The 25 Best Thor Cosplays We've Ever Seen (Female): Page 4 of 5

Best Thor Cosplays
Amapolchen with her epic Thor cosplay!

10. Miss Mad Love

Cosplay by MissMadLove

Stan Lee thought it would be cool to use old Norse legends as inspiration since readers were already familiar with Greek and Roman gods, and imagined Norse gods looked like Vikings. Stan Lee and Jack Kirby included Thor in The Avengers # 1 in September 1963.

9. Redcat Cosplay

Cosplay by Redcat-cosplay

Jane Foster was created by Stan Lee, Larry Lieber, and Jack Kirby, the same creators of Thor. She appeared in Journey into Mystery #84 in 1962.

8. Bahamut95

Cosplay by bahamut95

Ever since The Avengers #1 debuted in September 1963, Thor appears in all continuing volumes of the Avengers since then. Loki, Thor’s brother, actually first appeared the year before in Journey into Mystery #85.

7. Angel Kaoru

Cosplay by Angelkaoru

In the comics, Thor is physically the strongest out of all Asgardians, able to even rip apart the Golden Gate Bridge. This includes superhuman durability and near-invulnerability, which can be seen in the MCU, especially during the Nidavellir scenes in Infinity War.

6. Moony-Cosplay

Cosplay by MoonyCosplay

Thor’s powers also include superhuman speed and reflexes, and can deflect bullets with Mjolnir. In the MCU, Thor also possess longevity, being 1,500 years old. Luckily this longevity also includes not actually looking like he’s 1,500 years old.

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Preferring to spend time in space and occasionally the odd fantasy world or two, Michelle quite enjoys creating stories for distribution amongst the populace.
Gamer Since: 1989
Top 3 Favorite Games:Assassin's Creed 2 , Star Wars: Battlefront,

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