In 2024, the virtual landscape of Los Santos in Grand Theft Auto V Online witnessed an exhilarating resurgence as players embarked on an immersive treasure hunt, breathing new life into Online lobbies. Rockstar Games, the visionary behind GTA V, introduced a captivating quest that captured the attention of new and old players worldwide looking to celebrate the Christmas season with a special event. This article delves into the excitement, challenges, and rewards of this GTA V Online exclusive treasure hunt.
What Is Treasure Hunt in GTA Online
Treasure Hunts in GTA Online are lobby-exclusive game modes that allow for players to hunt for specific treasures that are oftentimes limited and only available under certain criterias that players must meet in order to obtain said treasures. Finding all the GTA Online Treasure Hunt locations in one go will be quite time consuming even for veteran players.
How to start Treasure Hunt in GTA Online
From all the Treasure Hunts released by Rockstar, players are always required to first enter the zone in which the main treasure is located and pick up or take a picture of certain items for the final location to appear. In the most recent treasure Hunt, players were tasked with observing multiple spots on or around mount chiliad to complete a one time event. After completing the hunt an aggressive npc would spawn and when killed by the player would drop a one-of-a-kind outfit, The Yeti.
What to do in GTA Online Treasure Hunt
As mentioned above, all treasure hunts in GTA Online require players to collect a series of items for the final item to appear. In this hunt, players will be told via message about some specific requirements needed for the treasure hunt to be fully completed, players can track any current treasure hunts from the interaction menu.
GTA Online Treasure Hunt locations 2024
The most recent treasure hunt we got in GTA Online came with the Chop Shop update at the end of 2023 during the annual Christmas event and features a newly added outfit online players can obtain by observing five seperate key locations. At these locations players are tasked with the observation of specific items that have been unusually disturbed by some unknown creature.
First Phase Treasure Hunt locations In GTA Online
Before players can reach the second phase of this hunt, they must first receive a message from “Tanner '' that when opened will unlock a white circle map icon with a question mark in the center, this icon can be found on the base of Mount Chiliad. To receive the message from Tanner players will simply have to wait for a message notification to pop up when in any GTA Online lobby.
Second Phase Treasure Hunt locations In GTA Online
In the Second phase of this treasure hunt, players must head to five different locations and observe the surroundings for anything that looks out of place. The five-observation point to look out for can be found at:
Clue #1 - The Dead Deer
Dead male deer with claw marks near the stream.
Start at 2:10
Clue #2- Human Remains
Players should look for a group of disembodied mannequins near a fallen tree . Take a look at the photo below for its precise location.
Start at 1:53
Clue #3- The Overturned Car
Go under the bridge to find the car wreck near a huge tree.
Start at 0:55
Clue #4- The Abandoned Tent
This clue can be found at a bloodied tent with various scattered items as seen below.
Start at 1:35
Clue #5- The Wrecked Car and Bloody Shirt
The Torn Shirt can be found near a destroyed car. It'll be really hard to see at night during the snow but you’ll hear a heartbeat sound effect when getting close.
Start at 2:26
Final Phase Treasure Hunt location in GTA Online
The Final objective for this Treasure Hunt once all five locations are successfully observed is to simply wait for the aggressive yeti to spawn in between the hours of 21:00 and 06:00 (Nighttime). Depending on how fast you completed the observations, the yeti might spawn near your character, so it is highly advised to check your map before making any movement.
Start at 2:45
Once the Yeti is taken out, players can head over to the local clothing store and select the new Yeti outfit under the outfit category Outfits: Festive. The Yeti outfit will show as unlocked so players won’t need to spend any of the cash earned. For each of the five clues, players will get $10,000 and 1000 RP, totaling $50,000 and 5000 RP. As a bonus for defeating the Yeti, players will also be awarded $50,000 transferred directly to their Maze Bank account.
That concludes our guide on GTA Online Treasure Hunt Locations 2024.
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