Ryze is among the first handful of champions that were released when League of Legends came out, and has always had a significant presence in media from the game. But Ryze faces similar issues as a lot of champions from his time, his kit feels janky and even worse- a lot of his skins came out during an era where worldbuilding wasn’t really a priority for Riot; hence they don’t really have a lot to say about them.
Regardless, we’ve still managed all of his skins from the worst to the best for you here! Don’t forget to realm warp into the enemy fountain. Also, please don't hesitate in reaching out for help if you're not at your mental best, it happens to the best of us, don't be ashamed of the battles you fight everyday just because you're the only one who sees them, the real enemy fountain is your own mind, and you must realm warp in there to confront what lurks and find a way to make it better.
13. Dark Crystal Ryze
See the skin in action: https://youtu.be/k8Wy9ARlW00?t=509
Another skin with nothing much to say about it, it does bring a fancy concept that it’s a corrupt version of Ryze with little to no empathy nor any plan to save Runeterra from the world runes. It gives Ryze a fancy red look with great particle effects though.
Features: New SFX/VFX
Cost: 975 RP
12. Uncle Ryze
See the skin in action: https://youtu.be/k8Wy9ARlW00?t=843
It’s among the worst skins because there are no bald eagle sound effects anywhere on the skin. But it’s memeable, incredibly fun, and brings you new particle effects.
Features: New SFX/VFX
Cost: 520 RP
11. Tribal Ryze
See the skin in action: https://youtu.be/k8Wy9ARlW00?t=926
Like a handful of other Ryze skins, Tribal Ryze doesn’t have a bio. But the cool splash art really sells the skin, with a badass Ryze using his magical powers to hold up strong against animals and nature itself.
Features: None
Cost: 520 RP (legacy)
10. SKT T1 Ryze
See the skin in action: https://youtu.be/k8Wy9ARlW00?t=257
As a skin that was dedicated to Faker winning the 2015 championship, it surprisingly holds up quite well. It adds a more sleek look to Ryze, with different shades of blue and little red motifs for contrast.
Features: New SFX/VFX, Animations, Recall
Cost: 975 RP (legacy)
9. Ryze Whitebeard
See the skin in action: https://youtu.be/k8Wy9ARlW00?t=343
Despite how mid the skin really is with little to nothing being actually offered, the nostalgic and fun feelings associated with table-top campaigns bring this skin much closer to our hearts. It doesn’t quite bring any new features, not even any particle effects, but Ryze Whitebeard is still just a pretty sweet skin. It’s Ryze but as a mage in a more traditional sense, a wise old sage with a white beard and wise words to share with his companions.
Features: None
Cost: 750 RP
8. Young Ryze
See the skin in action: https://youtu.be/k8Wy9ARlW00?t=1008
It’s a skin for collectors, only owned by people who purchased the retail collector’s edition of the game. It doesn’t really have much else to it other than the rarity.
Features: None
7. Professor Ryze
See the skin in action: https://youtu.be/k8Wy9ARlW00?t=676
The cheeky commentary on capitalism taking over academia in the skins biography is the best part of the skin by far. The fact that Ryze would be the most careless yet devoted professor out there focused on writing and exploring the realms while capturing the world runes instead of just patiently teaching his studies is a brilliant little idea for a skin.
Features: None
Cost: 975 RP (legacy)
6. Zombie Ryze
See the skin in action: https://youtu.be/k8Wy9ARlW00?t=593
A powerful mage seeking the cure to the mutagen through his sorcery eventually succumbing to the sickness himself is a deeply troubling story that Riot pulled off quite well with Zombie Ryze. The overall greenish hue works incredibly well with the base model.
Features: New SFX/VFX
Cost: 975 RP (legacy)
5. Guardian of the Sands Ryze
See the skin in action: https://youtu.be/k8Wy9ARlW00?t=88
An ancient being brought to life through rituals to protect the innocent, the protector mage fights the evils that roam the cursed sands. The skin brings a fancy little twist to Ryze’s magic, turning it all into deserted particles and dry sand for his abilities with a cool new recall.
Features: New SFX/VFX, Animations, Recall, Chromas
Cost: 1350 RP
4.Triumphant Ryze
See the skin in action: https://youtu.be/k8Wy9ARlW00?t=758
The irony behind how to get Triumphant Ryze is hilarious. You need to be part of a Riot sponsored League of Legends tournament. You know what that means? You have to be good at the game, and you’ll get a skin for Ryze just so you can run it down. I know that’s all you’re gonna do. But it is incredibly rare to see or even get.
Features: None
Cost: Realm shift into the enemy base to find out
3. Arcana Ryze
See the skin in action: https://youtu.be/k8Wy9ARlW00?t=5
Arcana Ryze is the control behind the chaos in the Arcana universe, a mage with an unsurmountable amount of knowledge and capability with incredibly cool animations and a recall. The skin does make him look a lot like Jhin (sorry about pointing that out- even the mask looks like Jhin). But it’s an incredibly solid skin.
Features: New SFX/VFX, Animations, Recall, Chromas
Cost: 1350 RP
2. Championship Ryze
See the skin in action: https://youtu.be/k8Wy9ARlW00?t=173
Released in celebration of the championships in 2019, championship Ryze doesn’t differ much from the base form unless you use chromas and consider the recall to be a bigger part of the skin. But it falls into the same pit as a lot of skins Ryze has; that there isn’t really much to talk about here.
Features: New SFX/VFX, Animations, Recall, Chromas
Cost: 1350 RP (legacy)
1. Pirate Ryze
See the skin in action: https://youtu.be/k8Wy9ARlW00?t=424
He shoots his Q from a cannon, what else do I have to say? And he’s a pirate, we’ve all considered abandoning the crippling weight of our lives and escaping to live on the open seas, plundering the ones foolish enough to cross your path (press eqeqeqeqw if you relate)
Features: New SFX/VFX, Animations, Recall
Cost: 975 RP (legacy)