What are the best Shiny Pokemon?
In case you’re wondering about the difference from their normal counterpart:
- The purpose of catching Shiny Pokémon is to collect them for cosmetic appeal.
- They have no significant EV or IV difference from their original counterpart.
- They usually share the same base stats as their regular counterpart.
- If shiny breeded, they may have valuable egg moves. It’s recommended to teach egg moves to your Shiny Pokémon if you want to battle with them to show them off to your friends.
Shiny methods include making shiny sandwiches to make shiny hunting easier. Die-hard shiny fans always get both versions of the game and trade with themselves from their Scarlet and Violet editions.
If you don’t have that option (because buying 2 games is crazy expensive), you can always trade online using trade link codes. You can also transfer other Pokémon you caught in previous Pokémon games.
Transferable Shiny Pokémon are included in the list such as Shiny versions of Articuno and Rayquaza.
Few of the best Shiny Pokémon on this list are Shiny Charizard, Shiny Scizor, Shiny Roaring Moon, and even Shiny Meloetta!
25. Shiny Squirtle / Wartotle / Blastoise

Shiny Squirtle / Wartotle / Blastoise looks great because it has a nice design blending in a shiny purple body with a better looking teal shell.
As a Blastoise, the silver canons look more polished than the original. The rest of the shell has a cool tan polish and matches its eyes, claws, and teeth. It’d look gorgeous in the water!
Watch this video to get Shiny Squirtle.
24. Shiny Charmander / Charmeleon /Charizard

Shiny Charizard has such a style. Dark-gray and has some dark-red shadow under his wings.
It looks sort of similar to Trainer Red’s mega evolution Charizard.
Shiny Charizard looks like a boss compared to its orange original design and looks so much tougher because its dark colors bring out its raging eyes and fiery tail.
Watch this video to get Shiny Charizard.
23. Shiny Ekans / Arbok

Shiny Arbok looks at its best with gold color as you can see its sinister eyes more. With the gold color you can see its body tattoos more visibly than in the original purple design.
When using the auto-battle function, Shiny Arbok makes it look like the grass is glowing.
Watch this video to get Shiny Arbok.
22. Shiny King Scyther

Shiny Scyther is cool. Its body is silver-green than its standard green counterpart. Its wings and scythes look more silvery as if they’re made of silk. It has pink shades around its neck, thighs, torso, and knee parts, and it goes well with its light-green.
With this design Scyther looks more defined as a gorgeous bug, even though it’s a mean one!
Watch this video to get Shiny King Scyther.
21. Shiny Scizor

Shiny Scizor has an interesting color than its original shiny dark-red design. Shiny Scizor’s body blends with an astonishing dark-gold color meets dark-lime-green. The gold on Scizor’s body looks as if Scizor hasn’t battled at all.
This design pops its eyes out more. Its claws look much more threatening considering that the colors meet the theme of bug (green) and steel (gold).
Watch this video to get Shiny Scizor.
20. Shiny Brute Bonnett.

Shiny Brute Bonnett is only in the Scarlet Edition.
Shiny Brute Bonnett has a much cooler hat than its red and white original design. The colors blend well together with a dark blue and white, as Brute Bonnett has teal leafy things covering its hat.
It looks more brute too, as the glowing dark-blue and teal color signifies that it's unfriendly if you infiltrate its cave!
Watch this Video to get Shiny Brute Bonnett.
You could also use the Research Station No. 4 Trick.
19. Shiny Great Tusk

Shiny Great Tusk is only in the Scarlet edition.
We got a lot going on with Shiny great Tusk! Dark-red meets a lot with the mixed greens on its body. There’s lime-green on Shiny Great Tusks’s head and foot while it has a neon-green body.
Its yellow eyes pop out more with the neon-green body than its original silver-gray counterpart. The tusks look more polished and doesn’t have much rust to it. Man, you do not want to go up against hordes of this Shiny Great Tusk! Good thing it looks more noticeable in Area 0.
Watch this Video to get Shiny Great Tusk.
18. Shiny Roaring Moon

Shiny Roaring Moon is in both Scarlet and Violet.
Shiny Roaring Moon almost looks like its related to Hoh-Oh with its neon-orange and streamlined yellow wings. It may have an odd gray tail, but it looks more defined with a light-green body with yellow highlights.
You can see its orange eyes more. It looks gorgeous when you use the auto-battle function and get to see how Shiny Roaring Moon crawl moves.
Watch this Video to get Shiny Roaring Moon.
17. Shiny Iron Valiant

Shiny Iron Valiant is only in the Violet edition.
If you thought the Gardevoir colors and neon-pink made it look terrifying, Shiny Iron Valiant looks like a freaking terminator. It has less going on in terms of color but sometimes simple looks awesome.
Shiny Iron Valiant looks much more menacing with its dark-gray and black colors and its eyes are burning neon-pink. The hues of neon-pink are subtle and make it stand out, and its sharp staff is nothing to joke about. This shiny Iron Valiant looks like it has more battle experience than regular Iron Valiant noobs.
Watch this Video to get Shiny Iron Valiant.
16. Shiny Slither Wing

Shiny Slither Wing is only in the Scarlet edition.
Now, Slither Wing looks cool in both its original and shiny design, depending on which you want to catch. Shiny Slither Wing looks more friendly with its yellow wings with orange diamond spots.
Shiny Slither Wing’s light-blue head, hands, and feet mix well with its yellow horns and wings. Also, its neon light-purple tail goes with its fur and makes Slither Wing look lean more to its Bug-Typing than its Fighting-Typing.
Watch this video to get Shiny Slither Wing.
15. Shiny Scream Tail

Shiny Scream Tail is in both Scarlet and Violet editions.
Shiny Scream Tail looks far better than its original design because sometimes pale-pink doesn’t look good. Its shiny version is weird and interesting in a cold way. Its body is like light-silver-neon-purple and brings its bloodshot-terrifying red-orange eyes out.
Its tail is glowing dark-purple, which matches most of its shiny colors or red silver purple. It likes to stand on it at times, which looks painful. No wonder it's screaming all the time!
Watch this video to get Shiny Scream Tail.
14. Shiny Iron Hands

Shiny Iron Hands is only in the Violet edition.
Shiny Iron Hands has no blue on its head and legs. It looks super cool with its bright silver body and neon-yellow hues. Taking out the blue color from its original design makes its neon-yellow eyes more visible.
Whenever you bring out Iron Hands, it looks like it comes out fresh as if you’ve turned on the lights of an unused Ferrari.
Watch this video to get Shiny Iron Hands.
13. Shiny Teddiursa / Ursaluna.

Shiny Ursaluna has a unique red-brown fur from its original dark-brown design. It looks kinder. Its pale spots and gray fur mixes well with the red-brown, and makes it stand out. It’s more cute looking than its original design.
If it had the ability to evolve into a Bloodmoon Ursaluna, it would look awesome.
Watch this video to get Shiny Teddiursa. Evolve it into a Shiny Ursaluna.
12. Shiny Gible / Gabite / Garchomp

Sure Garchomp looks great in its original dark-blue colors. It looks just as tough as a shiny. If you want a more defined Garchomp with glowing-sky-blue this is the way to go.
Shiny Garchomp’s mellowed orange chest blends well with its glowing-sky-blue skin. It may have an odd light-blue belly as it tries to match its silver claws.
Watch this video to get Shiny Gible.
11. Shiny Tadbulb / Bellibolt

Shiny Belliblot has such a heart of gold, and looks so squishy handsome in yellow as if its yellow Jell-o. The original turquoise colors look so ugly, that the shiny makes up for it because it brings out its Electric-Type theme.
Bellibolts yellow and spotted orange skin brings out its electricity from its belly. When it smiles it looks gleeful!
Watch this detailed video to get Shiny Bellibolt.
10. Shiny Dratini / Dragonair / Dragonite

Shiny Dratini looks gorgeous in hot-pink than its original blue design. It looks more feminine in hot-pink. It looks adorable along with its white ears and detailed golden spots on its neck and end of tail. Its pupils are more visible with its hot-pink body.
Shiny Dratini looks made for Pokémon Contests, and would do so well in Water Acrobatics!
Watch this video to find Shiny Dratini. Evolve it into a Shiny Dragonite.
9. Shiny Raltz / Kirlia / Gardevoir

Shiny Gardevoir looks like it could act in a “Frozen” movie in the Pokémon world. It almost looks like Elsa with its silky-silver robe.
The hues of blue look so elegant and brings out Shiny Gardevoir’s pale-orange eyes. Its pale-orange tie looks so cute as a finesse to its fine dining wardrobe.
Watch this video to find Shiny Raltz. Evolve it into a Shiny Gardevoir.
8. Shiny Vaporeon

Shiny Vaporeon looks toxic! Yikes! It does stand out from its original and looks terrifying to swim with. Vaporeon’s body is swimming with purple hues, as its dark-purple contour around its sharp ears brings out its acid personality. The dark-eyes are more visible and its white pupils match its delicate mane.
If you thought the original design looks kinder, this one isn’t, though it's much more stylish and unique.
Watch this video to find Shiny Evee. Use any stone to evolve it to a Shiny Eveelution. Shiny Vaporeon looks the best.
You may also use a sandwich method and try shiny hunting in Casseroya Lake.
7. Shiny Slyveon

Shiny Slyveon is so cute and shiny. It’s adorable with its silver-gray and light-blue hues.
The detail on its gray-scarf is amazing, as it also has a light-blue touch to the tie. It does so well by bringing its light-pink eyes out. The touches of other pink such as around its ears and back-scarf signifies its shiny elegance.
Watch this video to get Shiny Slyveon.
Watch this video to find Shiny Evee. Use any stone to evolve it to a Shiny Eveelution.
6. Shiny Riolu / Lucario

Lucario looks awesome in both its designs. Its Shiny Version is glowing yellow with black spots on its ears, face, and legs.
Its chest has a dark-gray silver touch but also has some hints of blue, which is cool. Its red eyes stand out with its yellow fur. Its palm spikes are more polished, and overall Shiny Lucario looks like a guardian angel.
Watch this detailed video to get Shiny Lucario. Find a Shiny Riolu and evolve it into Shiny Lucario.
5. Shiny Beldum / Metang / Metagross

Shiny Metagross is the #5 shiny, period. Look at that bold silver and gold. Metagross is easy on the eyes and it still looks fierce when comparing it to its original design.
The bright silver and bright gold makes its red-eyes so daring that you don’t even want to mess with its Psychic and Steel Powers! Shiny Metagross would be one of those shinies who would chase after you and beat you up if you tried to catch it!
Watch this detailed video to get Shiny Beldum. Evolve it into a Shiny Metagross.
4. Shiny Magikarp / Gyrados

Unlike its original design, a Shiny Gyrados looks like it has eaten its own family and the blood ended up all over its skin. It looks so terrifying in all red!
It's not just the bloodshot eyes that are so daunting, but with its red and pale white skin you can really see its sharp fangs. Be careful if it uses Crunch!
Watch this detailed video to get Shiny Gyrados.
3. Shiny Aloan Ninetails

Shiny Aloan Ninetails is so glamorous in all white. The fur may look similar when you compare it to its original design. Shiny Aloan Ninetails’s fur has a subtle glow, appearing pink-white.
Shiny Aloan Ninetails has such hot-pink eyes and ears, it makes it look adorable as if you can build friendship levels with it easily.
Watch this video to get a Shiny Aloan Vulpix. Evolve it into Ninetails.
2. Shiny Meloetta

A regular Meloetta has glowing-yellow hair. Shiny Meloetta has glowing-turquoise hair and looks so much better because it matches its shiny-silver and dark-gray body. Its round turquoise eyes are so cute and match with its dark-green forehead spot.
Shiny Meloetta looks ready to float and genuinely wants to hang out with you in song!
As of October 2024, Shiny Meloetta is no longer shiny locked. There’s no expiration date announced yet.
Pokémon Home will reward you for completing the Paldea, Kitakami, and Blueberry Pokédex.
1. Shiny Rayquaza

Shiny Rayquaza is the king of shinies, flabbergasting other shinies with its cunning beige-black and dark-red razor sharp body. They know what’s up when they see Shiny Rayquaza fly in the air, and its danger that’s coming.
Shiny Rayquaza’s unique yellow tattoos stand out more with its beige-black skin as if it looks like a Dark-Type even though it isn’t. The sharp red touches on its scales are so stellar and its claws even shine too, along with its glowing ominous yellow eyes.
Pokémon Trainers dream of catching this OP Pokémon as a shiny, and boast that they caught the king of shinies. That’s the reason why Shiny Rayquaza will indeed forever be the #1 desired shiny in all generations in Pokémon.
You can only get the original design of Rayquaza through the Indigo Disc, no shiny available.
The other ways to get Shiny Rayquaza is to shiny hunt it 3 other games:
- Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
- Sword and Shield
- Pokémon Go
The easiest method is in Sword and Shield as Shiny Rayquaza is part of the Dynamax Adventures in the Crown Tundra. If you already have Sword and Shield as there is a rematch method. Apply a soft refresh when trying to spawn Shiny Rayquaza.
Be prepared for a wild 2024 Christmas treat!
There will be a Shiny Rayquaza Tera Raid Battle in Scarlet and Violet coming soon on December 20, 2024.
Thanks for reading!