Time to put together a kick-ass Extreme class team!
This time we are going to take on a pretty broad topic: the Extreme class. Although Super class teams tend to be the most popular because of the characters that fall under it (think of Vegito and Gogeta for example), Extreme units have plenty to offer to players. Even if you don’t like them very much, you’re gonna have to use Extreme teams sooner or later for events such as Super Battle Road. And if you’re a beginner looking to put together an Extreme class team because you’ve had better luck with villain banners, this list is for you.
Let’s get some things cleared out of the way first. This list looks strictly at units with a leader skill that specifically benefits the Extreme class as a whole, but boosting more than just Extreme class is fine. The rest of the criteria is pretty straightforward as in “how good are their links? Do they support their teammates? Can they tank and/or hit hard? How good is their leader skill?” And so on and so forth. But enough of that, let’s get to the Top 10 Extreme class leaders in the international version of DBZ Dokkan Battle!!!
10. Overwhelming Army Metal Cooler Army

As a free-to-play option, this unit is a solidsub-leader for the Extreme class if you’ve had bad luck pulling such a leader. While not the strongest, Metal Cooler Army is a reliable unit that will serve you well in most events even if they are not set as your leader. Other Cooler units are his best partners, but Frieza units will also pair with them well.
- I believe this unit’s linkset is their best feature as it lends you a lot of flexibility across the entire Extreme class thanks to links like Shocking Speed, Fear and Faith, and Big Bad Bosses.
- His passive boost makes him a formidable, rounded unit, especially at its fullest, but you will have to manage your HP as it depends on your health left.
- Lastly, his chance to launch up to 2 additional attacks makes him a dangerous attacker (particularly if his passive is at 100%). This makes him a worthy weapon to use in your team.
- Leader Skill Extreme Class Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +70%
- SA “Supernova” causes colossal damage to enemy and greatly lowers DEF
- Lowers enemy's DEF by 50% for 3 turns with super attack
- Ultra SA “Machinery Rain” causes mega-colossal damage to enemy and raises Extreme class allies' ATK by 30% for 1 turn
- Passive skill “Nightmare Legion” raises ATK & DEF by up to 90% (the more HP remaining, the greater the stats boost); high chance to launch up to 2 additional attacks, each of which has a chance to become a Super Attack
- 50% chance to launch up to 2 additional attacks (first one is guaranteed), each of which has a 10% chance to become a Super Attack
9. Explosive Evolution Turles

A unit so often used solely for his supporting passive that many forget he doubles as an Extreme class sub-leader. Although his Extreme leader skill is far from impressive, he makes up for it with just about everything else about him. Other Extreme class Saiyans are his best partners.
- His supporting passive is one of his best features as it gives a good amount of ki and attack boosts to his allies. He helps them activate their super attacks (SAs) with ease and hit hard with it.
- Turles also weakens his opponents to further help his allies with his chance to stun and attack debuff to Super class enemies.
- Although his boost is somewhat unpredictable, it can help you out by turning him into a great, self-sufficient hard-hitter when it does activate.
- This unit’s linkset is also stellar thanks to a balance between stat and ki boosting links, as well as most of them being common villain links.
Details (Normal)
- Leader skills: "Movie Bosses" Category Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +150%; or Extreme Class Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +50%
- SA “Meteor Burst” causes immense damage with a medium chance to stun the enemy
- 30% chance to stun the enemy for 2 turns
- Passive skill “Universe Destroyer’s Ace in the hole” gives all allies' Ki +3 & ATK +40%; Super Class enemies' ATK -15%; activate "Fruit of the Tree of Might Boost" when conditions are met
- Boost condition: 25% chance to activate "Fruit of the Tree of Might Boost" for 3 turns when HP is 80% or below
8. Cunning Counterattack Bergamo (Giant Form)

If you’ve been around for a while, odds are you’ve heard people talk about Bergamo as a powerful unit. If you don’t know why he’s so good, let me tell you a little bit about him. He does not have any ideal partners, but Extreme class Giant Form and Universe Survival category units provide decent partners.
- He has the added bonus to his leader skill of giving Giant Form allies an extra turn to remain transformed. This means 1 more turn of risk-free damage that can turn the tide of battle for you.
- His super attack gives him an added 30% defense that can drive up his defense even further or help him hold on while he builds himself up.
- Bergamo’s selling point is his passive that can give him...wait for it...up to 300% boost to his attack AND defense!!! And that’s calculated separately from his SA, meaning that his actual defense can be far higher.
- His giant form is rather easy to activate since it can be done at 80% HP or less
Details (Normal)
- Leader Skill: Extreme Class Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +80%; maximum number of turning Giant Form +1 for all allies
- SA “Dangers’ Triangle” causes supreme damage to enemy and raises DEF by 30% for 9 turns
- Passive “Powerful Counterattack” gives him ATK & DEF +30% with each attack received (up to 300%); rare chance of turning into Giant Form when HP is 80% or less
- 15% chance to turn into Giant Form when HP is 80% or less
7. Fight for Pride Majin Vegeta

Another free-to-play unit that provides a good option for those who have had bad luck pulling Extreme class leaders, but unlike Metal Cooler Army this man’s SA can be fully farmed without kais. His biggest downside is that his linkset really limits his Extreme class partners. To get the best of him, team him up with other Extreme class Vegetas.
- Although his initial passive wears out, the rest of his boosts pick up that slack quite well by turning him into a decent tank and solid attacker.
- While he doesn’t support his teammates like other units, his 90% leader skill gives them plenty of power to stand on their own
- As I mentioned, his being F2P helps put him in this spot since it means he is far more accessible to players than having to pull the right unit. Moreover, being able to farm him and open all of his hidden potential paths for free make him an even better option for F2P players.
- Leader skill: Extreme Class Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +90%
- SA “Dark Impulse” greatly raises ATK for 1 turn and causes supreme damage to enemy
- Raises SA Multiplier by 50% for 1 turn
- Passive skill “A Clash of Beliefs” gives him ATK & DEF +40% for 4 turns from start of turn; DEF +30% with each attack performed (up to 180%); ATK +30% with each attack received (up to 120%)
6. Swelling Power of Evil Super Saiyan Cumber (Giant Ape)

Odds are that if you do have this rather rare card, it hasn’t seen much use, but I think I might be able to convince you to dust it off and use it as a leader for an Extreme team if you’re in need of one. As a bit of a niche card, his best partners are also very specific. I recommend pairing him up with other Giant Form saiyans or a Broly card.
- Aside from being well-balanced thanks to his 150% attack and defense boost, he is self-sufficient as well because he gives himself ki +2.
- As a Giant Ape, Cumber gives you immunity and deals decent damage--not to mention it has the useful passive of ki+2, making it much easier to use his SA.
- His incredible usefulness to his teammates is the main reason he’s higher than the mighty Bergamo. Thanks to his attack and defense debuffs to the enemy, and the ability to stun your opponents--just make sure he is on the 1st slot of your rotation to take advantage of this--he is a great team player.
Details (Normal)
- Leader skill Extreme Class Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +80%
- SA “Savage Tyrant” causes immense damage to enemy and greatly lowers ATK & DEF
- Lowers enemy's ATK & DEF by 30% for 3 turns
- Passive skill “Evil Contact” gives him Ki +2 and ATK & DEF +150%; high chance of stunning Super Class enemies after receiving attack; high chance of turning into Giant Ape when HP is 50% or less (once only)
- 40% chance to stun all Super Class enemies for 1 turn
- 50% chance to turn into Giant Ape
5. [Extreme Z-Awakened] Rose Stained Super Saiyan Goku Black (SS Rosé)

Well this card definitely seems to make its way around my lists, doesn’t it? I guess that’s what happens when a unit has a lot going for it. Though not a hard-hitter, he is an absolute tank and a great teammate. His best partners are Goku Black and Zamasu units, as well as the LR Goku Black and Zamasu card.
- While it is easy to miss at a glance, his leader skill is better than the past units in that it gives his allies 4 instead of 3 ki, which can truly make a difference when you get terrible orb setups in combat.
- His defense definitely stands out because, when fully built up, it turns him into a powerful shield and even more so if you use his SA.
- His linkset is also great, making him a viable linking partner with a wide variety of Extreme class units.
- Last and definitely not least is his supporting passive that gives 3 ki and an attack boost to his Extreme class teammates. This means that even if your Friend unit doesn’t give ki at all, your teammates in the same rotation as Rosé start with 7 ki before links activate.
- Leader skill: Extreme Class Ki +4 and HP, ATK & DEF +80%
- SA “Violent Fierce God Slicer (Extreme)” greatly raises DEF for 1 turn, causes immense damage to enemy and greatly lowers DEF
- Lowers enemy's DEF by 50% for 3 turns
- Passive skill “Mastery of Strength” gives him ATK +100% plus Extreme Class Ki +3 and ATK +30% at start of turn; DEF +30% with each attack received (up to 180%)
- Raises DEF by 50% for 1 turn with SA
4. [EZA] Wrath of the Absolute God Fusion Zamasu

The first unit to break into 3 digit territory is none other than the fairly recently revamped Zamasu. With his new EZA stats and abilities, this god is a force to be reckoned with. Other Zamasu units, Goku Blacks, and the LR Goku Black and Zamasu card are his best partners.
- His 100% and +3 ki leader skill certainly makes him a solid Extreme class leader. Though the difference may not seem much to newer players, any seasoned veteran will tell you that the gap between Zamasu and the previous unit is noticeable.
- Offense is this Zamasu’s game as his attack boost and enemy debuffs turn him into a main attacker of whatever team he is thrown into.
- His debuffs are the biggest ways in which he helps out his team. He lowers both the attack and defense of Super class opponents through his passive and his SA.
- While his boost is limited to Realm of Gods units, he can also improve your team’s tanking ability by boosting their defense noticeably so.
- Leader skill: Extreme Class Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +100%
- SA “True Test of a God (Extreme)” causes immense damage to enemy and greatly lowers DEF; raises Extreme Class allies' ATK by 30% for 1 turn
- Lowers enemy's DEF by 50% for 3 turns with SA
- Passive skill “Discord of Gods and Men” gives Super Class enemies' ATK & DEF -20%; ATK +140% and Super Class allies' ATK -10%; "Realm of Gods" Category Extreme Class allies' DEF +50%
3. Furious Punishment Goku Black (Super Saiyan Rosé)

Part of the 1000 Days Celebration Dual Dokkan Festival, this unit was released alongside the TEQ Vegito Blue that once was considered better than his PHY counterpart. To some extent, this Goku Black and the one from earlier are two sides of the same coin, except this one has a far stronger leader skill. Like his AGL version Zamasu units, Goku Black, and the LR pair are his best partners.
- For starters, this unit has one of the best Extreme class leader skills currently available, you need only have a team that includes all 5 types. The 120% boost will help you power through some of the toughest events in the game like Super difficulty Dokkan challenges and Extreme Z Battles.
- This Goku Black provides solid, balanced boosts to his teammates. His passive gives 3 ki and 50% defense to his allies, while his SA boosts their attack.
- He is also a reliable hard-hitter thanks to his unconditional 120% attack boost. Additionally, he has an above average 12-ki multiplier that helps him hit even harder.
- Just like the AGL one, this Goku Black has a superb linkset.
- Leader skill: Extreme Type allies' Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +120% when team includes all five Extreme Types
- SA “Waltz of Chaos” causes immense damage to enemy; Extreme Class allies' ATK +30% for 1 turn
- Passive skill “Transformation Fury” gives him ATK +120%; Extreme Class allies' Ki +3 and DEF +50%; Super Class enemies' ATK & DEF -20%
2. Glacial Prestige Frieza (1st Form)

If you assumed he’d be #1 because of the title image, I’m sorry to disappoint. He is most certainly a close 1st thanks to his toolkit and a leader skill that is more flexible than the previous unit, but he falls just a tiny bit short of the top spot because he takes so long to reach his maximum potential. Frieza should be paired up with other Frieza or with Cooler units for the best results.
- As I said, the fact that his leader skill has no restrictions really opens up the door for all sorts of combinations. This makes him a viable choice for a mono-TEQ type team and all kinds of category teams where villains abound, like Movie Bosses.
- Frieza is also a great healer that only gets better with each transformation.
- When fully built up, this unit becomes a ridiculously good hard-hitter and a decent defender.
- His linkset is also worthy of praise thanks to its common villain links and balance between ki boosting and stat boosting links.
- The fact that he fits in so many categories will let you get a lot out of him as it allows him to fulfill plenty of stage requirements and bonuses.
Details (1st Form)
- Leader skill: Extreme Class Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +120%
- SA “Death Beam” Raises ATK & DEF and causes immense damage to enemy
- Raises ATK & DEF by 20% for 99 turns with SA
- Passive skill “Smile that Summons Death” gives him ATK & DEF +80%; recovers 11% HP at start of turn; Transform when conditions are met
- Transformation conditions: transform starting from the 3rd turn from the start of battle
1. True Power of a God Zamasu

Zamasu shows up once again on this list to take the top spot. Well-rounded and easy to use to his fullest, it should be no surprise to see him here. As with the others, Goku Black, other Zamasus, and the LR Goku Black & Zamasu are all among his best options. However, I greatly recommend pairing him with units like TEQ Fusion Zamasu or the STR Goku Black from earlier that give him a defense boost since his own damage reduction is sometimes not enough to defend against super strong opponents.
- Aside from easy transformation conditions, it’s the fact that he gives you options that makes him a solid unit and leader. If your main focus is to survive, all you have to do is leave him in his fused form; but if you want to plow through your opponent, he also gives you that option through his active skill. It’s your choice.
- Defensively, his modest damage reduction coupled with a healing ability make him a good choice for even the toughest of events.
- Offensively, Zamasu is a mighty weapon. When mutated, he is completely self-sufficient thanks to his ki +4 and 280% attack boost. Coupled with a defensive enemy debuff and the ability to disable guard, Zamasu will make his presence known to any opponent.
- Like Frieza, Zamasu too has a sharp linkset that will synergize well with most Extreme class units.
Details (Base Form)
- Leader skill: “Realm of Gods" Category Ki +3, HP & ATK +170% and DEF +130%; or Extreme Class Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +120%
- SA “Heavenly Arrow” causes immense damage to enemy and greatly lowers DEF
- Passive skill “Indignation” ATK +100%; reduces damage received by 40%; recovers 7% HP when HP is 70% or less; perform Potara Fusion when conditions are met
- Transformation condition: performs Potara Fusion starting from the 3rd turn from the start of battle.
I hope this list proves useful to you in the game. Until next time!