13 Best Downloadable PC Games That You Can Play For Free: Page 4 of 13

Because the best things in life are free!
Because the best things in life are free!

10. Wildstar

Wildstar is now free-to-play, which is good, because the game is a blast.

The game tells the story of two factions who are fighting for control over the planet Nexus. First is the Dominion, an intergalactic empire created by the ancient race that once ruled the planet. Their goal is to control the entire galaxy for themselves, because hey. World domination is so yesterday. You gotta think big! As for the other faction, they're called the Exiles, and they're a mixture of various peoples who have been deemed outlaws by the Dominion. Like the Rebels of Star Wars, they've banded together to fight their oppressor.

Each faction has several races to choose from, from the Exile Humans to the Dominion Cassian, who have British accents because why not. There are also six classes, such as the mage-like Esper and the dual pistols-wielding Spellslinger.

The game boasts a freedom of movement unseen in other MMORPGs. Characters can double jump and dash, which is a boon since many quests involve jumping puzzles. Gravity on Nexus also happens to be schizophrenic, as it changes from region to region.

With a unique combat system, an enormous world filled with monsters and items, and tons of activities to participate in, Wildstar is one of the best free downloadable PC games available today. Want to try it out? Here’s the download link!



Writer, Gamer, Dreamer
Gamer Since: 1986
Favorite Genre: RPG
Currently Playing: Bloodborne, Mortal Kombat X, Tera Online
Top 3 Favorite Games:Dark Souls II, Bioshock Infinite, Dragon Age: Inquisition

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MichaelLogarta 8 years 6 months ago


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