Guns are great in Terraria, but using correct bullets makes them even more. There are various choices when it comes to ammo for your modern ranged weaponry and sometimes it just gets too hard to choose. If you're racking your head around which bullets are the best, worry no more! Here are our Terraria Best Bullets ranked worst to best!
5. Meteor Shot
The Meteor Shot is the first craftable bullet type in the game and is better than the standard Musket Ball and Silver Bullets that are sold by the Arms Dealer. While it deals lesser damage than the Silver Bullets, it does make up for it with its ricochet and piercing. These are crafted with Meteorite Bars and Musket Balls.
Item details:
- Damage: 8
- Knockback: 1 (Extremely Weak)
- Velocity: 3
What makes it great:
- Can either bounce or pierce once, but not both
- It's a great source of piercing for guns pre-hardmode
- Can destroy enemies with ease when combined with fast-firing guns like the Minishark
How to get it:
- Click here for more crafting info: https://terraria.wiki.gg/wiki/Meteor_Shot
4. Crystal Bullets
The Crystal Bullets is one of the more popular bullet choices in Terraria. It provides you with the ability to shoot ammo that shatters on impact, causing extra damage per hit. Although it may seem like a rare bullet, it's actually very easy to craft. Combine Crystal Shards with Musket Balls and you'll be able to use this powerful ammunition.
Item details:
- Damage: 9
- Knockback: 1 (Extremely Weak)
- Velocity: 5
What makes it great:
- Can easily carry your damage up until Moon Lord.
- Shatters on impact, creating damaging shrapnel for extra DPS
How to get it:
- Click here for more crafting info: https://terraria.wiki.gg/wiki/Crystal_Bullet
3. Ichor Bullet
What's better than shooting an enemy with a gun? Bullets that reduce defense, of course. Ichor bullets are created simply by adding Ichor to Musket Balls and they're a highly valuable addition to any ranger's loadout. Enemies shot with this bullet get their armor reduced by a set amount. There are only a few bosses that are immune to this debuff so the ammo proves useful in any situation.
Item details:
- Damage: 13
- Knockback: 4 (Weak)
- Velocity: 5.25
What makes it great:
- Decreases enemy armor by 15 for 10 seconds
- Increases damage by 10, 15, and 20 in Normal, Expert, and Master modes respectively
How to get it:
- Click here for more crafting info: https://terraria.wiki.gg/wiki/Ichor_Bullet
2. Chlorophyte Bullet
Terraria is full of enemies that blitz through the screen with absolute speed. Shooting these fast little buggers require sweaty precision which most casual players just don't have. That's why Terraria added weapons that do your aiming for you! The Chlorophyte Bullet allows the player to shoot homing bullets that seek the nearest enemy, allowing you to fight fast enemies with ease.
Item details:
- Damage: 9
- Knockback: 4.5 (Average)
- Velocity: 5
What makes it great:
- Easy to craft in large numbers since Chlorophyte can be grown in mud
- Homing bullets allow for more damage per second
How to get it:
- Click here for more crafting info: https://terraria.wiki.gg/wiki/Chlorophyte_Bullet
1. Luminite Bullet
Luminite is a post-Moon Lord resource that allows you to craft the best equipment in the game. This proves the same when added to Musket Balls. Luminite Bullets give you the ability to shoot high-piercing bullets that can tear up to 49 basic enemies with one bullet. Fighting segmented enemies with this will shred them away.
Item details:
- Damage: 20
- Knockback: 3 (Very Weak)
- Velocity: 2
What makes it great:
- Bullets have infinite piercing based on duration
- Best damage among all bullets
How to get it:
- Click here for more crafting info: https://terraria.wiki.gg/wiki/Luminite_Bullet