13 Best Downloadable PC Games That You Can Play For Free: Page 5 of 13

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Because the best things in life are free!

9. Rift

This fantasy MMORPG is set in Telara, a world that so happens to be the intersection of all elemental Planes (Air, Water, Fire, Earth, Life, and Death). The dragon deities governing each Plane have allied to become the Blood Storm, because it makes them sound like an awesome heavy metal band. Oh, and also because they want to conquer Telara, which is pretty metal, too.

This is where you come in. You’re an Ascended – a superhuman warrior resurrected to destroy the Blood Storm. You can choose from two factions: the religious Guardians, composed of fantasy races such as dwarves and high elves, and the Defiant, a science and technology-based group consisting of humanoid and dark elf-like creatures.

The world is built around rifts. These spawn vomit monsters into the world, monsters who then attempt to conquer the surrounding regions. Should players ignore these rifts, the invading forces will spread and make everybody’s lives miserable. Players therefore have to work together to destroy rifts whenever they appear.

Rift also has a soul system that allows an extreme degree of character customization. Want to be a healer and tank at the same time? No problem! The system allows such uncanny combinations. Switching between roles is easy, so you can be a high damage-dealing warrior the next, and a sly, stealthy rogue the next. This gives every character a versatility unseen in other MMORPGs.

One of the best MMORPGs around, and it’s totally free! Check it out by clicking this link.



Writer, Gamer, Dreamer
Gamer Since: 1986
Favorite Genre: RPG
Currently Playing: Bloodborne, Mortal Kombat X, Tera Online
Top 3 Favorite Games:Dark Souls II, Bioshock Infinite, Dragon Age: Inquisition

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MichaelLogarta 8 years 6 months ago


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