

Odin Full Details


14. Yoshitsune-Crit

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With there being two Yoshitsune builds on this list, this one focuses on the increase of critical hits. Paired with heavy physical skills such as Hassou Tobi and Swords Dance, Yoshitsune will in most cases be able to kill enemies quickly, or render them incapable of making use of their next turn. This is especially useful against enemies who have no weaknesses or possess many resistances to elemental attacks.

What Yoshitsune-Crit Excels In:

  • Heavy physical damage
  • High chances for dealing critical blows
  • Regains HP and SP after every victory

Yoshitsune-Crit Full Details


13. Ose

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While Ose may not be considered the strongest Persona, this build allows the use of technical damage boosts. First confusing the enemies before delivering powerful physical blows, it is the perfect combination to not only incapacitate enemies but deal tons of damage as well.

What Ose Excels In:

  • Deals heavy physical damage and confusion, utilizing the technical damage boost
  • Recovers HP and SP after every victory
  • Quick recovery from status ailments

Ose Full Details


12. Lucifer

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Lucifer is a valid option if you are looking for a build that deals heavy damage, regardless of what the enemy is weak to. Wielding the attack Morning Star, Lucifer is able to deal severe almighty damage to all foes, along with added bonuses due to other passive skills. Since there is no resistance to almighty attacks, Lucifer is an easy sweep hero for hordes of enemies.

What Lucifer Excels In:

  • No elemental weaknesses
  • Deals severe almighty damage to all foes
  • Raised evasion against magic attacks

Lucifer Full Details


11.  Baal

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This build for Baal is perfect if you prefer brawling over traditional magic attacks. With high damage, magic evasion, and status ailment recovery, you will have the upper hand with most circumstances in a battle. 

What Baal Excels In:

  • High evasion rate against magic attacks
  • Heavy physical damage
  • HP and SP restoration

Baal Full Details


10. Messiah Picaro

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The ultimate form of Orpheus, this Messiah build focuses on self/team support rather than attacking or dealing status ailments. With no elemental weaknesses and passive abilities that recover HP and SP with every turn, this is a perfect Persona to turn to if you need to help your team recover during a fight.

What Messiah Picaro Excels In:

  • Self HP and SP recovery per turn
  • Healing 
  • Curing status ailments

Messiah Picaro Full Details


9.  Kaguya Picaro

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While Kaguya is proficient in team-supporting abilities, this build enables her bless attack Shining Arrows. Increasing attack power, proficiency, as well as getting rid of any elemental weaknesses, this makes Kaguya a valuable asset to have on your starting lineup.

What Kaguya Picaro Excels In:

  • Heavy damaging bless attacks with the chance to hit all enemies multiple times
  • Quick recovery from status ailments
  • No elemental weaknesses

Kaguya Picaro Full Details


8.  Magatsu Izanagi Picaro Darkness

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Inheriting the name from their original appearance in Persona 4, M. Izanagi Picaro Darkness is certainly one of the strongest Personas, especially in terms of instakill attacks. Equipped with the deadly pair of attacks, Magatsu Mandala deals heavy curse damage with the chance to inflict ailments such as fear, while Ghastly Wail is an instakill move that affects any enemy with the said ailment. Equipped with innate abilities to further enhance these attacks, fights could last as little as two turns if things go according to plan.

What Magatsu Izanagi Excels In:

  • Hand in hand attacks that deal heavy curse damage, status ailments, and instakill
  • No elemental weaknesses

Magatsu Izanagi Full Details


7.  Mara

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While more notorious for the rather interesting character design, Mara should not be taken lightly when discussing the potential for strength. This build enables the use of strong psychic attacks, further enhanced with several passive abilities. Unless the enemy has a natural resistance to psychic, Mara will certainly pave a clear path through foes that stand in your way.

What Mara Excels In:

  • Powerful psychic attacks
  • Restoring all HP and SP after victory

Mara Full Details


6. Seth

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Seth is certainly a powerful Persona, and this gun-centered build only further adds to his strength. With passive boosts and ranged gun attacks, Seth will be able to deal massive amounts of damage to opponents, along with occasional critical blows. This works especially well against shadows and bosses with little to no weaknesses.

What Seth Excels In:

  • Heavy damaging gun attacks
  • No elemental weaknesses, making him great for combat
  • High critical rate, great for enemies with no weaknesses as well

Seth Full Details


5.  Thanatos Picaro

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Persona 3’s ultimate Persona of the Death Arcana, Thanatos lives up to the name, wielding the almighty move Door of Hades. Similar to Satanael’s build, this focuses on building up Thanatos’ magical power, while also allowing full SP and HP recovery with every victory.

What Thanatos Picaro Excels In:

  • Severe almighty damage
  • A large chance to instakill foes
  • Restores HP and SP after every victory

Thanatos Picaro Full Details


4.  Orpheus Picaro

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Wielding the Persona once used by the protagonist of Persona 3, Orpheus is a classic and high tier combatant. However, with this build, Orpheus can instead be used to heal and support the team quite effectively. Relatively similar to Messiah’s build, this is another fan favorite Persona to keep in your toolbelt.

What Orpheus Picaro Excels In:

  • Auto support skills
  • Healing the team
  • Increasing attack, defense, accuracy, and evasion

Orpheus Picaro Full Details


3.  Satanael

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As the Protagonist’s ultimate Persona, Satanael is not one to be taken lightly. Already having no elemental weaknesses whatsoever along with damaging almighty attacks, Satanael is certainly a force to be reckoned with. This build not only strengthens his attacks greatly but also guarantees the return of all HP and SP for every win.

What Satanael Excels In:

  • Heavily enhanced almighty attacks
  • No elemental weaknesses except for almighty
  • Restores all HP and SP for every victory

Satanael Full Details


2.  Alice

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If you were to ask anyone what their favorite instakill attack is in Persona 5, Alice’s Die For Me! probably makes the list. This build focuses on enabling Alice with two instakill attacks as well as a heavy almighty attack. This is perfect when paired with Victory Cry, as you can easily restore all your HP and SP when fighting against normal enemies.

What Alice Excels In:

  • Instakill attacks
  • HP and SP recovery
  • A large evasion rate increase

Alice Full Details


1.  Yoshitsune-Drain

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Yoshitsune is undoubtedly one of the strongest Personas throughout any of the games that he is present in. One of the reasons for his strength is the ability to have Yoshitsune become unaffected by any attack besides almighty. With this, you are able to parade through the entirety of most palaces, with even some boss fights being a breeze.

What Yoshitsune-Drain Excels In:

  • Draining, nulling, or repelling every form of attack except for almighty
  • Enabling his strongest attack, Hassou Tobi
  • The protagonist can be undamaged in almost every fight except against certain bosses

Yoshitsune-Drain Full Details


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