So you want to blast your way through the toughest events in Dokkan Battle? Let's see if we can't fix that
A category named after Goku’s signature move (and the attack we all tried to do at least once in our lives), it is filled with some of the strongest units available in the game, making it one of the top choices among seasoned veterans.
Before going into it, I want to clarify a few things: (1)this was made with end-game events like Super Battle Road and Super difficulty stages in mind, and (2) all characters must fall under the Kamehameha Category. Without further ado, here are the best 5 Kamehameha teams you can currently make in the Global version.
5. Stacking the Odds in Your Favor
As the name suggests, this team is all about stacking, particularly your team’s defense so that your opponent’s attacks feel like nothing more than a gentle tap on the shoulder. The longer the fight, the higher the defense.
- With infinite defensive stacking potential available to all units in the team, they can all become an impenetrable fortress.
- The Super Saiyan Goku & Gohan unit is a great partner for SS Gohan as they trigger his maximum potential upon transforming, act as a solid support, and they activate most of each other’s links.
- This team will hardly struggle with ki thanks to their individual passives and support from SS Gohan & Goku and Great Saiyaman 4.
- Main: Awakened True Power SS Gohan--(Extreme Z-Awakened or EZA) Answers Found in Training SS Goku & Gohan, SS Gohan--Pinnacle of Fury Goku
- Floaters: Decisive Kamehameha SSGSS Goku, World-Saving Hero Great Saiyaman 4, and Epitome of Sublime Beauty Goku Black.
4. Effecting Change
Relying solely on stacking can be troublesome in some circumstances, so balancing things out with other abilities may prove to be better for faster-paced events like Super Battle Road.
- This team has a bit of everything to protect your HP: a stacking defense, a dodger, an orb changer, a stunner, and a debuffer. You can hinder your opponent while powering up with minimal damage. Moreover, these all have a part to play in both long and short events.
- While they can all dish out serious damage, SSGSS Goku and Vegito add great damage potential to the team with their nuking, additional attacks, and counters. And if both you and your enemy are running low on HP, SS2/SS3 Goku’s passive can help seal the deal with his offensive boost.
- These units all have great synergy as they share 3-4 links between each other, creating a good balance of stat boost and added ki. Plus, SSGSS Goku’s passive can help out the team further thanks to his ki orb changing skill.
- Main: Rousing Fighting Spirit SS2 Goku (Angel)--(EZA) Azure Omnipotence SSGSS Vegito, Sign of a Turnaround Goku (UI -Sign-)--Decisive Kamehameha SSGSS Goku.
- Floaters: Both Awakened True Power SS Gohan and (EZA) Dark Menace Goku Black.
- Special rotation: in a pinch, swap out Goku (Angel) with a Gohan for greater tankiness if the opponent cannot be stunned.
3. Goku’s Family Kamehameha
(Credit to YouTuber Havohei for this amazing team)
If you rather keep it in the family, you can make a pretty darn good Kamehameha team only with Goku’s family units. This team strikes a pretty good balance between offense, defense, and support.
- Thanks to the World Tournament Gohan and SS Goku & Gohan, this team is greatly supported in ki, attack, and defense. It’s the best supported team available in the category.
- Even without the help of the supports, the units in this team are very self-reliant due to their passive skills that increasingly give them more ki and, in SSJ4 Goku’s case, increase the amount of ki absorbed.
- Between the defense stacking of both leader Gohans, SS Goku & Gohan, the dodging of UI Goku, and the tankiness of SS4 Goku and the Go Bros, the team will be able to hold its own in both long and faster-paced events.
- Defense aside, this team is no slouch when it comes to attacking either. With powerful passive skills, supports, and links such as Super Saiyan and Kamehameha the LRs can hit tremendously hard. Add to this the active skills of half the team and you got yourself some serious firepower.
- Main: Sign of a Turnaround Goku (Ultra Instinct -Sign-)--Apex of Supreme Saiyan Power SS4 Goku, Awakened True Power SS Gohan--Miracle-Calling Clash SS Gohan (Teen) & SS Goten (Kid).
- Floaters: SS Gohan, (EZA) Answers Found in Training SS Goku & Gohan, and Shining-Gold Justice Great Saiyaman (SS2).
2. Powerhouse
This team is the embodiment of “the best defense is a good offense.” They will destroy their opponents before they have a chance to realize they walked into the wrong neighborhood.
- Between the stacking units, solid defense of the anniversary fusions, damage reduction of Vegito Blue, and UI Goku’s dodging, this team will allow you to focus on attacking rather than damage-control.
- This team brings absolute offensive power. Vegito’s counters, additional attacks, their naturally high attack, Goku’s defense disabling SA, Gogeta’s passive skill, and the active skills of the anniversary fusions make for an insane arsenal.
- The team also has great synergy between ki and attack boosting links, and while Saiyaman 4 links poorly, his passive more than makes up for it.
- Speaking of Saiyaman 4, he makes for a low-risk support as well thanks to his infinite defense stacking, making him a viable choice for tough events.
- Main: Ultimate and Invincible Fusion Vegito--Azure Omnipotence SSGSS Vegito, Ultimate and Supreme Fusion Gogeta--Sign of a Turnaround Goku (UI -Sign-).
- Floaters: both Awakened True Power SS Gohans & World-Saving Hero Great Saiyaman 4
1. Big Money, Big Payoff
The kind of team that takes either a lot of luck or a lot of money to have, this full LR team is as strong as it looks expensive. They will hit hard, tank well, and get you out of the sort of sticky situations you’d expect in the most difficult events of the game.
- There is no need for supports here thanks to each individual unit being very self-reliant and linking well with each other. They all shine on their own as much as they help each other maximize their potential.
- Getting out of sticky situations is hardly a problem with these units. Thanks to the dodging passives of Gogeta, Vegito, and Goku you can arrange the team to maximize your chances of survival.
- Both Goku & Vegeta cards act as 2 additional Senzu beans, all it takes is a bit of careful management to make sure they don’t both fuse on the same turn.
- Perfectly balanced, as all things should be. Add the 340% attack and defense boost from the leaders to their individual passives, and you get a team that destroys enemy defenses without sacrificing their own.
- And if you need to wrap up a difficult fight, the blue fusion boys can do that for you with their mighty active skills, avoiding any need to take chances.
- Main: Ultimate and Invincible Fusion Vegito--Ultimate and Supreme Fusion Gogeta, Fused Super Power SS Goku & SS Vegeta--Fused Fighting Force SS Goku (Angel) & SS Vegeta (Angel).
- Floaters: both Awakened True Power SS Gohans and Sign of a Turnaround Goku (UI -Sign-)
A little tip before we finish: oftentimes players will expect to be able to put together these exact teams, but it’s truly difficult, even for seasoned players. Feel free to experiment and try out your own combinations; think of these teams more along the lines of sample blueprints rather than must-haves.
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