The 30 Best Free MMORPGs Worth Playing in 2017: Page 19 of 30

Best Free MMOrpgs 2017
Enter an online world of wonder and mystery.

19) Wakfu

Wakfu is a great game if you are looking for something to really sink your teeth into for hours upon hours. First of all, there are around 70 dungeons to work through as you level up, and plenty of explorable land (including islands). Be careful when traveling, because like in the real world, the ecosystem is fragile. If you go on a massacre spree for a certain species, you might just kill it off forever. Wakfu realizes what this could mean for all the land they created, but they are giving it to you- whether you decide to protect or destroy it.

Since the world was destroyed by a devastating flood, it’s up to you and your friends to rebuild society. Every role/job needs fulfilled, so finding your sweet spot is important (fighter, merchant, craftsmen, etc). Become a citizen of one of the four nations available, and work on your political speech because you could become governor (aka top dog). This is your chance to form a world how you please, and possibly make life changing decisions.

Download and play Wakfu

Save the planet from extinction by rebuilding and nurturing the world.

The world was left in ruins, so now you have to explore to put all the pieces together again.

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My IGN is Kai, and I'm 22 ;D #beabae
Gamer Since: 1997
Favorite Genre: PVP
Currently Playing: Overwatch, LoL, WoW
Top 3 Favorite Games:World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor, League of Legends,

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MaxwellDenton's picture

MaxwellDenton 6 years 3 months ago

I've only played a few games on this list, but I was satisfied with the gameplay of those that I was able to play. It's worth the read if you are looking for a new MMO to kill time on. I highly recommend Neverwinter and D&D Online. DC Universe online is epic if you are into creating your own superhero with a customized skill set.

sallyryder's picture

sallyryder 7 years 4 weeks ago

Any gamers know this first person shooter (deerhunt) game? It's featured @ 3.22 mark on this video. It's not snipehunt, NES??? Gracias!

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