10. Dubsta 2
Is there really a Difference
See the Dubsta in action:
Start at the begining
What is this Car
The Dubsta 2 is a four door SUV only available in GTA Online that players can steal off the street and make into their own personal vehicle. There are two variants of the Dubsta, the Base Dubsta and the Dubsta 2, the difference between the two is there are more customizable options for the Dubsta 2.
Why is it Good
The Dubsta 2, having four seats, will be a massive blessing to those who regularly play with friends. When the Dubsta 2 is upgraded at the local mod shop, the top speed and handling will keep most new players happy until they are able to purchase the newer high-end SUV’s Rockstar has been dropping each major update.
Why you should steal and keep it
The main reason players should buy the Dubsta 2 is because it’s one of the few vehicles in the entire game that require players to camp out and wait for these vehicles to spawn. These vehicles have a lower spawn rate so the time it takes to acquire varies depending on the player's luck.
Dubsta 2 Is Good For
Being a SUV, the Dubsta 2 will be extremely good at:
- Off Road races that require good grip and handling.
- Climbing any of the mountains, specifically Mount Chiliad.
- Traveling with multiple players.
- Participating in SUV class races.
How to get the Dubsta 2
The Dubsta can be picked up at one of two locations: Mod shop left of LSIA, and the Mod shop at the center of Los Santos (Most Popular). Players who own a bunker can guarantee a spawn by doing a resupply mission and simply steal one of the enemies all black Dubsta 2.
9. Karin Sultan
Ain't She Beautiful
See the Karin Sultan in action:
Start at 1:45
What is this Car
The Karin sultan is a four-seat sports car that was released with the launch of GTA V and has a bunch of variants: Sultan RS and Sultan Classic.
Why is it Good
This car is decently quick when stocked or upgraded, making it the perfect choice for new players looking to learn the ropes of driving. The Karin Sultan also has amazing off road top speed allowing for competitive offroad sport races.
Why you should steal and keep it
The Karin Sultan got a recent upgrade in the form of Benny’s modification, these mods either: transform the Karin Sultan to the newer Karin Sultan RS (Able to use in sports and super class races) or improve the overall performance of the car.
Karin Sultan Is Good For
- Off Road sports races.
- Lobby wide events in which you are tasked with getting checkpoints in a set time offroad.
- Getting around Blaine County and Sandy Shores.
How to get the Karin Sultan
The Karin Sultan can be stolen off the streets and made into a personal vehicle by going to the local auto shop and purchasing Mors Mutual Insurance.
8. Lampadati Felon
The Car owned by all Buissness men
See the Lampadati Felon in action:
Start at 7:17
What is this Car
The Lampadati Felon is another four-door vehicle that was released with GTA V and for many years was one of the best in the coupe’s class only beaten out by the Ubermacht Zion.
Why is it Good
This car has two variants, The Felon and the Felon GT. The Felon gt is a two-door version that doesn’t have any visual modification options or a spoiler (Increases traction) making the base felon a much better option.
Why you should steal and keep it
The Felon is in the coupe class and for many years was the second-best vehicle racers could choose for Couple class races. Over the past 5 years, Rockstar has added new coupes forcing the Felon out of its original top spot. Even with these recent additions the felon can remain competitive if driven by an experienced racer.
Lampadati Felon Is Good For
The Lampadati Felon is a four-door luxury coupe that excels at:
- All Coupe class races.
- Casual driving around Los Santos.
- New players that aren’t comfortable driving fast vehicles.
How to get the Lampadati Felon
The Felon can either be purchased on Southern San Andreas Autos website for $90,000 or by stealing it off the streets for free.
7. Ocelot F620
The Millionares Car
See the Ocelot F620 in action:
Start at 3:00
What is this Car
The Ocelot F620 is a 2-door coupe class car GTA Online players can steal off the streets and make into a personal vehicle.
Why is it Good
The F620 has a pretty good top speed and acceleration that most new players can handle. The F620 looks quite luxurious so if you are a player that likes to look fancy and rich then this car is a perfect fit.
Why you should steal and keep it
The F620 is a good starting point for the coupe category especially for those players not familiar with the hectic atmosphere of a GTA online race. This car will truly shine in races that have long straights as its top speed is pretty good considering it’s completely free and quite inexpensive to fully upgrade.
Ocelot F620 Is Good For
- Coupe class races that require top speed over handling.
- Casual driving on the main Highways.
- OG jobs that were released with the launch of GTA Online (Rooftop Rumble).
How to get the Ocelot F620
The Ocelot F620 can be bought at Southern San Andreas Autos website for $80,000 or by stealing it off the road and making it a personal vehicle at the mod shop.
6. Ubermacht Zion
The most used in 2013
See the Ubermacht Zion in action:
Start at 5:05
What is this Car
The Ubermacht Zion is a hardtop 2-seater coupe car based on the infamous BMW E63 M6. The Zion is one of the best in its class, so it is highly recommended players consider picking up one of these off the streets and making it into a personal vehicle. It is always good to have a car in each race class.
Why is it Good
For many years, the Ubermacht Zion has been the number one choice for the coupe class but with the recent addition of HSW cars, the Sentinel XS took the number one spot, bumping the Ubermacht Zion down to second place.
Why you should steal and keep it
The Ubermacht Zion remains in the top three for the entire class so it would be very foolish not to take advantage of the free offer Rockstar gave its players.
Ubermacht Zion Is Good For
- Coupe Class races.
- Personal vehicle Time trials.
- Races that favor handling over top speed.
How to get the Ubermacht Zion
The Zion can be stolen off the street and made into a personal vehicle at the nearest mod shop, the Zion will spawn around the map, so it won’t be too hard to find even for new players.
5. Ubermacht Sentinel XS
See the Ubermacht Sentinel XS in action:
Start at 5:00
What is this Car
The Sentinel XS is a 2-door coupe car that has multiple variations, the sentinel (Convertible) and the Sultan Classic. The Sentinel XS is the best of the bunch as its overall performance and its high-performance potential with HSW Upgrades.
Why is it Good
The design of this car is not the only feature that makes the Sentinel XS great but the access it gives players to the HSW modifications. When players decide to make this leap, The upgraded Sentinel XS will be the undisputed king of the coupe’s class with a top speed of 137.8mph, this is faster than the Pariah, a once top spot holder in the sports class.
Why you should steal and keep it
Players should look at the base Sentinel XS as a worthwhile investment, with the constant influx of HSW cars players will eventually need their own HSW if they want to be competitive.
Ubermacht Sentinel XS is Good for
- Car meets and other car enthusiast events.
- In-game lobby events.
- Heist setup and Auto Shop prep work missions.
How to get the Ubermacht Sentinel XS
The Sentinel XS can be bought from Southern San Andreas Autos website for $60,000 or by stealing it off the road and making it a personal vehicle at the mod shop.
4. Ubermacht Oracle
The Average Joe of Cars
See the Ubermacht Sentinel XS in action:
Start at 5:00
What is this Car
The Ubermacht Oracle is a four-door luxury coupe class car featured in both Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online. Based on the BMW 7 Series F01, GTA V players might notice this vehicle as it is the same one used by Dave (FIB Agent) for most of his story mode missions.
Why is it Good
The Oracle isn’t the fastest of the Coupes nor is it the best at handling, it is however the best choice if you're looking to make the most money from selling street cars, you can make $8,000 for each non-upgraded sale. This was the original money-making method when GTA Online first released.
Why you should steal and keep it
Players that are using the money-making method should make the Ubermacht Oracle a personal vehicle as you can then increase the spawn rate for faster retrieval and sales.
Ubermacht Oracle is Good for
- Making money by reselling at the nearest auto shop.
- Driving with friends.
- Teaching new/players how to make legitimate money.
How to get the Ubermacht Oracle
The Oracle can be bought from Southern San Andreas Autos website for $80,000 or by stealing it off the road and making it a personal vehicle at the mod shop.
3. Vapid Dominator
The Best Muscle Car to Exist
See the Vapid Dominator in action:
Start at 5:00
What is this Car
The Vapid Dominator is the first muscle car on this list and for many years was the number one muscle car for top speed and around a track. Released with GTA V, the vapid Dominator has seen many variations over the years and yet it is still championed by many racers and car enthusiasts alike.
Why is it Good
The Dominator is still very competitive in the Muscle class and since it can be stolen off the streets for free and made into a personal vehicle, there is no legitimate reason new players shouldn’t pick it up for themselves.
Why you should steal and keep it
Players that plan on doing races in the future should 100% get this vehicle as there are plenty of inferior muscle cars that cost over $300k and still unable to keep up with the Dominators spectacular performance.
Vapid Dominator is Good for
- All Muscle class races.
- Personal Time Trials.
- Multi-class Endurance races.
How to get the Vapid Dominator
The Vapid Dominator can be bought from Southern San Andreas Autos website for $35,000 or by stealing it off the road and making it into a personal vehicle.
2. Pegassi Bati 801
The Bike everyone thinks of
See the Pegassi Bati 801 in action:
Start at 5:40
What is this Car
The Bati 801 has been the fastest bike in GTA Online for many years, only being dethroned by the Hakuchou Drag. This bike is undoubtedly the most popular vehicle you can steal as the Bati 801 has quite the top speed of 135 mph, way faster than most Super cars.
Why is it Good
The 801 is very inexpensive to fully upgrade as it was intended by Rockstar to be a f2p (Free to play) friendly option for new and returning players, for a brief period, Rockstar would give all players free 801’s when they bought their first garage, this was later changed to the feature we have now in which players are given 4 million dollars during character creation.
Why you should steal and keep it
There are only a few motorcycles faster than the 801 (Hakuchou Drag and the Shotaro) and even fewer that can handle stunt races as well. GTA Online players who do get this motorcycle will quickly realize that the millions of dollars difference for a slight performance upgrade is hardly worth the price tag.
Pegassi Bati 801 is Good for:
- All Motorcycle class races.
- Personal Time Trials.
- Low Budget players.
How to get the Pegassi Bati 801
The Bati 801 can be purchased on Southern San Andreas Auto for $15,000 or by stealing it off an NPC.
1. Imponte Phoenix
See the Imponte Phoenix in action:
Start at 5:00
What is this Car
The Imponte Phoenix is the second and last muscle car on this list and is based off the iconic and most legendary car the Pontiac Firebird, this is the first ever “rare” car in GTA Online. A muscle car so rare that a huge chunk of the player base doesn’t even know that this vehicle exists.
Why is it Good
The Imponte Phoenix has amazing top speed and during the golden age of GTA Online (2013-2017) was able to compete against the vapid dominator, sometimes even beating it when the driver knew how to brake boost.
Why you should steal and keep it
If you can find this vehicle in a lobby then you should stop whatever you're doing at the time and try your best to get to a nearby mod shop before it gets stolen off you or worse, blown up by an MKII.
Imponte Phoenix is Good for:
- Most Muscle class races.
- Drag races amongst friends and crew.
- All lobby wide events that require a fast vehicle.
- Any Car meets at HSW car meet or at the Diamond Casino basement.
How to get the Imponte Phoenix
The Imponte Phoenix can only be found on the streets making it the rarest raceable vehicle in GTA Online.