Overwatch 2 is a team-based game that thrives with hero compatibility and synergy. It is important that you choose a hero that compliments your other support hero (as well as other roles). There are many different duos, as much as 45 different combinations. Each duo creates a type of comp for how the duo will support their team based on their abilities. This article reveals the most powerful support duos currently at the end of Season 10.
7. Moira + Lucio
Moira and Lucio take the number 7 spot based on the fact their play styles and abilities are similar. They have strong synergy. . Lucio works well with Moira and Moira works well with Lucio. As long as your team can stick together and in the general vicinity and you don’t have a sniper or a Pharah you should do well.
Moira’s healing is definitely the best when her team is grouped up with each other and Lucio as well. . In a grouped up team comp, Lucio’s speed boost can allow Moira and the team to push together and deal a lot of damage very quickly. But Moira needs to be aware of heals because Lucio needs to switch speed boost on and off for the team. This support duo works best with brawl tanks like Reinhardt and Rammatra. Take into account damage heroes and their weakness which is long range healing. That’s the reason they can’t be any higher. Moira can send an orb but it can be too slow sometimes.
What’s Great About Moira + Lucio?
- Mobility: Using Lucio’s speed boost to push enemies while Moira heals.
- Survivability: Both Moira and Lucio can be tanky and very hard to kill, this makes it that much harder for enemy dive comps to fully eliminate heals.
- Great with Brawl: If your tank picks Rein right off the bat, you gotta go Lucio and Moira. That trio can be deadly.
- Ultimate Synergism: With Lucio’s Soundbarrier creating a temporary boost of health in an AOE,Moira can blast Coalescence and deal damage to targeted enemies from range.
6. Mercy + Ana
Have you ever Nano-boosted a Mercy? No? Try it out. Watch her clap the enemies with the gat. - images via Overwatch 2 - Blizzard Entertainment
Mercy is best when paired with Ana. Yes, I know what you’re thinking. How? Ana gets shredded so easily, Mercy can’t protect her. Well, that is false. Say your other support picks Ana. You have quite a few heroes that compliment Ana. When you pick Mercy, you need to be focusing on damage boosting your damage heroes for them to protect Ana. Mercy can consistently heal Ana and damage boost her as well. Ana also hassleep and biotic grenade so she can at least buy some time in order for the goddess angel Mercy to save her. But Mercy and Ana are a great combo if your dps and tank are playing a pokey/brawl comp.
Let Ana charge up her Nano Boost by healing the tank from afar-while you, Mercy, are holding corners and angles boosting damage heroes to work as efficiently as possible together. Ana’s aim is intense sometimes and Mercy’s aim is auto aim which by itself has opposite types of healing, making them have great synergy.Which in fact go together quite nicely because if Ana can’t hit her shot on a friendly Genji, then Mercy is able to deal with that for Ana. These heroes are both played constantly from metal to gm and top 500.
What’s Great About Mercy + Ana?
- Enable’s Ana to build Nano Boost quickly: Pocket heal and boost damage heroes as Mercy, allowing Ana to only need to focus on one target, the tank, and deal damage when Ana has a good angle.This builds up Ana’s Ult very fast, also allowing for good plays with Nano Boost.
- Auto-aim/Skilled Aim Healing: While Mercy’s auto-aim beam keeps its lock through corners, and shields, Ana’s healing can be difficult at times when allies are maneuvering quickly.
- Air and ground healer: Ana can heal on the ground, and if there is a Pharah, or an Echo, then Mercy can take care of them-also boosting damage for picks.
5. Illari + Lucio
Illari using her pylon to heal sigma, while Lucio is amping it up to speed boost a very slow Roadhog - images via Overwatch 2 - Blizzard Entertainment
Illari and Lucio are taking the number 5 spot on this list. These two are so good at controlling the game at certain times in need. Illari rifle healing is very fast and direct., while Lucio has good consistent AOE heals. There are some aspects of “not enough heals” but given a good pylon placement and the damage output between Illari and Lucio they shouldn’t need to be constantly healing.
Illari also has single-shot, long range damage where Lucio has anywhere from a short range boop, to medium range, sometimes even long range burst damage.They both have decent mobility, Lucio a little better but Illari’s can come in handy more. Illari can jump to highground, and take off angles to poke. While Lucio is speed boosting, booping, and being a menace to enemy snipers head on. Both healers need to be aware of each other’s abilities and cooldowns. Especially Illari, she needs to be aware of Lucio’s long cooldown on Amp It Up to help with burst healing.
What’s Great About Illari + Lucio?
- High heals and high damage: Illari has insane amounts of damage, and quick burst healing that doesn't last long, whereas Lucio has moderate damage output and consistent small amounts of never ending heals..
- Great with almost any comp: Illari can heal anyone up very quickly, as long as you don’t have a Winston, or a Doomfist. They both work well with brawl but Illari gives that extra damage with poke comps.
- Great mobility: Both Illari and Lucio have great mobility and survivability. Lucio can speed boost and ride walls to get away while Illari has one of the better mobile abilities to fly (for a short period) in any direction you please.
4. Baptiste + Kiriko
Baptiste’s got no fear charging into gunfire as Kiriko is summoning her fox spirit (about to team wipe) - images via Overwatch 2 - Blizzard Entertainment
Baptiste and Kiriko take the number 4 spot on this list. With Kiriko’s auto-aim bending healing, and Baptiste’s arcing projectile healing-they are great to keep your team alive. There can be some trouble with too much healing and not enough charging your ultimates but I will tell you that’s utter nonsense. They also can shred squishies to charge their ultimate and like I said before Support heroes need to be dealing damage as well as healing up your team when needed. These two both have great survivability, and both have the abilities to weave between healing and damage.
While Kiriko uses her auto-aim heals to trace down dps teammates, Baptiste can focus on healing the tank, charging his ultimate, and spitting out damage with Window as much as possible. If your team needs more damage at certain times, and no one is low on your team, they can both deal damage and shred anyone, even tanks if they synchronize their damage together. This duo also works well with almost any comp, even dive. Baptiste has great poke damage and Kiriko has a great off angle dive presence. Baptiste has a hard time hitting flying allies while Kiriko doesn’t. Sometimes Baptiste can’t get to whoever needs to be healed quickly-due to his limited mobility-when Kiriko can.
Their Ultimates are also really good together, even though when you pop Kitsune Rush you really don’t need to pop Amplification Matrix to wipe the team because Kitsune is so strong by itself. But if you do pop them together, it might not be a bad idea to pop Window wherever you are, no matter if the dps is in front of you or not. Don’t try for the flashy plays where everyone gets behind the Matrix and your entire team mows down the enemy. Yes, it’s a dream but usually it doesn’t work that way.
What’s Great about Baptiste + Kiriko?
- Very high damage and solid healing: They can both weave back and forth between healing and damage. Kiriko and Baptiste can swap between heals and damage or pair up to heal massive amounts of heals or deal massive amounts of poke damage. This creates a crazy amount of synergy between the pair.
- Great Survivability: This is on every support combo so far and it will stay that way. Because survivability is so important for both of their impact on the game. If your supports can’t survive then neither can the rest of your team. Baptiste has IF and Kiri has an entire kit that revolves around sustaining you and your team.
- Suzu and Immortality: Both these heroes have such good abilities to keep your team alive. Kiriko’s Suzu cleanses the majority of negative effects, and creates immortality for a short period of time while Baptiste can heal allies up very quickly. Plus Baptiste’s Immortality Field creates an AOE where allies are invincible as long as the IF device doesn’t get shredded to bits which happens almost automatically. But they both give your team times of invincibility which is actually insane.
3. Kiriko + Ana
One of the best combos in the game! Cleanse-Anti-Cleanse-Anti! - images via Overwatch 2 - Blizzard Entertainment
AT NUMBER 3! Kiriko and Ana take a spot in the top 3 most powerful support combos. Kiriko is such a great gradual healer, and Ana has instant punches of healing creating a great synergy for healing. Ana can defend Kiriko just as much as Kiriko can defend Ana. The close-to-mid range heals from Kiriko also synergizes well with Ana’s long range heals and damage.
When you pick your support and your duo chooses Ana (which is the most popular pick for support) there are so many support heroes to choose from. Kiriko is 100% one of the best to duo with Ana. Just like Ana and Mercy, and just like Bap and Kiriko, Kiri needs to be healing dps but also putting out damage from off angles. While Ana can heal the tank and charge her ultimate from the long, and safe back angles. What makes Kiriko the better duo than Mercy is the ability to deal damage and protect Ana a little bit better than Mercy. Plus, she is just a thousand times better healer than Mercy is. Kiriko can TP, cleanse, then Kunai to instantly punish the diver.
What’s Great About Kiriko + Ana?
- Ability Synergy: Rather than their ultimates working well together (which they absolutely do) their abilities work even better together. Especially if there is an Ana on the other team throwing bio-nades, Krikio can cleanse and immediately wash anti away, then your Ana can anti your enemies.
- Flexible and Great with Most Comps: Both Ana and Kiriko can do their own thing but Ana and Kiriko can also be together to create flexibility with most comps.
- Great Survivability: Ana struggles with enemy dive comps, but with the help of Kiriko’s TP and cleanse they match very well together to keep each other alive. If Kiriko is getting dived after she TP’s, Ana can sleep the diver and/or bionade Kiri and enemy diver.
- Great Ultimate Synergy: Like I said before, their ultimates work very well together for offensive and defensive plays. Kitsune Rush and then Nano Boosting your tank or dps can immediately turn the tide in your favor.
2. Baptiste + Lucio
Whether you’re Bap or Lucio, punish enemies with your annoying brawly tankiness - images via Overwatch 2 - Blizzard Entertainment
AT NUMBER 2! Baptiste and Lucio hold together the strongest with a couple of comps. This duo is the bread and butter for brawl comps. Given your tank picks Rammatra, Orisa, Reinhardtand your other support picks Bap or Lucio, you can pick the other duo and completely punish your enemy in fights.
Bap can sit in the back or stay close to your team with Lucio. Same as Lucio, but he’s best right next to his tank, speeding them to dive enemies. Using Lucio’s speed boost, Baptiste can hold your team up with his constant bursts of healing and his different healing abilities. Brawl is the best comp for Bap and Lucio, but it works well with dive comps as well.
What’s Great About Baptiste + Lucio?
- Best Brawl Duo: Baptiste and Lucio work as one when dps and tanks all go brawl heroes. This works well with Top 500 and high rank play.
- Great Survivability: Both have some of the best survivability because they are both pretty tanky and have good mobility. Speed boost back to Baptiste, Baptiste can always use IF, and regen burst to heal Lucio up. Lucio on the other hand can use Amp It Up whenever Baptiste’s IF device gets destroyed, usually making Baptiste most vulnerable to kill.
- Side-note: Sound Barrier is so useful when IF and Amp It Up are on cooldown.
- Best DPS Support Duo: This duo is by far the best up close damage support combos in the game. Baptiste’s Matrix is seriously the best ultimate to pop by yourself, where Lucio’s ultimate is best when allies are nearby.
1. Ana + Brigitte
Ana and Brigitte! Numero Uno! The most powerful combo! - images via Overwatch 2 - Blizzard Entertainment
AT NUMBER 1! Ana and Brigitte hold this spot very well and for a while now. Ever since Brigitte joined Overwatch this combo has been used so often. This is called the protection duo and there are reasons why. Ana is a fragile hero, but not even the most fragile, and Brigitte is definitely the most tankiest support hero in the game. These two support heroes do have a higher skill-floor. So metal ranked play can be tough sometimes to maximize their synergy. For Ana it's literally her aim, and for Brigitte…well some players have trouble finding her most useful playstyle.
Ana and Brigitte are used in very high level play with certain comps. Dive and sometimes a mix between dive and poke can be really good. Only downfall is brawl but Dive/Poke team comps seem to be better than brawl comps. But like Overwatch has always been, it kind of depends on the map as well. Ana is always going to be your main healer in any support duo, and the other duo is supposed to protect Ana. Brigittes shield, shield bash, flail, and armor packs, makes her the perfect support hero to protect Ana.
What’s Great About Ana + Brigitte?
- Best Protection Duo: Ana and Brig usually need to play together. Brig can flail divers away instantly from Ana or do a combination (if you’re close enough) of shield bash, swing a couple times, then tap that pest away. Plus Ana can help Brig out by sleeping high damage enemies that are intentionally trying to break Brig’s shield.
- Best Utilities: Ana has 2 amazing abilities that can really turn the tide in any game. Brig has a good utility with armor packs, creating a damage reduction on any allies that receive armor. Also, Ana has Nano Boost, that if used correctly can win pushes, defensive holds, rounds, and games.
- Best Healing: Ana is definitely the best quick and consistent healer in the game, especially if you can hit your shots! Her Nano Boost also heals your ally to full health (within a timely manner). Also, if Brig is used correctly, her super long range healing can be very good. Whip enemies to pop automatic healing over time, and then Brig’s armor packs are just as good, especially if it’s a tough target to heal for Ana like a Genji or Tracer.
- Trust me Ana players, we understand your pain when you just can’t hit those spaghetti silhouette allies.
- Best Damage: Yes, this one might turn heads and say that I’m crazy but Ana doesn’t always need to heal and she can absolutely shred other Ana’s or support/DPS heroes from long range, sometimes without the enemy realizing who the heck is shooting them. Whereas Brig can just demolish anyone that dives her, and if you want to play up close and personal, you can kind of control your enemies movement with bash and whip.
- Best Value: Both Ana and Brigitte have some of the best values, Ana hands down has the best value being her bionade that creates a temporary lock on enemies ability to be healed. Brigitte also has super high value with her knockback, stun, and armor packs that can reduce incoming damage.