Androids is one of the best Villain categories in the game, so why not try it?
The Androids category has plenty of pluses that can get you through low- and mid-level stages without a problem, and a great chunk of end-game content. If you had any doubts as to whether to invest in such a team, I hope this list can clear things up a bit for you. As with my other lists, this is all about Androids and while you could mix in other categories, let me tell you that the synergy between Androids is just too good and their toolkits too complete to find replacements easily. Now, let’s get down to business with the Top 5 Androids teams currently in DBZ Dokkan Battle global.
5. On a budget

- Best part is that it is all free-to-play, no need to summon these units. Even their SAs can be farmed without using a single kai.
- Some of these units can stay here long-term, they are strong enough to keep using even as you get better units.
- The team is extremely well-supported, which will make sure you’re not punished for the lack of a stronger leader and allow your main rotations to shine.
- They all also have solid toolkits that do more than support. Infinite stacking and healing are just 2 examples of what they have to offer.
- Great synergy between the units.
Recommended Units
- Leader: Lethal Android Android #17 (Future)
- Friend: Foe Elimination Circuit Android #13
- Destructive Android Android #18 (Future)
- Revenge Technology Androids #14 & #15
- Shocking Contact Android #18
- Good versus Evil Android #21 (Transformed)
- [Preferably Extreme Z-Awakened] Tragedy Born From Power Fusion Android #13
- Main: Lethal Android Android #17 (Future)---Destructive Android Android #18 (Future); Foe Elimination Circuit Android #13---Revenge Technology Androids #14 & #15
- Floaters: Android #18, Fusion Android #13, and Android #21
4. Double Double-Trouble
- Told you some units are worth keeping around. The F2P Future 17 and 18 are particularly useful thanks to their infinite stacking super attacks and passives that allow them to deal lots of damage (even if it is only when fighting specific opponents).
- What can I say except Androids love supporting each other? This team is just as well-supported as the last, which means better attack and defense for you.
- The team is also highly customizable allowing you to swap units in and out according to your box, tastes or necessities--just be sure not to split the 17-18 pairs without a proper replacement.
- Ki is not a problem here thanks to the synergy, supports, and orb changers.
Recommended units
- Leader: The Androids’ Journey Androids #17 & #18/Android #16
- Friend: Last-Ditch Battle Android #17
- [EZA] Concentrated Power Android #17
- [EZA] Breathless Struggle Android #18
- Lethal Android Android #17 (Future)
- Destructive Android Android #18 (Future)
- Good versus Evil Android #21 (Transformed)
- Main: Concentrated Power Android #17---Breathless Struggle Android #18; Lethal Android Android #17 (Future)---Destructive Android Android #18 (Future)
- Floaters: Android #21, PHY Android #17, and the Androids trio.
3. The Great Wall of Androids
- As the name suggests, this team has a tremendous defense that will make it difficult for your opponents to deal serious damage because every unit has strong defensive capabilities, on top of all the support skills.
- Thanks to all the debuffers in the team, your opponents will have an even harder time hurting you in any meaningful way. Moreover, their defensive debuffs will make it easier for you to deal damage.
- Android #21 is a rather powerful tool thanks to her healing, so if you’re ever short on health be sure to put her in your main rotation.
- The active skill of the Androids trio is also a powerful weapon as #16 can not only tank like a beast, but he can punch just as strongly. Combine him with Android #18 and you can expect to finish the fight before he leaves the field.
Recommended Units
- Leader: The Androids’ Journey Androids #17 & #18/Android #16
- Friend: Last-Ditch Battle Android #17
- Predatory Urge Android #21 (Transformed)
- New Form and Resolve Android #16
- The Ultimate Android Super 17
- Shocking Contact Android #18
- Last-Ditch Battle Android #17
- Main: The Androids’ Journey Androids #17 & #18/Android #16--Last-Ditch Battle Android #17; New Form and Resolve Android #16--Last-Ditch Battle Android #17
- Floaters: Android #21, Super 17, and Android #18
2. Rounded
This team is very much well-balanced in terms of abilities and toolkits. They will hit hard, tank well, and keep your HP up.
- Thanks to the solid debuffers, healer, and stunners your HP will not go down easily, letting you focus on bringing your opponent down.
- All of these units can hit hard, but your main rotations will do an awesome job of plowing through your opponents.
- Having #13, #17, and the Androids trio will keep your team ridiculously supported, taking them to another level and making sure you never struggle for ki.
- While not ideal, their synergy is still pretty solid as they link well with each other and fulfill the conditions on the skills of all units in the team.
Recommended units:
- Leader: Foe Elimination Circuit Android #13
- Friend: Foe Elimination Circuit Android #13
- [EZA] Welcome to Hell Perfect Cell
- The Deadly Games Cell (Perfect Form) & Cell Jr.
- The Androids’ Journey Androids #17 & #18/Android #16
- Dispersion of Evil Cell Jr.
- Last-Ditch Battle Android #17
- Main: Foe Elimination Circuit Android #13---Welcome to Hell Perfect Cell; The Androids’ Journey Androids #17 & #18/Android #16---The Deadly Games Cell (Perfect Form) & Cell Jr.
- Floaters: Android #17, Cell Jr., and Android #13
1. Cell’s Androids
This list could not be complete without the 300 million downloads celebration Cell. As a top-notch unit, he certainly deserves a team centered around him that will let you conquer the world!!! (Or at least the stage you’re stuck on.)
- LR INT Cell’s transformation is what you’d get if you crossed a senzu bean with steroids; not only will it heal you, but he’ll grow even stronger.
- INT Cell’s active skill can also close out fights in an instant or bring your opponent to their knees at the very least. It’s perfect for Super and above difficulty events..
- There are also solid supports to make sure your team does not struggle with ki whatsoever and to further boost their attack & defense.
- The debuffing abilities of some of the units will be particularly helpful when INT Cell cannot build himself up during fast-paced events.
Recommended Units
- Leader: The True Value of Perfect Form Cell (Perfect Form)
- Friend: The True Value of Perfect Form Cell (Perfect Form)
- The Deadly Games Cell (Perfect Form) & Cell Jr.
- Welcome to Hell Perfect Cell
- Shocking Contact Android #18
- Dispersion of Evil Cell Jr.
- The Androids’ Journey Androids #17 & #18/Android #16
- Main: The True Value of Perfect Form Cell (Perfect Form)---The Deadly Games Cell (Perfect Form) & Cell Jr.; The True Value of Perfect Form Cell (Perfect Form)---Welcome to Hell Perfect Cell
- Floaters: Cell Jr., Android #18, and Androids trio
One last thing: I’d like to thank the people at dokkanbattleoptimizer.com because their site has been incredibly useful for all of my lists and will continue to be so. It is a great tool that is worth the time of players both new and old.