E3 2015: Announcing The Top 20 Hottest PC Games And Their Release Dates: Page 14 of 20

Faith still looking gorgeous
E3's best PC games 2015

7. Mirror's Edge: Catalyst

Faith looking good
Faith is probably one of the few Asian protagonists out there

Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst explores the questions of, “what if corporations took over the world?” and “what if privacy ceased to exist?” The game follows a character named Faith as she explores this dystopian world. This game also serves as a prequel to MIrror’s Edge, which was released on PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 back in 2008.

While the world this game is featured around may be fictional, these questions force players to see a world that modern society may be heading toward as corporations play a larger part of politics and individual privacy is sold for more convenience and safety.

At E3, the audience was dazzled by the graphics this game had to offer. But in regards to gameplay, this game was able to stand out because it didn’t feature the main character shooting their way through the world’s problems. Instead, the main character free runs from place to place and uses her martial arts to beat opponents that stand in her way.

Release Date: February 23rd, 2016 for NA

                     February 26th, 2016 for UK

E3 Announcement Trailer:

As a coffee-powered typist, Chris is an expert at playing through caffeine-powered binges and writing about what happens during those binges.
Gamer Since: 1995
Favorite Genre: FPS
Currently Playing: Monster Hunter World: Iceborne
Top 3 Favorite Games:Titanfall, Mass Effect 3, Megaman Legacy Collection

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