15. Scrap Everything
This mod sounds exactly like what it does. If you’ve found several leaf piles that are just in the wrong place, almost everyone who has ever played Fallout agrees with you. Not to mention, you just love moving in that family that just escaped slavery into the same house with forty skeletons in it because you couldn’t delete it (and had to keep them somewhere).
- How the mod makes things more fun:
- Scraps all things in the settlement like bones, leaves, random cracks on the ground, and other things that would just annoy you to death in-game.
- Be careful using it too much though with some items. Say if you had an important plot piece and you scrapped it- there is no way to rebuild that in the system.
- Creates a clean slate in the wasteland to where you can build extreme, fully functioning cities. With the additions of other mods, you can wake up the next day to a city that has built itself around you.
Get the mod here.
14. Homemaker - Expanded Settlements
This mod adds over a thousand new craftable objects, new build sets, working planters, and much more to your playthrough. This allows you to actually build a fully functioning home with your character's needs in mind. This mod also allows you to mix and match with what’s already in the base game, so no need to try to decide whether you want a modern couch or a wasteland couch!
How the mod makes things more fun:
- It allows you to choose between newer looking objects and the older wasteland ones that look like they’ve seen a bullet or two.
- Cleans up several messes like the blood splatter on the walls of Sanctuary
- You can build several things from the other factions like the Institute, Brotherhood, railroad, and much more from other games.
Get the mod here.
13. Place Everywhere
Sometimes you just want to put the bar stool exactly fifteen inches from the other one to allow people to actually use the bar you made. Unfortunately, Bethesda wanted to not only have build limits but random objects that couldn’t be deleted, moved, or changed to really mess with the flow of your settlement.
How the mod makes things more fun:
- This mod now only allows you to place something anywhere, just like the title. But it also increases several functionality issues.
- You can turn off the surface snap now you can get things in the perfect placement.
- This can be helpful if you don’t want to move anything on top of your object, but you can move or rotate what’s underneath.
Get the mod here.
12. Better Settlers
This lore-friendly mod adds over two hundred new settlers. You can customize them, spawn new ones, make changes to their stuff, gender ratios, stats, and mortality. Little too quiet in town? Start a murder mystery in your settlement!
How the mod makes things more fun:
- Adds better settlers with better armor as you level up. So when you’re in your forties you can easily have a settler show up in power armor or combat armor.
- Loot is no longer scrambled and these settlers actually have a good amount of stuff, since they’ve been living by themselves in the wasteland.
- More dialogue options as well. Some settlers will tell you they’ve come from a raider settlement and want a second chance. Others are from factions and don’t agree with their views anymore. So much more world-building now!
Get the mod here.
11. OCDecorator - Static Loot
Unfortunately, without the random junk that we trip over in Diamond City or Good Neighbor, our settlements feel a bit lifeless even after settlers arrive. That’s because humans are hoarders, especially after the bombs wrecked the Wasteland. Now, with this mod, you can put those items you’ve been collecting to good use.
How the mod makes things more fun:
- Freemaker is a great pairing mod with this one, this allows you to create everything through the game, and OCDecorator allows you to static place them.
- You can randomize the loot and allow things to place themselves- but use with caution. This explains why your keys end up in the fridge.
- This mode is great to be paired with other mods now your settlements look as real as possible. Things like no build limit, and place anywhere, are great examples.
Get the mod here.
10. Northland Diggers Resources
This mod allows the settlers to actually work around your settlements. Instead of them just farming or roaming around because they can’t make food or build anything… now you can! You can set up several resources like scavenger stations (specific ones) and now can auto-assign so they can get to work immediately!
How the mod makes things more fun:
- Beautiful, in-depth set pieces that really make your playthrough look like you have your settlement management together!
- It allows settlers to be significantly more useful to generate hard to get items like concrete, aluminum, and several others that are difficult to obtain in the wasteland.
- It can be paired with most mods and Northland Diggers have also added several other mods that expand on the settlements. This is just one of many.
Get the mod here.
9. Functional Displays
Like Skyrim and several of our other favorite games, we like to show off the loot we ripped off the cold dead body of our enemies. Deathclaw head? Mount it on the wall! Raider hand that flipped you off once? Stick it on the end of that mannequin and call it a day!
How the mod makes things more fun:
- This mod adds in hundreds of pegboards, glasses cases, containers, and much more now you can show off all the cool stuff you found.
- Make several things in the game now work, like the pegboards in red rockets, and other settlements.
- This mod is also constantly being updated or bug fixes- which when many are abandoned after a while, this is a nice change!
Get the mod here.
8. No More Floating Razorgrain
As straightforward as this sounds, this mod actually adds in a bit more than it says it does! While it does take care of the floating razorgrain issue pretty much everywhere- it also helps with other plants and food items. Now they can thankfully be snapped to the ground without issue- or if you have the place anywhere mod, you can easily make a tower of grain if you wanted.
How the mod makes things more fun:
- Fixes a lot of placement issues for plants now they aren’t floating three feet off the ground.
- It allows you to turn off snap if you wanted to, just to make sure they stay where you put them.
- It also adds in some nice environment effects like the razorgrain growing to a preset height or waving in the wind better.
Get the mod here.
7. Craftable Castle Wall Patch
I will speak for many gamers when I say: what is the point of having a huge concrete defensive base- when literally there are giant holes in the walls? Thankfully this mod creator agrees and has made actual patches for the Castle with the Minutemen Faction. Now you don’t have to hope your turrets are going to help defend the holes.
How the mod makes things more fun:
- Patches with several items that are different styles. So it doesn’t look like it never happened, but you and your men were able to patch it back up.
- Lore friendly and can be commented on by the settlers there. “So glad we got the wall fixed!”
- You can still leave through doors but adds a nice locking feature as well. Now you can actually have a Minutemen Base that means something!
Get the mod here.
6. Rebuild - Pre-War/Post-War Build Set
We’ve seen a lot of mods that rebuild your home in Sanctuary, but not too many that let you take your building knowledge to other settlements. With this mod, you can rebuild your entire home and any other home piece by piece or fully assembled. Now can put little Sanctuaries across the Commonwealth!
How the mod makes things more fun:
- This allows you to build your homes again in Sanctuary, completely restoring it.
- It can be paired with other mods like the OCDecorator. Using mods like saving your spouse, adopting Shawn again, and much more… you can literally play the Wasteland version of before the war!
- Very nice modular build set that doesn’t tax your computer or console too much, can be paired with many other mods and gives you plenty of house options to rebuild!
Get the mod here.
5. Lore Friendly Posters
Now this mod may not be the largest addition to Fallout 4, but it’s worth a mention purely because of the customizable options. This mod adds over a hundred, and it’s updating, posters that you can add everywhere. It allows you to have multiple decoration options that people can also trade with as well!
How the mod makes things more fun:
- Old posters that are roughed up from the wasteland.
- All posters are all lore-friendly and you can absolutely mix and match. It can be based on magazine covers, locations in the Commonwealth, and much more!
- Adds wonderful amounts of decorations that can be added with other mods. There are also mods made to expand on this one like the ‘Atom Bomb Pinup Paintings’ or ‘Faction Flags’ that really give your settlement a certain aesthetic.
Get the mod here.
4. Wooden Prefabs Extended
This mod improves the wooden shacks in the prefab category by leaps. It adds support to the shacks so you can place them anywhere, and adds several more styles. Some players have specific wood shacks in mind since the metal ones have issues with the ceiling and in other areas. Wooden prefabs are the castles of the wasteland!
How the mod makes things more fun:
- The only things you would have to add would be stairs and decorations to get into these new prefabs.
- Now adds guard towers and legs with uneven ground. It makes things significantly better to set up on several locations like the drive-in movie theater.
- Pricing for mods and such are still decent even if you put in a lot of them. This mod is great to pair with pre-walled settlements mod!
Get the mod here.
3. Prisoner Shackles
So this one is a bit strange but if you want to live as someone who takes the law to heart, this mod might be fun for you! This mod adds craftable prisoner shackles and more in the workshop, allowing you to punish the settlers that really just won’t stop bothering you. If you match this mod to others, like creating drama in your settlement- you can put Tim out for the Deathclaws to snack on for stealing McCready’s hat.
How the mod makes things more fun:
- This mod adds cages, collars, shackles, and much more. This allows you to play in any sort of faction with a minimal amount of issues.
- Several bugs have been fixed like having to fast-travel for people to appear in the cages.
- Great roleplay addition that you can cause drama and add more settlers for. Want a bustling city in the middle of the wasteland with prisoners and a justice system? Say no more.
Get the mod here.
2. SIM Settlements
This mod is fantastic in every form of the word. Can you imagine placing down a house one stormy irritated night only to wake up with a city around you the next day? That’s exactly what SIM Settlements does.
How the mod makes things more fun:
- Allows settlers to take their own lives into their hands and build cities while you’re gone out in the wasteland.
- Surprisingly a lot of bugs have been fixed and completely removed. Allowing smooth and issue-free experience for most of the time. It’s also fair, balanced, and lore-friendly!
- This mod allows settlers to come up with shops and new places. Once you have the mod you’ll have plenty of areas to build up and make actual cities!
Get the mod here.
1. Settlement Management Software
Settlement Management Software actually adds in a software for terminals that helps you control your settlement better! It adds control and significantly more than just barebones like food, water, defense, etc. This makes helping your people so much easier and fool-proof, instead of running around trying to track all twenty of your settlers to make sure they are working.
How the mod makes things more fun:
- Now you would go to a terminal and simply load your management holotape. Now you view statistics, manage settlers, tasks, and settings. Though you can only manage a settlement while in that settlement.
- It allows you to see what beds are sheltered, happiness targets (where you could be), what damages are currently going on in the settlements, and days since the last attack.
- List of assigned and unassigned settlers, robots and brahmin, and much more! This management system is definitely a must-have if you want to build anything in your mods!
Get the mod here.
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