Let's wrap the fight up...in the beginning?
Today we will be doing something a little different for team-building. Rather than looking at a type or category, we are going to look for the best teams at 1 thing: dealing a butt-ton of damage in a single hit (AKA nuking). I’m gonna get something out of the way first: this is NOT for punching bag events, it’s for actual combat--if you were disappointed by this, scroll to the bottom if you’d like some general tips for that kind of nuking so that your time is not a complete waste, brutally speaking.
What this means is that the teams here are capable of holding their own even in difficult events, rather than just being a bunch of orb-changers and supports with a single nuker (it also means no Devilman, sorry). Following with the realistic expectations, I will also be focusing on teams that need minimal build-up so that you can start nuking right the way. One last thing, I’d like to credit redditor u/kairu2 because I used his research on the units with the greatest attack potential to make this list--links to his stuff here and here. With all that out of the way, let’s get down to business with the Top 5 nuking teams you can currently make in the international version of DBZ Dokkan Battle.
5. Child’s Play

Wonder boy EZA SSJ3 TEQ Gotenks will be your weapon of choice for this team. Although his restricted defense keeps him from being many people’s main choice for challenging events, his offensive power is why we have him here. It may seem a bit counterintuitive, but you’re going to want to take some damage so you can trigger Bardock’s passive and boost your nuking potential. Be sure to use Gotenks’s 11 ki SA for the optimal damage.
- This team is very well-balanced defensively thanks to the Dragon Ball Heroes units. Bardock can tank decently, but it’s the others’ that actually do the tanking.
- Offensively, this team can take care of itself without its main nuker, which makes your life a heck of a lot easier.
- Though Super Saiyan 3 units are not as varied, they all do link greatly with one another, which means this team is very open to customization.
- The fact that Gotenks does not rely on orbs absorbed means little trouble nuking.
- In a similar vein, thanks to the amazing synergy in this team using SAs is hardly a problem.
- The team also has a decent toolkit beyond attack boosts that contains a stunner, sealers, and debuffers.
Recommended team:
- Leader: Mark of Saiyan Strength SSJ3 Bardock
- Friend: Mark of Saiyan Strength SSJ3 Bardock
- [Extreme Z-Awakened or EZA] Grim Reaper of Death’s Rampage SSJ3 Gotenks
- [EZA] Mystery Super Technique SSJ3 Goku
- Unmeasurable Super Combat SSJ3 Gohan (Teen)
- Limit-Breaking Super Power SSJ3 Goku (Xeno)
- Roused Prince SSJ3 Vegeta (Xeno)
Recommended rotations
- Main: Bardock---Gotenks; Bardock---AGL Goku
- Floaters: Vegeta, Gohan, and Goku (Xeno)
4. The Supreme Fusion(s)

- Unlike the others, Super Gogeta can start nuking right from the get-go because of the way his passive skill works.
- The fact that 3 units (nuker included) have the ability to make their attacks effective against all types (1.5 attack multiplier) means your offense cannot be stopped.
- INT Gotenks will make sure that both your nuker and others are never short on ki thanks to his orb-changing ability.
- This team also has good healing because of the fusing Goku & Vegeta that fully restore your health, as well as INT Gotenks’ passive ability.
- While they may be short on stunners and sealers, this team has plenty of debuffers to keep your opponents at bay and improve your nuking power.
- As with the last team, these units all share great synergy in their linksets.
Recommended Team:
- Leader: Fused Fighting Force SSJ Goku (Angel) & SSJ Vegeta (Angel)
- Friend: Fused Fighting Force SSJ Goku (Angel) & SSJ Vegeta (Angel)
- [EZA] The Supreme Warrior Super Gogeta
- Super Ghost Prank SSJ Gotenks & Ghost
- Ultimate and Supreme Fusion Gogeta
- Transcendent Fusion SSJ Gogeta
- Peerless Gleam SSJ4 Gogeta
- Main: Super Gogeta---Gotenks & Ghost; SSJ Gogeta---Gogeta
- Floaters: SSJ4 Gogeta and both PHY Goku (Angel) & Vegeta (Angel)
3. Golden Dragonfist

As you may have guessed by the team’s name, LR SSJ3 Goku will be your key weapon here. In spite of his age, this Goku is still an amazing nuker that consistently hits hard thanks to the way his passive boost works for his Ultra SA. The major thing holding this team back is the trade off between defense and offense that puts Goku in a risky position after nuking, so gamble intelligently.
- The synergy between SSJ3 units is simply great.
- Thanks to Goku (GT) and Bardock, your main nuker can receive an even greater attack boost that can increase your chances of finishing the fight in one hit.
- Between the sealers and debuffers in your team, the burden on your nuker is reduced greatly as he can deal more damage and sustain less.
- If you’re in need of more defense than offense, almost all of these units can hold their own, especially your nuker.
- Goku’s (GT) ability to turn into a giant ape means free damage and may even come in clutch if you and your opponent are both low on health.
Recommended units:
- Leader: Mark of Saiyan Strength SSJ3 Bardock
- Friend: Mark of Saiyan Strength SSJ3 Bardock
- Golden Fist SSJ3 Goku
- Inklings of Ultimate Power SSJ3 Goku (GT) (Golden Giant Ape)
- Unmeasurable Super Combat SSJ3 Gohan (Teen)
- Limit-Breaking Super Power SSJ3 Goku (Xeno)
- Roused Prince SSJ3 Vegeta (Xeno)
Recommended rotations
- Main: LR Goku---Bardock; Vegeta---Bardock
- Floaters: Gohan, Goku (GT), and Goku (Xeno)
2. Absolute Rage

If you’re wondering why the name, just look at the KO screen of the nuker in this team. Your main nuker here will be the LR SSJ Goku unit. This team has the greatest nuking potential because of Goku’s randomized orb-changing and his passive boost per sphere, but since potential does not always translate into reality it still falls short of #1.
- Because Goku boosts his attack with every (and any) ki sphere absorbed, this team has the greatest attack potential.
- Your nuker is perfectly self-sufficient thanks to his orb-changing ability and additional ki per rainbow sphere absorbed. He will struggle little to use his SAs.
- This team can serve as a template for punching bag events too, it just needs a few tweaks like extra supports.
- Bringing PHY Goku & Gogeta means having an extra Senzu bean to get you out of sticky situations.
- All units here can take care of themselves offensively and defensively just fine, so you don’t have to worry about any weak links at all.
- Between your nuker and Gohan, the whole team will be well-taken care of in terms of ki.
Recommended units:
- Leader: Transcendent Fusion SSJ Gogeta
- Friend: Transcendent Fusion SSJ Gogeta
- Miracle-Making SSJ Goku
- Fused Fighting Force SSJ Goku (Angel) & SSJ Vegeta (Angel)
- Ultimate and Supreme Fusion Gogeta
- [EZA] The Supreme Warrior Super Gogeta
- Strike for Destiny SSJ Gohan (Teen)
- Main: LR Goku---LR Goku (Angel) & Vegeta (Angel); LR Gogeta---SSJ Gogeta
- Floaters: Gohan (Teen), SSJ Gogeta, Super Gogeta
1. Unlikely Teamwork

And at the very top we have a team built around LR Goku & Frieza (Angel). Still one of the best nukers to this day, this team is created specifically for them so don’t expect to have too much wiggle room. Because getting the most out of them requires using their own leader skill for a very small category, we will be making great use of their TEQ leader skill to make up for the lack of units. Just a tip before going further, this team is geared towards nuking and only nuking, so you better wrap up the fight quickly because these supports are vulnerable to super strong opponents.
- Because your main nukers are also one of their own best leaders, you can have double the nuking power! You can end fights ridiculously fast.
- Though the linksets of all these cards are different, the abundance of supports will hold your team together as they enhance their abilities more than most of their links ever could.
- Ki is hardly a problem thanks to the ki boosts from supports and Tien’s orb-changing skill.
- This team can also serve as a punching bag team, just be sure to replace the leader and make some adjustments to your supports if you can.
- It can also act as a template for a Super TEQ team, just use a stronger TEQ leader if you can and swap a support for a strong unit.
- Tien’s SA debuff means he can activate the last part of Goku & Frieza’s passive in the beginning.
- The fact that there are a few debuffers means better survivability for your team as a whole.
Recommended units:
- Leader: Miraculous Outcome Goku & Frieza (Final Form) (Angel)
- Friend: Miraculous Outcome Goku & Frieza (Final Form) (Angel)
- All-Out Focus Tien
- Sacred Power of Time Supreme Kai of Time (Power of Time Unleashed)
- Last-Ditch Battle Android #17
- Shopping with Dad Bulla
- True Value of the Potara Vegito
- Main: LR Goku & Frieza---Tien; LR Goku & Frieza---Android #17
- Floaters: Bulla, Vegito, and Supreme Kai of Time
For those of you that came here looking for punching bag teams, I have a few general tips to help you figure your teams out--this is aimed at rookies mainly. First, choose a unit that gains attack per ki orb absorbed as your sole nuker--you will be building your team around them--think of cards like INT SSJ2 Gohan. You can also make use of a unit with a huge attack boost like TEQ Goku & Frieza. Second, have your friend and your own leader be a 33% or more per ki orb absorbed unit of the same type as your nuker. Third, have 2-3 orb changers in your team, preferably that change it to the type of your nuker, but those that change orbs into rainbow spheres can be useful too. However, if you plan on doing an event that allows you to bring items, I’d suggest only bringing 1 orb-changer. Fourth, bring supporting units that will boost your attack and ki, the more they boost the better. Units like EZA PHY Kid Buu and Victorious Smile Pan are the golden standard. Fifth, the more links all units share in common with the nuker, the better. Lastly, don’t fret if the orb order sucks or if your nuker doesn’t show up on your first 2 turns, you can always try again. And with this, I bid you farewell!
*Note: this did not take into account the Worldwide Celebration units.