Aphelios is the hardest ADC to master in League of Legends. His kit is so complicated that players need to pay attention to the ammunition of the current guns, as well as what pair of guns would they use in the next team fight. In this article, we will rank each of his skin from worst to best.
3. Nightbringer Aphelios
Nightbringer Aphelios is the skin that was released with Aphelios in 2019. This skin has an interesting lore because Alune, her twin sister, was the archoness of order, while Aphelios is a fiend of chaos. It offers a new skill, particle, and sound effects that emits a sinister vibe which the Aphelios mains loved.
How to get: A chance to get it as a skin shard in a Hextech Box, get it as a permanent skin when rerolling three skin shards, or buy it for 1350 Riot Points.
2. EDG Aphelios
EDG Aphelios was created by Riot Games to honor Park “Viper” Do-hyeon’s winning performance along with his teammates during Worlds 2021. It comes with a shared splash art, new skill, sound, and particle effects. It also comes with a unique recall animation where Viper’s signature is shown with Aphelios and his guns, then swaps into the Summoner’s Cup. A Chroma skin is available for this skin.
How to get: A chance to get it as a skin shard in a Hextech Box, get it as a permanent skin when rerolling three skin shards, or buy it for 1350 Riot Points once it's re-released from the legacy vault.
1. Lunar Beast Aphelios
Lunar Beast Aphelios takes the first spot or the “best” skin for Aphelios. The splash art and in-game model is excellent. The vibrant colors of this skin come from the Lunar New Year which is red, blue, and gold. Modern technology with a bit of firework effects are incorporated in the skills, particles, and sounds. Players can buy the Chroma Bundle if they would like to change the color of this skin.
How to get: A chance to get it as a skin shard in a Hextech Box, get it as a permanent skin when rerolling three skin shards, or buy it for 1350 Riot Points once it's re-released from the legacy vault.
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