10. Instant Morning Sickness
Check out this video for an overview of the Instant Morning Sickness mod!
The Instant Morning Sickness mod is perfect for the realistic “surprise” you get after becoming pregnant. This mod removed the moodlet that warns you that your sim is about to be sick. It does make the pregnancy a little more difficult by not knowing when your sim is getting sick or why they are (until the pregnancy becomes more obvious). Overall, it is a good mod for getting a realistic feeling from the game.
How the mod makes things more fun!
- Gives a realistic pregnancy feeling by never knowing when you are going to have morning sickness
- The random morning sickness does also give a surprise to the user that their sim is pregnant (unless you take a pregnancy test that is)
Get the mod here: https://thesimscatalog.com/sims4/downloads/game-mods/instant-morning-sickness/
9. Bad Parent Trait
Check out this video for an overview of the Bad Parent Trait mod!
The Bad Parent Trait mod reverses the moodlets that would typically come about when your precious bundle of joy is born. This mod makes one or both of the parents happy when they (or their partner) are not pregnant or angry when the baby is born. It gives a different take on what normally happens in the game and gives the user more flexibility to play on how they are feeling.
How the mod makes things more fun!
- Creates a different aspect to the game where not everyone wants to have children
- Can give an interesting problem to be solved when one parent sim is happy they or their partner wasn’t pregnant and the other is sad
Get the mod here: https://thesimscatalog.com/sims4/downloads/game-mods/bad-parent-trait/
8. Pregnancy Mega Mod
Check out this video for an overview of the Pregnancy Mega mod!
The Pregnancy Mega Mod allows you to take full control over your sims pregnancy. It gives you the ability to terminate the pregnancy, select the gender of the baby, and select the number of babies. This is a fun mod for users who like to be in complete control of their own game.
How the mod makes things more fun!
- Choose the specific gender you wanted for your family, whether you wanted a boy and girl or two boys or two girls
- Choose how many babies you want to build your family (this could help with the Long Lineage aspiration)
- Play god via sims … which doesn’t need an explanation about why this is fun
Get the mod here: http://artfun.pw/en_US/mods/PMM/
7. Shorter/Longer Pregnancy Mod
Check out this video for an overview of the Shorter/Longer Pregnancy mod!
The Shorter/Longer Pregnancy mod is pretty self-explanatory. It allows the user to lengthen or quickly end their sims pregnancy. Overall, this is a good mod if you need a bit more time to get the nursery/child’s room ready, or if you want your sim to be able to go back to being normal you can “force” them to give birth.
How the mod makes things more fun!
- Let’s you choose when your sims have their baby, so your sims can be completely ready
- Choose to make your sims pregnancy longer to continue getting the maternity leave and increase your sims skill levels
Get the mod here: https://thesimscatalog.com/sims4/downloads/game-mods/longer-shorter-pregnancy-for-sims-pets-patch-compatible/
6. Risky Woohoo
Check out this video for an overview of the Risky Woohoo mod!
The Risky Woohoo mod gives you either an extremely fertile sim or a complete infertile sim. If you get an extremely fertile sim it opens options to who your sim can woohoo with (including ghosts) and how likely they are to have a baby with those sims.
How the mod makes things more fun!
- Ties together well with the previously discussed mod Instant Morning Sickness to have the surprise of becoming pregnant
- Or the Bad Parent mod that gives a positive moodlet when the sim turns out not pregnant
Get the mod here: https://thesimscatalog.com/sims4/downloads/game-mods/risky-woohoo-try-for-baby-chances/
5. Ultrasound
Check out this video for an overview of the Ultrasound mod!
Along with the Risky Woohoo and Instant Morning Sickness mods, the Ultrasound mod adds to the surprise of the baby journey your Sim is on. This mod allows the Sims to go into the gynecologist for a realistic ultrasound! Typically your Sim is gone for about an hour and when they return you will get a notification saying the results of the ultrasound will be in their inventory shortly!
How the mod makes things more fun!
- Adds an immersive experience with what typically happens in real life
- Let’s the sim host a gender reveal/baby shower to share the big news of the gender and possibly name
Get the mod here: https://littlemssam.tumblr.com/post/175410620123/ultrasound-scan-visit-a-gynecologist-to-do-a
4. Slice of Life
Check out this video for an overview of the Slice of Life mod!
The Slice of Life mod is a simple mod that allows your Sim to have thoughts for themselves. It gives more moodlets on top of the normal ones that are in the base game. It is useful with pregnancies because it allows your Sim to become curious about the gender of their baby, it makes them very excited when they find out the gender, and very happy when their bundle of joy arrives!
How the mod makes things more fun!
- Gives a more immersive and realistic experience for the user
- Overall, it just makes the other pregnancy mods seem more realistic and works well with them
Get the mod here: https://www.kawaiistaciemods.com/downloads/slice-of-life-mod
3. Baby Showers
Check out this video for an overview of the Baby Showers mod!
The Baby Showers mod ties together with the Ultrasound mod, which allows the sim to reveal the gender and celebrate the soon-to-be baby with the pregnant Sim’s closest friends. This is just like any other event in the base game with the typical tasks you need to complete to get a reward. There are also a few additional decorations and interactive items that unlock with this mod as well.
How the mod makes things more fun!
- Have a celebration for the soon to be there baby and share the big news with your closest friends
- Unlocks greeting cards for the pregnant Sim and a stack of presents the Sim can choose to open
Get the mod here: https://simfileshare.net/folder/21699/
2. Baby Skins
Check out this video for an overview of the Baby Skins mod!
As you may have noticed all babies in the base game look the same until they age up to a toddler. The Baby Skins mod changes that from one preset to three different ones. There is a lighter-skinned baby, a medium olive skin, and a darker-skinned baby! This is nice so they can resemble the parents. There are a few other “upgrades” for your baby as well.
How the mod makes things more fun!
- Have the baby resemble the parents
- You can choose a more realistic look with a little bit of hair and eye color that is more noticeable when holding the baby
Get the mod here:
1. Cribs and No Cribs
Check out this video for an overview of the Cribs and No Cribs mods!
The Cribs and No Cribs mod allows you to switch the basic crib that is in the base game to a crib (and changing table) you can download separately. An invisible crib comes with the mod, which needs to be placed before having the baby. After placing the baby there you can move them (just like any other movable object) into the downloaded crib or anywhere else.
How the mod makes things more fun!
- Gives you more of an interactive experience with the baby instead of standing over its crib
- Lets you put the baby almost anywhere in your home, including your bed, on the floor, or even on a counter if you would like
Get the mod here: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-sets-objects-nursery/title/victoria-nursery/id/1327322/ and https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-mods/title/baby-with-hidden-crib-%28default%29/id/1310601/