Today we’ll be looking at the best equipment from Yakuza Kiwami.
Well, gears and accessories can be considered equipment since having them can really make and break your gameplay experience. In most cases, it can enhance as well.
Better to have them equipped than go loose with nothing equipped. Trust me, with the number of encounters that you’re gonna have in-game, you’ll be thankful you found them in the first place.
Let’s get on with the list, then.
15. Bloody Binding
Way too uncomfortable to wear but worth it, I guess.
First one on the list, we have the Bloody Binding. A Binding is an armor of sorts in the Yakuza series.
The only way to get this equipment item is to get the key to the D2 Locker at Taihei Boulevard. The thing about this binding is that it decreases all defence, blade and gun resistance stats.
You must be wondering, why the hell should this be put on the list then? It raises the Heat steadily during battle, so it’s sure to come in handy.
What’s useful about Bloody Binding:
- Slow raising of the Heat Bar makes for greater use of Heat Actions.
- Ideal for use in early-game.
- With more Heat-Actions, more enemies are defeated in a quicker time.
Bloody Binding full details:
- Defence: -5
- Blade: -2
- Gun: -2
How to get Bloody Binding: Find the key to D2 Locker.
14. Fighter’s Binding
The Gold Color suits here very well, I must say.
Up next, we have the Fighter’s Binding. Unlike the previous equipment item mentioned above, this one actually boosts your stats.
You can get this in two ways. One is by getting the key to D3 Locker in Taihei Boulevard. And the other is by buying it from the secret Beam gears shop for ¥100,000.
Here’s a great thing about this defence equipment item, it not only boosts your defence, blade and gun resistance but special resistance to getting slashed as well!
What’s useful about Fighter’s Binding:
- Slash Resistance provides a great edge in fighting.
- Ideal for use in early-game.
- Increased defence makes for tanking in-game.
Steel Knuckles full details:
- Defence: 5
- Blade: 4
- Gun: 4
How to get Steel Knuckles: Get D3 Locker key or buy it from Beam for ¥100,000.
13. Battle Mail
Pretty odd for a chainmail. Looks like a shirt.
Next, we have the Battle Mail. This can be found as an item lying around in the Gambling Hall.
The thing about Mail’s is that greatly increases the defence stats compared to the bindings (I mean, Duh. It covers the whole body as seen in the photo above.) And there’s one specific feature about this equipment item. It reduces Heat loss due to time. Yep, you definitely need that.
One more thing about this is that you won’t get access to the Gambling Hall until around Chapter 4. So it’s gonna be a while. Still considered early-game, though.
What’s useful about Battle Mail:
- Ideal for use in early-game.
- Increased defence makes for tanking in-game.
- Reduced Heat-loss makes for performing more Heat Actions.
Battle Mail full details:
- Defence: 8
- Blade: 9
- Gun: 6
How to get Battle Mail: Pick up as an item in the Gambling Hall.
12. Steel Mail
Some Higher Fantasy elements in a modern game? Count me in.
And now, we have the Steel Mail. You can get this in the Beam secret gears shop.
Like all the other Mails in the categories, it has great resistance to slashing as well as increased defence stats. Slashing resistance would prove to be a great edge and I cannot emphasize this enough.
You can get this from the Beam gears shop for ¥400,000 and in early-game, this would be PERFECT for most challenges in-game.
What’s useful about Steel Mail:
- Slash Resistance provides a great edge in fighting.
- Ideal for use in early-game.
- Increased defence makes for tanking in-game.
Steel Mail full details:
- Defence: 12
- Blade: 15
- Gun: 10
How to get Steel Mail: Buy from Beam gears shop for ¥400,000.
11. Locker Key Watcher
This is probably the biggest helpful tool out there which would help you find most keys in the city.
Locker Key Watcher is next on the list and veteran Yakuza players would definitely recognize this equipment item from the get-go, especially if you’ve been playing Kiwami 2 and 0 as well.
Why did I include 0? Well, remember those Telephone Cards? You once got a Telephone Card locator which locates them and makes a sound when nearby? Yeah, this Locker Key Watcher does the same thing for Locker Keys.
It’s got no defence stat (Duh), it’s for locating Locker Keys which can get you some free armor and gears.
What’s useful about Locker Key Watcher:
- Ease of locating Locker Keys.
- Chance for making Kiryu OP at the start of the game.
- Multiple rewards at Taihei Boulevard area.
Locker Key Watcher full details:
- Defence: 0
- Blade: 0
- Gun: 0
How to get Locker Key Watcher: Talk to Bob Utsunomiya at Tenkaichi Street Entrance to receive this item as CP Reward.
10. Ebisu Socks
Funny shape on a sock which gives money every step? Really wish I had those.
You all know this by now. It’s the famous money-making Ebisu socks. For a few steps, you get 100 yen.
This makes it perfect for grinding. I mean, what else? I’m pretty sure most people would come up with ways to just put a controller in such a position that if you leave it all night, you’ll make tons of bucks.
You can get this as a CP Reward from Bob Utsunomiya for 10 CP.
What’s useful about Ebisu Socks:
- Quick money-making for farming money.
- Gets the ability to buy more items like medicines.
- High-end equipment items become accessible.
Ebisu Socks full details:
- Defence: 0
- Blade: 0
- Gun: 0
How to get Ebisu Socks: Get it as CP Reward from Bob Utsunomiya.
9. Gambler’s Binding
Moving up, we have the Gambler’s Binding which has pretty high stats for defence.
The reason why I’ve placed this in mid-game category is that you need to substory # 39 completed which becomes available at around Chapter 7. It’s the traditional do an errand side-story where you get this as a reward.
Oh, one unique thing about this equipment item is that you get an additional XP. Pretty sweet for those abilities.
What’s useful about Gambler’s Binding:
- High Defence stats.
- Additional XP gain.
- Perfect for defence mid-game
Gambler’s Binding full details:
- Defence: 10
- Blade: 10
- Gun: 9
- +XP
How to get Gambler’s Binding: Complete Substory #39.
8. Fearless Binding
Fearless Binding’s next on the list which you can get after accessing the Gambling Hall area.
See, the unique thing about this binding is that it’s got slash resistance as well. Similar to the Mail’s category of gears, that makes it all in all a great choice of defence as well!
What’s useful about Fearless Binding:
- Slash Resistance provides a great edge in fighting.
- Perfect in mid-game
- Increased defence makes for tanking in-game.
Fearless Binding full details:
- Defence: 11
- Blade: 11
- Gun: 10
How to get Fearless Binding: Pick it up as an item in the Gambling Hall.
7. Chain Shirt
Next on the list, we have Chain Shirt that can be bought at Ebisu Pawn Shop shown above.
This shirt is amongst the strongest for having slash resistance with the second-highest defence stats. This makes for good use in mid-game as well!
You can get it from Ebisu Pawn Shop for 800,000 yen.
What’s useful about Chain Shirt:
- Slash Resistance provides a great edge in fighting.
- Ideal for use in mid-game
- Increased defence makes for tanking in-game.
Chain Shirt full details:
- Defence: 18
- Blade: 21
- Gun: 14
How to get Chain Shirt: Buy it from Ebisu Pawn Shop for 800,000 yen.
6. Antique Chain Mail
Probably the third-strongest Mail gear in the category available in the shop mentioned above.
It has the same features as the Chain Shirt, which is described above, but costs much less than that as it is only 500,000 yen.
What’s useful about Antique Chain Mail:
- Slash Resistance provides a great edge in fighting.
- Ideal for use in mid-game
- Increased defence makes for tanking in-game.
Antique Chain Mail full details:
- Defence: 28
- Blade: 30
- Gun: 25
How to get Antique Chain Mail: Buy it from Beam gears shop for 500,000 yen.
5. Lucky Binding
FINALLY! A photo with the required equipment item in use.
And we’ve moved up to the late-game equipment which is DEFINITELY worth the grind. Starting with the Lucky Binding.
This comes off as a CP reward for when you want some additional XP stored in you but it comes in late game considering you need a lot of CP points to get this.
Despite that, I think it’s worth the grind!
What’s useful about Lucky Binding:
- Increases XP gain for unlocking abilities.
- Increases defence stats.
- Comes off as a CP Reward without having the need to spend more money.
Lucky Binding full details:
- Defence: 5
- Blade: 5
- Gun: 4
- +XP
How to get Lucky Binding: Talk to Bob Utsunomiya and have the required CP points for this reward.
4. Dragon’s Binding
The Dragon’s Binding is probably the most powerful equipment item in the bindings category and provides the highest defence stats all around.
It's reduced heat loss, when attacked, is one of the biggest factors as to why this equipment item is in the top 4 spots in the first place.
You can get this as a CP Reward by having the appropriate CP points and talking to Bob Utsunomiya for getting this as a reward.
What’s useful about Dragon’s Binding:
- Reduced loss of Heat makes for more Heat Actions.
- Increased defence stats.
- Comes off as a CP Reward without having the need to spend more money.
Dragon’s Binding full details:
- Defence: 16
- Blade: 15
- Gun: 13
How to get Dragon’s Binding: Talk to Bob Utsunomiya and have the required CP points for this reward.
3. Dragon Shirt
On the third entry, we have the Dragon Shirt! For a shirt, this comes off as having VERY high defensive stats.
You get this equipment item as a CP reward from Bob Utsunomiya like most equipment items on the list, which is well worth the grind, to be honest.
It not only increases XP gain but it’s resistant to almost everything. Yeap. Perfect for being a tank.
What’s useful about Dragon Shirt:
- Additional XP gain.
- Resistant to almost every attack.
- High defence stats.
Dragon Shirt full details:
- Defence: 23
- Blade: 15
- Gun: 12
How to get Dragon Shirt: Talk to Bob Utsunomiya and purchase the equipment item for the required CP.
2. Mad Dog gloves
Majima’s iconic gloves are now in the hands of the Dragon of Dojima.
On #2, we have the Mad Dog of Shimano’s iconic Mad Dog Gloves, available after getting Rank SS in Majima Everywhere.
It doesn’t have much defence but it does raise the Heat slowly so that you can perform those Heat Actions much more quickly during critical health. Yeah, it really stays true to the Mad Dog name.
To get this, you need to reach Rank SS in Majima Everywhere system which is very tedious to do during grinding but definitely worth the time.
What’s useful about Mad Dog gloves:
- Increased Heat gain rate when in critical health.
- Slight increase in defence
- Majima’s signature gloves. What else?
Mad Dog Gloves full details:
- Defence: -5
- Blade: -2
- Gun: -2
How to get Mad Dog Gloves: Reach Rank SS in Majima Everywhere system.
1. Yakuza Training Gear
Well, this is one heavy-looking armor set.
And on the top of the list, we have the fan-favourite Yakuza Training Gear!
This increases defence stats as well as the fact that it increases thrown weapon damage, knockbacks enemies AND increases the XP gained! Talk about being in a literal tank.
To get this, you’ll need to talk to Bob and get this as a CP Reward. That’s about it. I mean, if you think about it, most of the gears are CP rewards. Well, all the more the reason to do more side-quests.
What’s useful about Yakuza Training Gear:
- Increased XP gain.
- Knockback effects on enemies.
- Increases defence stats.
Yakuza Training Gear full details:
- Defence: 11
- Blade: 11
- Gun: 11
How to get Yakuza Training Gear: Talk to Bob Utsunomiya and have the required CP for the reward.
And with that, we conclude our best equipment item list for Yakuza Kiwami! I really hope it helped you. That’s about it. See ya.
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