There are too many good ones at the moment, it's not easy narrowing it down
Whether you’re looking to build a mono-AGL team for difficult events like Super Battle Road or because it’s the only viable team you can build at the moment, this list is here to help you figure out what units are the best additions to your AGL team. As plentiful as this group may be, it’s my job to narrow it down to the 10 units of this type you should most definitely consider adding to your team.
Before continuing, keep in mind that the units in this list were considered not just based on how hard they could hit or how well they could tank, but also on what they contributed to their teams. This article is only concerned with AGL units in AGL teams. Now, let’s take a look at the top 10 AGL cards in DBZ Dokkan Battle global.
1. Apex of Supreme Saiyan Power SSJ4 Goku

- The biggest reason he is here is the flexibility he gives players when building teams. Not only is he a top-tier AGL leader, but he is also one of the best Goku’s Family leaders--a rather big category--which means he can give an even greater boost to certain units in your mono-AGL team like the Pan or SSJ Goku in this list. His linkset is also amazing, which means good synergy with more units.
- He is an excellent unit on his own. He gets a solid, unconditional 80% attack boost and he raises his defense up to 80% after a few turns. On top of this, he boosts his own attack and/or defense depending on whether you use his SA or Ultra SA. Moreover, he has the chance to evade and counter enemy SAs. Lastly, he gets additional ki per rainbow or AGL sphere absorbed, so even if you have no ki links, he can still set off an SA with just one AGL orb--assuming he is the leader and has a solid friend unit. This all means great offensive and defensive power.
- His active skill is particularly noteworthy and not just because it has simple conditions. See, experienced players know that in very difficult events an enemy SA to the wrong unit can mean the end of you. This is why his active skill is so useful; if both you and your opponent are low on HP, this Goku can finish the fight without taking the chance of getting super attacked by your enemy because his active skill happens without the need for a round of attacks. In card games like Yu-Gi-Oh! This would be the equivalent to a monster effect that deals direct damage, except your opponent can’t block this in any way.
2. Awakened True Power SSJ Gohan (Youth)

- His Kamehameha leader skill means he can boost certain units beyond the 120% AGL across the board, like the transforming Goku one. His linkset is also top-tier, allowing him to perform well with other Saiyans and Super class units.
- While his infinite defense stacking makes him invaluable in lengthy events, his passive makes him extremely viable for shorter events too. Aside from the unconditional 100% attack & defense boost, he stacks up an additional 10% for both with each passing turn (up to 70%). Moreover, he boosts his own ki as well with up to 5 after several turns.
- Though kind of hard to achieve, his transformation is something else. Aside from the fact that he remains tanky, he becomes a monster attacker as he can either act as an orb changer or launch an additional SA. He gets 20% per ki sphere obtained, additional ki with each sphere absorbed, and an extra 59% under the right conditions. It may be hard to get his max potential, but boy is it worth it.
3. Victorious Smile Pan (GT)

- Much like the Rilldo right below, she is a killer support with the same passive skill except it’s aimed at Super class units. However, she is a better support thanks to her attack boost to all of her allies after using her SA for 2 turns.
- While she may be a slightly worse individual unit when compared to Rilldobecause she tanks less due to not having a defense boost with her SA, she is above him because there are more and better Super AGL units currently available. This means more flexibility in team-building in terms of links and possible combinations.
- She also has a leg up on Rilldo in 2 other ways: her links are more common and balanced; and she fits into more categories, which means she can take advantage of leaders with dual leader skills like LR SSJ4 Goku.
4. Fierce Focused Attack Hyper Meta-Rilldo
- Although he doesn’t have the best linkset, his toolkit more than makes up for it. He is a 120%, ki+3 Extreme AGL leader AND he provides amazing support for his teammates with a 50% attack and defense and ki +3. Moreover, he changes orbs to AGL type, which keeps him and his teammates fed.
- Rilldo also has good nuking potential thanks to his 20% attack boost per ki sphere absorbed, which shouldn’t be a problem thanks to his orb-changing passive.
- Tanking is also not an issue as he boosts his defense in the same way as his attack. In addition to this, he also boosts his own defense by 50% after using a Super Attack, increasing his tanking potential.
5. Two Makes the Strongest of All Universes SSJ2 Caulifla & SSJ2 Kale

- While she is not as great of a team player as other units, she is still important because they can act as an AGL leader and the best Joined Forces lead. Their linkset is also solid, which means good synergy in a variety of teams that lets everyone get the most out of themselves.
- A key feature about them is their survivability. They can raise their chance to dodge up to 66% (that’s 2 out of 3 attacks received! Statistically speaking). Also, they are infinite defensive stackers, which makes them perfect for long and difficult events like Infinite Dragonball History.
- They also have great offensive potential thanks to their ki boost to themselves, increased attack with certain allies, and ability to launch an additional Super Attack against certain enemies. A hidden blessing of this is that it makes it easy to pick what to increase on their Hidden Potential tree (it’s their chance to Crit, in case you weren’t sure).
6. [Extreme Z-Awakened] Rose Stained Super Saiyan Goku Black (SSR)

- This Goku Black’s linkset is strong. Not only is it balanced between ki and stat boosting links, but it lends him flexibility between being placed in a team with other Super and Extreme AGL cards. However, it’s best suited to Extreme class teams.
- He makes for a great tank, one of the best in this type. Thanks to the potential for 180% defense boost and his 50% boost after using his SA, he can become an unmovable object. He only needs careful management in the beginning while he increases his defense.
- Offensively he is not a pushover either. His unconditional 100% attack boost gives him good hitting power. On top of this, he gives himself and his allies ki +3 and a 30% attack boost, making it easier to use their SAs.
7. True Power of a God Zamasu

- While not exactly an AGL leader, he can substitute in for one just as well. His Extreme class leader skill coupled with his better Real of Gods one give players great flexibility for powerful teams. Moreover, he will do well in any team formed using his leader skills thanks to his solid linkset.
- This unit also has good survivability. His 40% damage reduction in his first 2 forms makes him tanky enough to survive powerful opponents. If coupled with a defensive support unit, he will be able to tank extremely well. Aside from his defense, he is also a good healer, particularly when he fuses (which has very simple conditions).
- Offensively, he is not to be trifled with. With his active skill, Zamasu becomes super powerful thanks to his 280% attack boost and ki +5! He also disables the enemy’s guard, which lets you get more out of his punch under otherwise bad circumstances.
8. Ultimate Malign Being Super Baby 2 (Giant Ape)

- He is very much self-sufficient thanks to his passive that gives him 3 ki and 100% boost to his defense and attack. On top of it, he further increases his ki and attack when facing Saiyans, and while that may restrict him, those kinds of enemies are fairly common. If you were thinking those boosts aren’t impressive, remember he has strong LR base stats.
- Aside from his Giant Ape form being a life-saver due to its invulnerability, it also has a passive skill not seen in any other Oozarus in the game. The fact that it gives him additional ki per sphere absorbed also allows him to hit hard through his Super Attack (SA).
- In terms of what he brings to teams, his dual leader skill makes him a great addition. Aside from benefitting Extreme AGL types, he can give an even greater boost to Artificial Life-Forms. He also debuffs his opponent’s attacks, which increases the team’s survivability.
9. Miracle-Making Super Saiyan SSJ Goku

- Although his unconditional boost may not seem impressive at first, you have to consider that he boosts his attack and defense per ki sphere absorbed, which means he can reach great offensive and defensive heights. Moreover, his +2 ki per rainbow sphere makes it easier for him to use his Ultra Super Attack. In short, he’s a solid nuker.
- He is a strong team player as well because he seals the opponent’s Super Attack (SA) and debuffs him/her with his own. As an orb-changer, he can also help feed ki-hungry units to make sure they’re at their fullest. He also has a great saiyan-based linkset.
- Something that some fail to consider when ranking units is their farmability. Fortunately, this man can be farmed up to 10 SA with the Goku that drops from the Prime Battle event. There are other options but this may be the easiest.
10. Transcendent Fusion Super Saiyan Gogeta

- The very first thing that comes to mind is his excellent linkset. It may be a bit limited around Extreme class units, but boy is it perfect in a Super class team. You can expect him to get from and give a lot to his teammates.
- He is also a great dodger. At first he only has a medium chance to dodge, but it increases considerably after transforming and is not dependent on anything else. This makes him a life-saver against tough opponents. Even without his dodging, he can tank very well thanks to his strong passive boosts.
- His passive boost also makes him a hard-hitter as he not only gets a 130% attack when transformed, but his attacks are effective against all types and he also has a high chance for critical attacks after transforming. Point is, he can punch a hole in any opponent even in his initial form.
On a closing note, remember that most units have great usefulness, these are just the ideal kind of cards everyone seeks out. What I’m trying to say is that you shouldn’t feel terrible if you don’t pull these cards because there are plenty of other great ones that will serve you well.