[Top 10] Smash Ultimate Captain Falcon Combos

Smash Ultimate Captain Falcon Combos
27 Jan 2021

The Smash veteran himself hasn’t changed very much since Smash64, and it’s a good thing too. His combos and speed are too amazing to change, and it feels like they got a massive upgrade in this latest iteration of Smash Bros. If you’re looking to start using him or just want to refresh your skills, read on to learn the best combos for Captain Falcon.

The Best Combos

10. Bair > Dash Attack > U-Air

Basic yet deadly. (Starts at 0:08)

Let’s start with a basic yet fun combo. While at low percent, it’s not much to look at, at higher percent, it can have a ton of knockback! Use it when you can.

9. Side Special > U-Air > Fair

Sweetspots are impressive. (Starts at 0:24)

In the way of combo potential, Up Air goes a lot further than you would expect. With this combo, it also incorporates a sweet spot Falcon Knee. Hit this, and you could get a nice KO.

8. Bair > F-Tilt

Hit the reversal! (Starts at 0:00)

Another basic combo, but it’ll be a lot easier with a reversed Back Air. Follow with Forward Tilt, and chase your opponent down after that. The more options you can think of, the better!

7. Side Special > U-Tilt > U-Tilt > U-Tilt

Don't doubt his flip kicks! (Starts at 0:19)

At mid percent, Cap’s combos get a little more interesting. One example uses U-Tilt three times in a row. Make sure you use your double jump and also hit while you're falling; it’ll be a decent way to chase your opponent in the air.

6. Neutral Air > Up Special

Explosive! (Starts at 0:34)

Dair is one of my favorite moves for any character, but many of them can’t combo very well. This isn’t the case for Falcon. At mid-high percent, you can follow up cleanly with Up Smash and potentially KO your opponent.

5. Dair > Up Smash

Fancy a Kick? 

Dair is one of my favorite moves for any character, but many of them can’t combo very well. This isn’t the case for Falcon. At mid-high percent, you can follow up cleanly with Up Smash and potentially KO your opponent.

4. Dair > U-Air

Not just for spikes. (Starts at 5:10)

If your opponent isn’t high damage enough, or if you just wanna lay some more hurt on them, you can follow up with Up Air. In most situations, you can follow this up with something depending on where your opponent flies.

3. D-Throw > U-Air

Don't let them down! (Starts at 1:33)

There are so many Up Air combos, I don’t know where to go next! A good idea is to send your opponent flying up at mid percent, then hit them with an Up Air (or two). Be watchful of DI, which means your opponent can slightly control where they go flying off to.

2. D-Throw > U-Air > Up Special

Explosive! (Starts at 1:28)

Something that may not immediately come to mind is Up Special’s usefulness in Falcon’s combos at mid-high percent. Remember, this can lead to a KO, so if you can get your opponent to the edge of the screen…

1. F-Tilt > Jab > Jab > Dair

Jablock to victory! (Starts at 5:35)

Jablocks are a fun trick you can do, and what’s more, they open the door to some nasty attacks. If your opponent fails to tech a Forward Tilt, quickly hit jab twice, then give them something to remember with Dair.

One Last Bit About Falcon

As I said, Captain Falcon hasn’t changed very much since the original Smash Bros came out, and by now, he should feel a lot smoother. Give him a try with these new combos, and show the opponent your moves!


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