Being a pro gamer and being a female isn’t easy. The few times that they do appear, they are the target of abuse in many forms, ranging from lewd comments to death threats. Kim “geguri” Se-yeon, is unfortunately no exception to this rule. She is so good at Zayra that other pros have accused her of cheating, sent her hate-mail, and in one case someone threatened to show up at her house with a knife. Despite all this, nearly a year after she proved her skills were legitimate in a Lan center, she still has the drive to compete and will be starting tommorrow with the Rox Orcas in the OGN, Koreas highest overwatch league.
This is going to be her second shot at pro-level overwatch, as Geguri was previously on EHOME spear, which tried to qualify for APEX challenger previously and failed. Now that she is going to be playing with the ROX orcas she has a much stronger chance and getting some serious work done, competetivly speaking. and hopefully her success or failure will depend on her play, and not the non-stop harassment from backwards individuals. The last few female pro gamers that have made it to big leagues haven’t been able to play for very long, and all of them have cited abuse from strangers as the principal reason for retiring quickly.
Given her response to previous abuse, It’s possible that she may be strong enough to pave the way for other people like her get to competitive play and actually have healthy gaming careers free from the malice of strangers. Tune in to the begining of season 4 here https://www.twitch.tv/ogn_ow