Tekken 7 has many characters that have decorated the Tekken series and will make your heart beat faster like a horse. This article is about one of the most badass members of the Mishima family, whose hatred for his family is next to none. This freakshow of a character is always going to have more attention on screens because of how rare dedicated Kazuya players are. Electricity, smirk, and the Devil-form are some of this character's icons that will attract the audience every time they see this character in a tournament.
Here are the top 10 Kazuya combos to use and to maximize this character's potential.
10- CH Fujin Uraken 2-hit Combo
Starts at 00:43
Kazuya Tekken 7 combo
This short but very handy Kazuya combo gives you 50 damage with only 2 hits. This is a counter-hit combo and you must learn it if you are one of those guys who like to duck under the high moves of your opponents. The combo could demand little execution, but with practice, this combo could prove to be very fruitful.
The combo starts with "while standing 1+2" which is a safe mid with -8 on-block. This move knocks down your opponent, not very far, so fF+4 is guaranteed after that.
"CH Fujin Uraken 2-hit Combo" is a worthwhile name, as it explains almost everything about the combo: it is a counter hit (CH) combo, it starts with the move called Fujin Uraken and the number of hits is only 2.
How to perform this combo:
- CH while standing 1+2
- fF+4
9- Fujin Uraken Wall-splat Combo
Starts at 01:20
Kazuya Tekken 7 combo
This is a Kazuya wall combo that generates a damage of 56 when you have your opponent on a wall. This is a 6 hit combo. The combo is a must to learn since it gives you the ability to punish the problematic low moves of your opponents.
The combo starts with the same launcher as "while standing 1+2" which is safe on-block. However, this time, you don't have to land a counter hit to start the combo as this move has wall-splat properties on a normal hit.
After the starter move (launcher), you have to quickly do the while standing 1, and the rest of the combo is fairly easy.
The combo name easily conveys that it is a wall splat combo after the Fujin Uraken move. Hence this combo name is nothing but great.
How to perform this combo:
- while standing 1+2 (wall splat)
- while standing 4
- DF+1,4
- 1+2
8- CH Nejiri Uraken Combo 7-hit Combo
Starts at 00:46
Kazuya Tekken 7 combo
This handy Kazuya combo is a way to earn a nice amount of 72 damage against your opponents and it is a 7 hit combo. Another combo worth learning as it is an easy option for you. If your opponent is aggressive, you can always land counter hit moves. And what better move could be than a low move which acts as a launcher on a counter-hit.
The combo starts with a move which has low hitbox properties and is -14 on-block. This makes it unsafe and you can potentially get launched if your opponent can successfully block this low.
However, this low move is relatively fast and cannot be reacted to very easily. After the low launching move, you have to do a "while standing 1+2" very quickly. The rest of the combo is easy except for the micro-dash before B+2,1 which needs a lot more practice.
This combo name once again explains all of the aspects of the combo and you can tell right away what this combo is about.
How to perform this combo:
- CH D+1+2
- while standing 1+2
- B+2,4
- MICRO DASH B+2,1 (screw)
- f, n, d, df+3
7- While Standing Low Punisher Combo
Starts at 00:32
Kazuya Tekken 7 combo
This important Kazuya combo awards you with 74 damage with 7 hits to your opposition. This is while standing combo and is very important to keep your opponent from throwing dangerous low moves at you.
You can block a risky low move that your opponent throws at you and then punish it with "while standing 2" which is a combo starter with a not very difficult extension afterwards.
However, this move is -17 on-block, which makes it highly risky. You cannot throw it randomly as it is very easy for your opponent to launch-punish this move on-block.
As the combo name says it all: this is a while-standing combo which has the launcher move as a low hitbox punisher. Hence, the name serves it right.
How to perform this combo:
- while standing 2
- while standing 1+2
- B+2,1 (screw)
- 1,2,4,3
- F+3
6- Electric 7-hit Combo
Starts at 00:06
Kazuya Tekken 7 combo
This Kazuya 7-hit combo enables you to bleed your opponents with 71 damage. A key combo for Kazuya that will keep your opponents really afraid of you to show risky movements before you.
The combo starts with an "Electric" move (you can see electricity popping out of this move). This combo launcher move is a high hit box and super good as it is +6 on-block. This means that your opponent cannot do anything for the next 6 frames. And you can find a lot of options to make use of this situation.
After the launcher electric move, once again you have to do a "while standing 1+2" quickly and then the rest of the combo is pretty much the same as the other mentioned combos.
This combo name can never be taken as difficult to understand as the entire Tekken community is aware of the word "Electric" in this game. This move without a combo is weird, so the name "Electric 7-hit Combo" is great for this combo.
How to perform this combo:
- f, n, d, df+:2
- while standing 1+2
- B+2,4
- MICRO DASH B+2,1 (screw)
- DASH f, n, d, df+3
5- Big Character Hunt Combo
Starts at 00:53
Kazuya Tekken 7 combo
This Kazuya combo only works on big characters like Gigas and Kuma. The combo deals a 73 damage to the big characters and is a 7-hit combo. This is a decorative combo that will make Gigas and Kuma players think twice before they mess with you.
The combo puts the big opponent characters at risk against you, so the combo is a must to learn. As mentioned before, the launcher move is safe mid and you can throw it quite often. However, the follow-up electric move may require some practice to carry the combo.
And once again, the combo name says it all: this combo only works on Gigas and Bears (Kuma & Panda).
How to perform this combo:
- CH while standing 1+2
- f, n, d, df+:2
- b+2,1 (screw)
- DASH DF+3,2, DELAY 1
4- Electric & Wall Carry Combo
Starts at 01:49
Kazuya Tekken 7 combo
This Kazuya's wall carry combo causes 91 damage to the opponents and is a 13-hit combo. This combo has pretty simple extensions; however it becomes a bit difficult when you have to carry your opponent to the wall.
The wall carry would require some practice which makes the combo a bit difficult. This combo also starts with the "Electric" launcher move, which is a high move with amazing frame advantages. So, never be shy to throw this launcher at your opponents.
The name of this combo doesn't require much explanation as it starts with an Electric and it carries the opponent to a wall. So, this nice name also tells everything about the combo.
How to perform this combo:
- f, n, d, df+:2
- while standing 1+2
- B+2,1 (screw)
- DASH B+3,1
- DASH DF+1,4 (wall splat)
- DASH while standing 4
- DF+1,4
- 1+2
3- Triple Electric 6-hit Combo
Starts at 00:12
Kazuya Tekken 7 combo
Only Kazuya-mains know the beauty and importance of this combo that can do damage of 72 and is only a 6-hit combo. This is another beautiful option after the "Electric" move as you have to land three consecutive electrics in this combo, which makes it not very easy to execute.
And as described earlier, the launcher electric move is super safe and you can even limit your opponent's movements with this specific move. Except for the three "Electrics" the rest of the combo is very easy.
And again, the combo name is great as it tells the whole tale of the combo. And it is easy for any Tekken 7 fan to picture the combo in their mind just by looking at the name.
How to perform this combo:
- f, n, d, df+:2
- f, n, d, df+:2
- DEEP DASH f, n, d, df+:2
- B+2,1 (screw)
- f, n, d, df+3
2- CH Just-Frame Abolishing Fist Combo
Starts at 01:00
Kazuya Tekken 7 combo
This is one of the iconic combos of Kazuya and it gives you a high damage of 91 if you successfully execute it. This combo is a 7-hit combo. However, this is one of the hardest combos in Tekken 7 as it requires a just-frame-timed electric (which means you have to land it at a specific time) after a "counter-hit DF+2".
Even if you have so much practice with this combo, there are always chances to drop this combo excerpt if you are the first one in the world to land it all the time. The launcher move DF+2 is a mid hitbox move with a -12 on-block.
Which means, you cannot throw this move blindly, as a good opponent will always punish this move. Since it is a counter-hit combo, the starting move can be well utilized against aggressive opponents.
A unique name containing unique components. This combo name will intrigue every Kazuya fan to instantly guess the combo. Moreover, the word "Just-Frame" isn't very rare if you are a Tekken 7 fan.
How to perform this combo:
- CH DF+2
- f, n, df+:2
- side step 1+2 (screw)
- DASH while standing 1+2
- B+2,4
- DEEP DASH f, n, d, df+:2
1- CH Just-Frame & Rage Drive Wall combo
Starts at 02:15
Kazuya Tekken 7 combo
One of the most highly damaging Kazuya combos that makes the wall-carry worthwhile. This combo enables you to cause almost 70% life of your opponent with a damage of 111 with only 10-hits. This combo has the same starting moves as the former mentioned combo which requires a just-frame-timed electric move extension.
However, this combo uses a rage drive on the wall that makes it one of Kazuya's high damaging combos. After the just-frame-timed electric, the only extension which seems hard in this combo is MICRO-DASH B+2,1 as the micro dash is not very easy to consistently perform.
And as always, the combo name is going to tell you what this combo is about. Not only can a Tekken 7 fan easily understand this name, but they can easily imagine the rewards of this combo, just by looking at the name as well.
How to perform this combo:
- CH DF+2
- f, n, df+:2
- B+4 (screw)
- DASH while standing 1+2
- B+2,4
- MICRO DASH B+2,1 (wall splat)
- f, n, d, df+1+4, uf (rage drive)
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