The 30 Best Free MMORPGs Worth Playing in 2017: Page 26 of 30

Best Free MMOrpgs 2017
Enter an online world of wonder and mystery.

26) Age of Wushu

Before Age of Wushu begins a corrupted and powerful emperor/founder of the Ming Dynasty that brought along martial arts, began killing everyone off out of suspicion. It was die or bend the knee once the Royal Guard came knocking down your door. After the emperor died, a secret manual containing powerful martial art powers began circulating throughout the country. The different factions became hostile, lusting after this manual for themselves. Martial arts was no longer simple, but powerful and sophisticated. This is when the Age of Wushu was born.

Age of Wushu is a very challenging and rewarding martial art mmorpg. You start off classless, and with the decision of a lifetime. You must join one of the eight factions (since there are no restricting classes), each with unique skills (from the Nin Yin Manual). As you gain experience points you will level up and upgrade you’re fighting and superpower skills. There is reputation to gain, mounts to tame, houses to decorate, and dungeons to complete (solo or in a party).  Craft yourself a pair of deadly weapons, and become a brilliant fighter in Age of Wushu. 

Download and play Age of Wushu

Enter the world of martial art in the skillful combat mmorpg Age of Wushu.

Defeat your enemies with your unique faction ability, or switch to one that seems better suited.

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My IGN is Kai, and I'm 22 ;D #beabae
Gamer Since: 1997
Favorite Genre: PVP
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Top 3 Favorite Games:World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor, League of Legends,

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MaxwellDenton's picture

MaxwellDenton 6 years 3 months ago

I've only played a few games on this list, but I was satisfied with the gameplay of those that I was able to play. It's worth the read if you are looking for a new MMO to kill time on. I highly recommend Neverwinter and D&D Online. DC Universe online is epic if you are into creating your own superhero with a customized skill set.

sallyryder's picture

sallyryder 7 years 4 weeks ago

Any gamers know this first person shooter (deerhunt) game? It's featured @ 3.22 mark on this video. It's not snipehunt, NES??? Gracias!

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