E3 2015: Announcing The Top 20 Hottest PC Games And Their Release Dates: Page 19 of 20

Faith still looking gorgeous
E3's best PC games 2015

2. Fallout 4

What a great way for a game to begin

The story begins just before the atomic bombs plunge humanity into a post-apocalyptic world. You are living in a suburban home with your spouse, taking care of your newly born baby and just enjoying your life. Unfortunately for your character, that’s when the bombs go off. Your family rushes to the vault but are submerged in dust as another atomic bomb goes off nearby.

Your character awakens, 200 years later, unaged and as the only survivor of vault 111. Now you must find a way to survive the desolate wastelands and reunite with your family if they’re still alive.  

Fallout 4 was announced a few weeks before E3, but being able to see it in all of its glory at the show was amazing. If there’s anything you should look at in that video though, please glance at the character creation section. Gone are the days of endless scrollers and feelings of “I think that looks okay. I just wish I could make the hair a smidge shorter.” Bethesda has raised the bar on easy-but-intricate custom character creators by making character creation as simple as clicking and dragging what you want to change. They have even made it so the game will generate a baby based upon the couple you make.

Release Date: November 10th, 2015

E3 Trailer:

Official Trailer:

As a coffee-powered typist, Chris is an expert at playing through caffeine-powered binges and writing about what happens during those binges.
Gamer Since: 1995
Favorite Genre: FPS
Currently Playing: Monster Hunter World: Iceborne
Top 3 Favorite Games:Titanfall, Mass Effect 3, Megaman Legacy Collection

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