Gunfights in GTA Online require strategy; you always have to adapt to your situation and pick the right weapon to use. You’re sometimes forced to go for pure damage and stopping firepower.
There are multiple weapon classes you can use for high firepower in GTA Online, but the best of them by far are Machine Guns.
Why are Machine Guns important in GTA Online?
- Great for crowd control
- Large ammo capacity, allowing for aggressive play style
- Suppressing fire and pushing enemies out of (or into) an area
- Excellent for medium-range gunfights
Please note that machine guns in GTA Online have two subclasses: Submachine guns and Light machine guns. We’ll include the best of both subclasses. Let’s jump right into our list!
7. Machine Pistol
The Machine Pistol has the second highest damage per shot in the Submachine gun class, only outperformed by the Combat PDW, which is lower down this list. It has good accuracy and a respectable fire rate, making it an excellent choice if you’re just starting out in the game.
The main downside is the magazine size (only 12), which makes it necessary to purchase an extended clip or a drum mag.
What the Machine Pistol excels at:
- Good starter: excellent for new players
- Cheap: only costs $6250
- Drive-by weapon: can be used for drive-bys and hit-and-runs
- Damage: second highest in the SMG class
How to get the Machine Pistol:
- Bought from Ammu-Nation
Machine Pistol Details:
- Description: This fully automatic is the snare drum to your twin-engine V8 bass; no drive-by sounds quite right without it.
- Capacity: 12 rounds (20 with Extended Clip, 30 with Drum Magazine)
- Price: $6,250
- Unlocks at Rank: 1
6. MG
The MG is a medium-range combat Light Machine gun; it does 40 damage per shot and holds up to 100 rounds per magazine. It’s great for clearing groups of enemies or suppressing fire.
While it’s better than rifles (early to mid-game), its low accuracy and high recoil make it a worse choice than other weapons on this list.
What the MG excels at:
- DPS: good damage compared to rifles, especially mid-game
- Affordable: costs $13.500
- 100-round magazines are excellent for clearing large groups of enemies
How to get the MG:
- Bought from Ammu-Nation
- Found in Fort Zancudo, Gang Attacks and your Kosatka
MG details:
- Description: A general-purpose machine gun that combines rugged design with dependable performance and long-range penetrative power Very effective against large groups.
- Ammo capacity: 54 rounds (100 with Extended Clip)
- Price: $13,500
- Unlocks at rank 50
5. Combat PDW
The Combat PDW does the most damage in its class, although it fires at a slower rate than other SMGs. Is this a good trade-off? Yes. It’s perfectly balanced for medium-range combat because the DPS is still high.
There’s also a wide range of attachments available for the Combat PDW, so you can customise it however you see fit.
What the Combat PDW excels at:
- Perfect for medium-range combat: 28 damage per shot
- DPS: highest in the SMG class
- Integrated suppressor: great for stealthy approaches
How to get the Combat PDW:
- Buy at Ammu-Nation
Combat PDW details:
- Description: Lower rate of fire, but unparalleled damage. This SMG is the perfect chance to have someone appreciate the wonders of modern technology by absorbing them straight through their skull.
- Capacity: 30 rounds (60 with Extended clip, 100 with a drum magazine)
- Price: $11,750
- Unlocks at rank 1
4. Gusenberg Sweeper
Why does the Gusenberg Sweeper easily outclass every other submachine gun? It’s an LMG in disguise. It fires at 555 RPM, dealing crazy damage to enemies in close to medium range. It doesn’t do great over longer ranges, but shooting in bursts solves it.
You also can’t equip attachments to it, so it’s your choice: lose the bonus damage and fire rate over attachments or get a straight LMG.
What the Gusenberg Sweeper excels at:
- DPS: 34 per shot at 555 rounds per minute
- High fire rate: perfect for headshots
- Accuracy: excellent in short bursts (not so good in full auto)
How to get the Gusenberg Sweeper:
- Buy from Ammu-Nation
Gusenberg Sweeper details:
- Description: Bring that old-school bullet spread with the gangster’s choice of violent payback. Trilby, sneers. Liberty City accents are not included.
- Price: $14,600
- Capacity: 30 rounds (50 with extended clip)
3. Unholy Hellbringer
The Unholy Hellbringer is identical to the Combat MG with no attachments; don’t fall for all the plasma tricks and the price tag. That doesn’t particularly make it a bad weapon because a stock Combat MG is still an excellent machine gun; it does good damage at a manageable recoil.
This machine gun doesn’t have a magazine, meaning you can shoot all 9.999 rounds without reloading, making it perfect for larger enemy groups.
What the Unholy Hellbringer excels at:
- Damage output: better choice than a rifle
- Fire rate: destroys armoured enemies
- Unlimited magazine: you don’t reload while using it
How to get the Unholy Hellbringer:
- Can be purchased from Agency Armoury or from Gun Van if stocked.
Unholy Hellbringer details:
- Description: Republican Space Ranger Special If you want to turn a little green man into a little green goo, this is the only American way to do it.
- Price: $449,000
- No reloading
2. Combat MG
You can never go wrong with the Combat MG; it’s better than SMGs and most rifles; it shoots farther and does higher damage at the cost of very manageable recoil. The only downside to this weapon is the reload time, which is not even that bad considering you can equip 200-round magazines.
Unless you need a specific weapon for a specific need (like a sniper for very long range or a shotgun for face-to-face gunfights), the Combat MG does everything better than other weapons.
What the Combat MG excels at:
- Damage: excellent DPS at 45 damage per shot with a high fire rate
- Accuracy: You quickly notice that it’s very accurate, and every bullet hits.
- PVE: perfect for crowds and clearing NPC enemies overall
- Versatile: can be used for missions, heists, PVP, and free mode activities
- Ammo capacity: you can clear an entire mission without reloading
How to get Combat MG:
- Bought from Ammu-Nation if you’re rank 80
- Can be purchased at any level if you have an Agency or Weapon Workshop.
Combat MG details:
- Description: A lightweight, compact machine gun that combines excellent manoeuvrability with a high rate of fire to devastating effect.
- Price: $14,800
- Capacity: 100 rounds (200 with Extended Clip)
1. Combat MG MKII
The MKII variant gets a visual upgrade; it looks newer and more polished. The performance is also improved, doing 47 instead of 45 damage per shot. You can also equip attachments for long-range combat and recoil, like the muzzle break, grip, and heavy barrel, making it reliable for combat at all ranges.
We can go on all day about what this gun gets right, so just know that it’s 10/10 in every single aspect a weapon needs; it’s a true game changer.
What the Combat MG MKII excels at:
- Damage: better than most weapons in GTA Online
- PVP: excellent DPS; kills players with a few bullets at any range
- PVE: Combat MG MKII is perfect for clearing any type of violent activity, from simple car repos to the Doomsday Heist.
- Consistency: very reliable for all ranges and against all types of enemies and vehicles
- Modified bullets: can use custom rounds for even more damage.
How to get the Combat MG MKII:
- Buy standard variant from Ammu-Nation
- Purchase a Weapons Workshop
- Upgrade it to MKII through the workshop
Combat MG MKII details:
- Description: You can never have too much of a good thing; after all, if the first shot counts, then the next hundred or so must count for double.
- Price: $119,000. (Conversion at the workshop)
- Capacity: 80 rounds (specialised ammo) 100 rounds (200 with the Extended Clip)
That’s it for our list; we hope you enjoyed reading it!
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