Why not read this up to get a leg up in the game?
With thousands of units in the game, it’s overwhelming to know who to throw in your team to beef it up, which is why tier lists are great: they give you an idea of where you stand and where you should aim to be. This tier list will go in descending order from best to worst considering units from the global version as of July 2020. Because there are many categories, types, and classes to cover, this tier list will balance type and class as much as possible so as to paint a broader picture of the units in the game.
A little disclaimer before we start. Bear in mind that as one gets specific about types, classes, and categories, lists will definitely change, meaning that this is not the “end all, be all” of tier lists and should instead be treated more like a compass meant to help you understand what makes or breaks characters. Lastly, team synergy is just as important as the individual characters, their stats and skills alone matter little when paired with teammates they share little in common; on the other hand, seemingly “okay” cards can do wonders in the right team, so keep this in mind as you play.
Without further ado, here is your 2020 general tier list for DBZ Dokkan Battle.
Summary/shortened list
- Ultimate and Supreme Fusion Gogeta (S Tier)
- Ultimate and Invincible Fusion Vegito (S Tier)
- Sign of a Turnaround Goku (Ultra Instinct -Sign-) (S Tier)
- Apex of Supreme Saiyan Power Super Saiyan 4 Goku (S Tier)
- Awakened True Power Super Saiyan Gohan (Youth) (S Tier)
- Fused Super Power Super Saiyan Goku & Super Saiyan Vegeta (S Tier)
- Fused Fighting Force SS Goku (Angel) & SS Vegeta (Angel) (S Tier)
- Mark of Almighty Power Goku Black (Super Saiyan Rosé) (S Tier)
- Extreme Ultimate Power Cooler (S Tier)
- Nightmarish Impact Super Saiyan Broly (S Tier)
- The Androids’ Journey Androids #17 & #18/Android #16 (S Tier)
- True Power of a God Zamasu (S Tier)
- Unrivaled Saiyan’s Peak Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta (A Tier)
- Resilient Will to Protect the Future Trunks (Teen) (Future) (A Tier)
- (EZA) Azure Omnipotence Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Vegito (A Tier)
- Rose Stained Super Saiyan Goku Black (SS Rosé) (A Tier)
- Legend Reborn Super Saiyan God Goku (A Tier)
- Transcendent Fusion Super Saiyan Gogeta (A Tier)
- Endless Evolution of the Warrior Race Super Saiyan Broly (A Tier)
- The True Value of Perfect Form Cell (Perfect Form) (A Tier)
- Glacial Prestige Frieza (1st Form) (A Tier)
- Final Superpower SSGSS Goku (Kaioken) (A Tier)
- (EZA) Netherworld Demon Super Janemba (A Tier)
- Pinnacle of Fury Goku (A Tier)
- Furious Punishment Goku Black (Super Saiyan Rosé) (A Tier)
- Boiling Power Super Saiyan Goku (A Tier)
- Foe Elimination Circuit Android #13 (A Tier)
- A New Life on Vampa Broly & Cheelai & Lemo (A Tier)
- Transdimensional Instinct Goku (UI -Sign-) (B Tier)
- Lord of the Demon’s Realm Trial by Fire Dabura (B Tier)
- All-Out Resistance Great Saiyaman (SS) (B Tier)
- Unparalleled Super Saiyan SS4 Vegeta (B Tier)
- Global Harmony Through Destruction Beerus & Whis (B Tier)
- (EZA) Fire of Vengeance Golden Frieza (B Tier)
- (EZA) Mystery Super Technique Super Saiyan 3 Goku (B Tier)
- Assassin’s Ultimate Technique Hit (B Tier)
- Shocking Absorption Ability Buu (Super) (B Tier)
- Limitless Radiance Super Vegito (B Tier)
- (EZA) Proof of Resurrection Golden Frieza (B Tier)
- Ultimate Android Super #17 (B Tier)
- (EZA) Warrior’s True Value Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta (B Tier)
- Explosive Evolution Turles (B Tier)
- (EZA) Grim Reaper of Death’s Rampage SS3 Gotenks (B Tier)
- Mark of Saiyan Strength SS3 Bardock (B Tier)
- (EZA) Emperor’s Devotion Frieza (Full Power) (B Tier)
- Second Super Saiyan SS Trunks (Teen) (B Tier)
- Crashing Maelstrom Omega Shenron (B Tier)
- Full-Tilt Kamehameha SS2 Gohan (Youth) (B Tier)
- (EZA) Invincible Battle Form Super Vegeta/Super Trunks (B Tier)
- (EZA) Tragedy Born From power Fusion Android #13 (B Tier)
- Little Great Saiyaman of Mystery Trunks (Kid) (GS) (B Tier)
- (EZA) Power of a God Unleashed SSGSS Vegeta (B Tier)
- Evil Incursion Super Janemba (B Tier)
- Life Form of Hate and Ruin Cell (1st Form) (B Tier)
- Super Ghost Prank SS Gotenks & Trunks (B Tier)
- Breathless Struggle Android #18 (B Tier)
- Phantom Majin Sealed Within Tapion (Hirudegarn) (B Tier)
- Mysterious Princess Oto Oceanus Shenron (Princess Oto) (B Tier)
- Wrathful Eruption Majin Buu (Good) (B Tier)
- Beyond the Ferocious Flash Majin Vegeta (B Tier)
- Indestructible Saiyan Evil Legendary Super Saiyan Broly (B Tier)
- Naught but Rampage Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks (B Tier)
- Astounding Transformation SS3 Goku (Angel) (B Tier)
- (EZA) Storm of Terror Frieza (2nd Form) (B Tier)
- Awakened Saiyan Blood Super Saiyan Vegeta (B Tier)
- Utopia Realized Zamasu (B Tier)
- Furious Charge Super Saiyan Bardock (B Tier)
- Lupine Awakening Yamcha & Puar (B Tier)
- Saiyan Counterattack Super Saiyan 3 Bardock (C Tier)
- (EZA) Young Saiyan Descendant Super Saiyan Vegeta Jr. (C Tier)
- Lethal Android Android #17 (Future) (C Tier)
- Destructive Android Android #18 (Future) (C Tier)
- (EZA) Culmination of hope Goku (GT) (C Tier)
- Grand Opening Team Bardock (C Tier)
- Ginyu Force Reborn Ginyu (Goku) (Ginyu Force) (C Tier)
- Infinite Power Borgos (C Tier)
- Courageous Clash Captain Ginyu (C Tier)
- Total Invasion Tora (C Tier)
- Trusted Winner Super Saiyan Trunks (GT) (C Tier)
- Battle-Hardened Hero Bardock (C Tier)
- Ruffian’s Strike Shugesh (C Tier)
- Lethal Charge Recoome (C Tier)
- Ruthless Invader Raditz (C Tier)
- Cunning Moves Fasha (C Tier)
- Confident of Victory Super Trunks (C Tier)
- Limitless Energy Androids #17 & #18 (C Tier)
- Brutal Bind Guldo (C Tier)
- Pride of the Force Jeice (C Tier)
- Pride of the Fastest One Burter (C Tier)
- Ultimate Fighting Squadron Captain Ginyu (Ginyu Force) (C Tier)
- Training and Refreshment Goku (D Tier)
- Powers Combined Majuub (D Tier)
- Shady Business Frieza (Final Form) (Angel) (D Tier)
- The Return of the Demon Bio-Broly (D Tier)
- Return from the Dark Super Saiyan Vegeta (Angel) (D Tier)
- Ace Up the Sleeve Piccolo (D Tier)
- Horrific Super Energy Full Power Boujack (D Tier)
- Brutal Invasion Chilled (D Tier)
- Raging Rampage Hatchiyack (D Tier)
- Fierce Declaration of War Yamcha (D Tier)
1. Ultimate and Supreme Fusion Gogeta (S Tier)
Like his Dokkan fest counterpart, Gogeta is naturally very well-rounded and gets stronger as the fight drags on. He will rarely struggle for ki while hitting consistently hard thanks to his passive ability. He will excel in a STR or Fusion team, but will make an excellent addition to several other teams.
- Attacks effective against all types
- Solid linkset
- Self-sustainable
- Extremely well-rounded: he hits super hard and can take a punch
- Easy transformation
- High chance to evade
- Powerful active skill
- Above-average SA multiplier
- Difficult to fully build up outside of long events
- Active skill can sometimes be difficult to activate
- Loses “Prepared for Battle” upon transforming
2. Ultimate and Invincible Fusion Vegito (S Tier)
This Vegito lived up to the hype and exceeded it thanks to how powerful he becomes with each passing turn. Vegito should be added to a team when you need a unit that hits like a train without sacrificing defense. He shines the brightest in longer events. Couple him with PHY Vegito Blue for one of the best 1-2 punches in the game.
- Dual leader
- Easy to achieve transformation
- Balanced linkset
- Self-sufficient
- Launches guaranteed additional SA
- 50% chance to dodge enemy attacks
- Strong active skill
- Above-average SA attack multiplier
- Difficult to fully build up outside of long events
- Active skill can sometimes be difficult to activate
- Lacks “Warrior Gods” link
3. Sign of a Turnaround Goku (Ultra Instinct -Sign-) (S Tier)
This Goku is just too good all around. He excels defensively and offensively thanks to his extraordinary passive skills. Not only that, but he is a great linking partner for his respective categories. If you need someone in your team, it’s UI Goku.
- Amazing linkset
- Great dodger
- Great balance between offense and defense
- Quick to build up in events with lots of opponents or where the enemy attacks frequently
- Leader to an increasingly excellent category
- Disable guard effect is very situational
- Chance to evade diminishes noticeably after several turns
4. Apex of Supreme Saiyan Power Super Saiyan 4 Goku (S Tier)
As one of two core leaders for Goku’s family and being able to double as a Super AGL lead, this Goku covers a lot of units in the game and allows for plenty of mixing and matching in team-building. He is an amazing damage-dealer and can tank hits pretty well after a few turns, making him useful for all kinds of events. He can excel in any Pure Saiyans, Goku’s Family, and Kamehameha team, and is one of the best units in Shadow Dragons Saga. Pair him up with SS4 Vegeta for amazing results.
- Self-sustainable
- Great linkset
- Easy to trigger active skill that deals tons of damage
- Hard-hitter
- Can evade and counter enemy SAs
- Lacks initial DEF boost
- Takes some time to fully build himself up
5. Awakened True Power Super Saiyan Gohan (Youth) (S Tier)
Infamous for his difficulty to transform, he is worth the trouble as he turns into a tremendous attacker that can withstand damage as well. Even in his super saiyan form, this Gohan is a formidable unit that raises the team’s defensive ability as well as bringing solid links to the table. He is useful on pretty much any team he falls under, but should be put into an Androids/Cell Saga team for the best results.
- Best Kamehameha category leader (one of the best in the game)
- Infinite DEF stacker
- Grows stronger every turn
- Upon transforming, he becomes a self-sufficient nuker
- Great linkset
- Transformation conditions are a bit restrictive
- Even after transforming, he requires specific allies to reach his maximum potential
6. Fused Super Power Super Saiyan Goku & Super Saiyan Vegeta (S Tier)
Apart or fused, these two will perform greatly regardless. Goku and Vegeta hit consistently hard and bring survivability to their team. Moreover, their links and boost per ki sphere absorbed will never hold the team back.
- Fusion can be a life-saver
- Great linkset
- Hits as hard as it tanks
- Passive makes him self-sustainable
- Transformation is difficult to trigger outside of long events
7. Fused Fighting Force SS Goku (Angel) & SS Vegeta (Angel) (S Tier)
Just like their INT counterpart, this pair is extremely well-rounded and increases the team’s survivability in difficult events. This unit is almost like a Swiss Army knife because of their versatility.
- Fusion acts as an extra senzu bean
- Great linkset
- Hits as hard as it tanks
- Passive makes him self-sustainable
- Fusion is difficult to achieve outside of long events
8. Mark of Almighty Power Goku Black (Super Saiyan Rosé) (S Tier)
One of the newest additions to the game, this Goku Black has been received with open arms thanks to his amazing offensive capabilities and decent defense. This man should always be in your main rotation.
- Can double as an Extreme INT leader
- Becomes tanky upon using his SA
- Rage mode makes him invincible and deal great damage
- Recovers HP
- Great damage capability
- Passive takes a long time to fully build up
- Becoming self-sufficient requires careful management and can be very circumstantial.
- Getting the most of his linkset requires specific units
9. Extreme Ultimate Power Cooler (S Tier)
Cooler serves as a reliable leader and great support for his categories. He boosts his allies as he weakens his opponents, making him a perfect addition to any Extreme-oriented team.If offense is what you need, he can hit tremendously hard after transforming.
- Can provide good support for two categories
- Transformation conditions are not hard to fulfill
- Strong debuffer
- His ability to deal damage excels when transformed
- Dual category leader
- Linkset is best utilized with other Wicked Bloodline units
- Sacrifices ability to support upon transforming
10. Nightmarish Impact Super Saiyan Broly (S Tier)
This Broly is all about overwhelming opponents with his offense. However, he can also take hits thanks to his passive ability, making him viable for difficult events. While he is strong in his base form, his transformation only makes him more dangerous to opponents and more useful to you.
- Amazing weapon thanks to his additional SA and great attack boosts
- Great Saiyan-based linkset
- Debuffs opponent’s defense
- Active skill guarantees 24 ki ultra SA
- Easy to transform
- Can only withstand hits upon launching his SA
- Limited Extreme class linkset
11. The Androids’ Journey Androids #17 & #18/Android #16 (S Tier)
This unit is not only well-rounded, but in a pinch they can save you thanks to #16’s amazing passive boosts. As one of the main leaders for the Androids categories, they fulfill their role excellently thanks to their linkset and supporting boost.
- Great defensive unit thanks to chance to evade and solid DEF
- Self-sustainable
- Supports other Androids allies
- Strong debuffer
- Tanks hard and hits super hard as Android #16
- Requires multiple Androids allies to achieve full potential
- Trades “Shocking Speed” with “Tough as Nails” on exchange
- It costs HP to use #16’s Ultra SA
12. True Power of a God Zamasu (S Tier)
This Zamasu is mainly here because of how he acts like a counterbalance; when you need to defend, you make use of his fused form; if it’s offense you need, make use of his active skill. Moreover, he fits well into Extreme class teams thanks to his linkset as well as his leader skills. He will do particularly well in an Extreme class/Future Saga or Time Travelers team.
- Damage reduction
- Recovers HP
- Doubles as an Extreme class leader
- Good linkset
- Gains amazing offensive capabilities with his active skill
- Simple transformation conditions
- Sacrifices defense in his final form
13. Unrivaled Saiyan’s Peak Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta (A Tier)
As the main Vegeta’s family leader, he does his job extremely well thanks to his linkset and well-rounded abilities. He is also one of the best units in the Shadow Dragons category. Paired with SS4 Goku, they make for an excellent combo.
- Great leader skills
- Will rarely struggle for ki
- Chance to evade and counter SAs
- Powerful active skill with simple conditions
- Solid tank
- Great linkset
- Lacks initial attack boost
14. Resilient Will to Protect the Future Trunks (Teen) (Future) (A Tier)
One of the main Future Saga and Super class leaders, this Trunks makes for a great leader. He is also dependable thanks to his powerful passive boosts and SA that raises his ATK and DEF when transformed. He is particularly great in Super class-oriented Future Saga or Time travelers teams as well as in Vegeta’s Family.
- Can double as Super class leader which gives user great flexibility
- Easy transformation
- Infinite ATK & DEF stacking
- Good linkset
- Nuking ability
- Active skill orb changing is luck-based
- Building himself up through stacking takes some time
- Loses unconditional passive boost and stacking when his active skill is used.
15. (EZA) Azure Omnipotence Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Vegito (A Tier)
This unit’s ability to deal damage has turned him into one of the most sought after ones. Vegito Blue can mop the floor with Super Battle Road bosses completely on his own thanks to his toolkit. Not only that, but he has great synergy with other units in the same categories as him. Couple him with LR TEQ Vegito for one ofthe best 1-2 punches in the game.
- Counter attacks
- Good tank against regular attacks
- Amazing linkset
- Additional attacks with a chance of turning into SAs
- Vulnerable to SAs from opponents
- Shares same name with F2P Blue Vegito
16. (EZA) Rose Stained Super Saiyan Goku Black (SS Rosé) (A Tier)
Unfortunately, this Goku Black faces strong competition with his LR counterpart, but it would be ideal to run them both together. Regardless, he makes for an awesome Extreme class ally thanks to his passive, offensive capability, and ability to tank extremely well when used correctly. His best partners are other Goku Blacks and Zamasus.
- Amazing defensive potential
- Provides support for Extreme class allies
- Balanced and great linkset
- Good damage output
- Building his defense up can be particularly risky in challenging events like Ultimate Clash and Super Battle Road
- Shares same name as LR Rosé who has a greater attack output
17. Legend Reborn Super Saiyan God Goku (A Tier)
With his rather unique leader skill, this Goku can bring together two different worlds filled with amazing units, resulting in all kinds of powerful teams. He is also great for new players as it lends them flexibility in their team-building. Outside of his leadership, this Goku brings a strong offensive and a solid defense to his team.
- Easy to maximize passive
- High chance of evasion and to deal critical hits make him particularly useful for short and fast-paced events
- Balanced linkset
- Broad leader skill that encompasses two of the biggest categories in the game
- Lacks the more common “Prepared for Battle”
- Passive will run out in long events
18. Transcendent Fusion Super Saiyan Gogeta (A Tier)
A dual leader, he will perform amazingly in either category and acts as a great linking partner for his team. This fusion hits hard and can defend decently thanks to his chance to evade and passive boost. Just as importantly, he can be run and act as an ideal linking partner for the new LR Gogeta;he can also relied on to bring you victory if you’re short on offensive units.
- Great linking partner for the new Vegito and Gogeta
- Above average ki multiplier
- Amazing linkset
- Highly versatile as he can dodge and launch critical attacks
- Dual category leader
- Full potential takes several turns to achieve
19. Endless Evolution of the Warrior Race Super Saiyan Broly (A Tier)
What makes this card great is that he can not only lead powerful teams, but Broly does not need to rely on supports to do well. He is very independent and can deal good damage in all sorts of events without leaving himself vulnerable.
- Solid linkset
- Pre-transformation SA hits all enemies
- Very self-sustainable
- Dual category leader
- Additional attack with chance of turning into a SA when transformed
- Shares same name as LR TEQ Broly
- Hits the hardest after his transformation but loses his AOE SA
20. The True Value of Perfect Form Cell (Perfect Form) (A Tier)
This Cell is not joking around. Between his solid offensive boosts and great defense, enemies will tremble before him. Moreover, his evolution is like carrying an additional Senzu bean to get you out of a sticky situation. To get the most out of him, be sure to pair him with another Cell and to throw a ki orb changer or two in your team.
- Best Androids/Cell Saga leader
- Amazing tank
- Particularly strong when faced with several enemies
- Evolution fully restores health
- Powerful active skill
- Solid debuffer
- Evolution can be risky to achieve, especially in tough events
- Restrictive linkset
- Needs ki orb changers to achieve full potential
- Links well only with other Cell units
21. Glacial Prestige Frieza (1st Form) (A Tier)
The staple Extreme class leader, this Frieza will make a great substitute leader for any Extreme class-based team and for an Extreme mono-TEQ team. He has a strong offense and dependable defense, making him a solid addition to your team. You will find Frieza to be nearly irreplaceable once you get him.
- Extreme class leader allows for very flexible team-building
- Balanced linkset
- Stacks attack and defense with each SA until his golden form
- Increasingly recovers HP
- Passive attack boost increases every transformation
- Final transformation takes many turns to achieve
- Passive defense boost decreases per transformation
22. Final Superpower SSGSS Goku (Kaioken) (A Tier)
Famous for the nuking ability of his Active Skill, this Goku is not to be trifled with. While he can certainly take some damage, Goku is an exceptional attacker thanks to his passive and his stacking ATK with each SA launched. Just as his leader skills would suggest, he works extremely well in a Universe Survival Saga team, but will function greatly in a Kamehameha or Final Trump Card team too.
- Possesses one of the hardest hitting, if not the strongest active skill in the game
- Well-rounded unit that grows stronger as the fight drags on
- Decent linkset that pairs well with other fusion units and Super STR cards
- Lacks “Prepared for Battle”
- Active skill requires specific allies to be used
23. (EZA) Netherworld Demon Super Janemba (A Tier)
Revived by his Extreme Z Awakening, Super Janemba came back with a vengeance thanks to a great balance of defensive and offensive capabilities. He builds up quickly and remains consistent, making him viable for both long and short events. His linkset also makes him a great linking partner to other Extreme units.
- Excellent defender thanks to his guard being activated against all attacks, solid defense boost, and chance of evasion
- Solid and fairly consistent attack potential
- Debuffs opponents defense
- Great Extreme class-based linkset
- Only fits in 2 categories
- Additional attack boost must be reactivated every 4 turns
24. Pinnacle of Fury Goku (A Tier)
Although the super saiyan form is known in the series for the increased offensive output, this Goku serves best as a defender. Don’t get me wrong, he can certainly deal damage, but his defense is what makes him exceptional as he can make the difference between life and death thanks to his rage skill and stacking DEF.
- Great defensive unit thanks to infinite stacking upon transformation and chance to guard against all attacks
- Rage mode makes him invincible, allowing for riskless damage
- Excellent Saiyans linkset
- Dual category leader
- Can be put in a team with AGL LR SS Goku, who has a greater damage output.
- Fast-paced events may keep him from transforming or using his active skill
- Does not hit particularly hard
25. Furious Punishment Goku Black (Super Saiyan Rosé) (A Tier)
As one of the best Extreme class leaders, he allows you to create a wide variety of teams. Moreover, he has a linkset and supportive abilities that make him an ideal teammate to other Extreme units. You will find him most useful when used within his class as the leader and/or main support.
- Debuffs Super class enemies
- Amazing support for Extreme class units
- Great linkset
- Decent damage output
- Restricted leader skill
- Falls short defensively
26. Boiling Power Super Saiyan Goku (A Tier)
Thanks to his leader skill, Goku allows players to make many kinds of teams and can be used as a substitute for Super AGL. This unit hits hard and tanks well, making him a good choice for any team he can fit under, though you may want to keep in mind who you pair him with for long events due to his change in links.
- Flexible leader skill
- Good damage output
- Modest linkset
- Reliable tank thanks to damage reduction ability and stacking
- Loses DEF boost in his last transformation, making him reliant on SA stacking.
- Trades “Prepared for Battle” for “Over in a Flash” starting at SS3.
- Takes many turns toreach his final transformation
27. Foe Elimination Circuit Android #13 (A Tier)
A very well-rounded unit ready to fight hard from the beginning, #13 can only grow stronger as the fight draws on. Although it seems he was created for the Legendary Battle event against Goku, he is useful in various events thanks to his reliable passives and SA effects. Be sure to throw him into an Androids or Target: Goku team for the best results.
- Guaranteed hits make him super useful against certain foes
- Supports other Android units well
- Amazing passive boost pre-transformation
- Decent stunner
- Guaranteed critical hits when faced with a “Goku” enemy
- Requires specific teammates and opponent to reach max potential
- Lacks the link “Shocking Speed” that is commonly found in the Androids category
28. A New Life on Vampa Broly & Cheelai & Lemo (A Tier)
This trio has a rather unique passive that gives you options to support their allies or themselves. They can also debuff as they strengthen themselves, allowing them to deal good damage without becoming a risk to you. They might prove most useful as a powerful support or leading a Movie Bosses team.
- Supporting toolset gives you options to help you depending on the situation
- Guaranteed evasion
- Can double as an Extreme PHY leader
- Limited categories
- Mediocre linkset
- Guaranteed evasion requires 7 ki orbs
29. Transdimensional Instinct Goku (UI -Sign-) (B Tier)
- Strong and balanced ATK & DEF pre-transformation
- Becomes self-sufficient and a strong attacker after transforming
- Good linkset
- 70% chance to evade enemy attacks after transforming
- Infinite ATK stacking
- Vulnerable to attacks after transforming
- Shares name with the far superior LR UI Goku
30. Lord of the Demon’s Realm Trial by Fire Dabura (B Tier)
- Great passive boosts
- Good stunner
- Great support unit for Majin Buu Saga Extreme class allies
- Stacking defense
- Support ability is very ally specific
- Has some uncommon links
31. All-Out Resistance Great Saiyaman (SS) (B Tier)
- Solid passive boosts make him well-rounded
- Decent sealer
- Great support for Super Majin Buu Saga allies
- Stacks his own ATK
- Poor linkset
- Can only benefit very specific allies
32. Unparalleled Super Saiyan SS4 Vegeta (B Tier)
- Amazing linkset
- Ability to dodge and counter enemy SAs
- Passive boosts are good for his age
- Shares the same name as his superior LR counterpart
- May struggle in newer, more difficult events
33. Global Harmony Through Destruction Beerus & Whis (B Tier)
- Hits like a train
- Reliable healer
- Ideal linking partner for Beerus and Whis units
- May struggle for ki due to poor linkset
- Need to be attacked first to bolster their DEF, leaving them vulnerable
- Linkset limits them to other Beerus and Whis units
34. (EZA) Fire of Vengeance Golden Frieza (B Tier)
- Amazing tank
- Hard-hitter that becomes even stronger when running low on HP
- Debuffs enemy’s defense
- Decent linkset
- Great mono-TEQ leader
- Tanking ability noticeably drops below 50% HP
35. (EZA) Mystery Super Technique Super Saiyan 3 Goku (B Tier)
- Great hard-hitter
- Reliable tanking
- Stats scale greatly with hidden potential tree
- Linkset works poorly outside of the SS3 category
- Passive may run out during long events
36. Assassin’s Ultimate Technique Hit (B Tier)
- Great stunner
- Hard-hitter
- Solid debuffer
- Attacks effective against all types when opponent is stunned
- Requires to be paired with other stunners to reach his max potential
- Category-oriented linkset
- Lack of DEF boost leaves him vulnerable against enemies with resistances
37. Explosive Evolution Turles (B Tier)
- Great support to all units
- Good stunner
- Debuffs Super class opponents
- Transformation makes him a hard-hitter and solid defender
- Recovers a fair amount of HP
- Transformation can sometimes happen at the wrong time
- Tree of Might Fruit sacrifices his supporting ability
- Support boost does not include defense
38. Shocking Absorption Ability Buu (Super) (B Tier)
- Good debuffer
- Healing ability
- Good linkset
- Can double as a support with Piccolo absorbed
- Seals with Gotenks absorbed
- Hits fairly hard when transformed
- His initial boost is rather weak, making him a bit of a risk until he transforms
- Transformation takes several turns
- Needs careful planning when team building since his links change based on his transformation
39. Limitless Radiance Super Vegito (B Tier)
- Excellent linkset
- Good damage reduction
- Counterattacks
- Good damage potential
- Vulnerable to enemy SAs
- Takes time to fully build up his ATK
40. (EZA) Proof of Resurrection Golden Frieza (B Tier)
- Unrivaled tanking ability
- Passive ki boost can make-up for poor linking in some teams
- Infinite ATK stacking can turn him into a great weapon
- Becomes highly vulnerable when HP is below the threshold
- Obtaining 4 ki spheres can prove hard without the right set up or planning
41. Ultimate Android Super #17 (B Tier)
- Damage reduction gives him tankiness
- Good damage output when fully built up
- Solid linkset
- Must receive at least a few attacks in order to start dealing decent damage
- Lack of DEF boost still leaves him vulnerable to powerful enemies
42. (EZA) Warrior’s True Value Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta (B Tier)
- Amazing tank
- Good stunner
- Requires opponent to be stunned to hit hard
- Passive can run out during long events
43. (EZA) Grim Reaper of Death’s Rampage SS3 Gotenks (B Tier)
- Great offense
- Can tank decently
- Good Super TEQ and Fusions linkset
- Vulnerable without his defense boost
- Not reaching 12 ki requires very careful orb and team management management (and some luck)
44. Mark of Saiyan Strength SS3 Bardock (B Tier)
- Decent sealer
- Good damage output
- Provides solid support
- Great linkset
- Okay tank
- Needs to use his SA to tank hits
- Supporting ability is dependent on health
- Sealing is left to chance
45. (EZA) Emperor’s Devotion Frieza (Full Power) (B Tier)
- Great damage output
- Gives himself ki
- Decent linkset
- Reliant on SA and being on the 1st slot to be able to take a hit
- Achieving his full potential requires him to be on the first slot, which can be troublesome at times
46. Second Super Saiyan SS Trunks (Teen) (B Tier)
- Great hard-hitter
- Good linkset
- Relies on his SA to raise his DEF, but even then he is still no tank
47. Crashing Maelstrom Omega Shenron (B Tier)
- Solid debuffer
- Good linkset
- Launches additional attack with chance to turn into an SA
- His lack of a DEF boost makes him squishy
- Some opponents are invulnerable to debuffs
48. Full-Tilt Kamehameha SS2 Gohan (Youth) (B Tier)
- Amazing nuker
- Will rarely struggle for ki
- May act as a substitute INT lead
- Lack of DEF boost leaves him vulnerable to attacks
49. (EZA) Invincible Battle Form Super Vegeta/Super Trunks (B Tier)
- Infinite ATK & DEF stacker
- Self-sufficient
- Active skill is great for helping wrap up fights
- Good linkset
- Active skill is risky to use during long events as Trunks weakens and he cannot stack defense
- Need at least a few turns to build themselves up for challenging events
50. (EZA) Tragedy Born From power Fusion Android #13 (B Tier)
- Well-rounded even without his full passive
- Guaranteed SA at 8 ki thanks to passive
- Restrictions are not difficult to fulfill
- Has a couple of uncommon links
- Requires other Android units to be at his best
51. Little Great Saiyaman of Mystery Trunks (Kid) (GS) (B Tier)
- Infinite DEF stacking
- Can launch multiple additional attacks with chance to become SAs
- He can quickly grow into a good damage dealer thanks to his stacking passive
- SA is easy to launch as it only requires 9 ki
- Bad linkset
- It takes time to build up his attack and defense
52. (EZA) Power of a God Unleashed SSGSS Vegeta (B Tier)
- Solid unconditional passive boosts
- Becomes a powerful weapon against Movie Bosses category
- Can tank very well after using his SA
- Good linkset
- His F2P stats are what hold him back the most
- Requires Movie Bosses opponents to be at his best
53. Evil Incursion Super Janemba (B Tier)
- Chance to evade enemy attacks
- Guard activated against all attacks
- Great linkset
- Good damage output
- Even with his guard activated, his lack of a DEF boost will still allow him take a lot of damage against strong opponents
- Only fits into two categories
54. Life Form of Hate and Ruin Cell (1st Form) (B Tier)
- Good healer
- Solid Debuffer
- Becomes self-sufficient after a few SAs
- Guaranteed critical hits against ATK debuffed enemies
- Guaranteed crits are useless against bosses with resistances, which are becoming increasingly common
- Flat boosts hold him back
- Odd linkset keeps him from pairing greatly
55. Super Ghost Prank SS Gotenks & Trunks (B Tier)
- Great linkset
- Passive makes him self-sufficient and can feed ki-hungry units
- Solid stunner
- Modest healer
- Low stats
- Buffs are dependent on ki spheres absorbed
56. Breathless Struggle Android #18 (B Tier)
- Orb changing makes her self-sufficient and able to feed ki-hungry units of the same type
- Decent damage output
- Decent defender
- Stacks ATK while debuffing the opponent
- Requires Android #17 on the same potential to reach her maximum potential
- Lacks the more common “Shocking Speed” among Androids
57. Phantom Majin Sealed Within Tapion (Hirudegarn) (B Tier)
- Good damage reduction and ATK debuff make him tanky
- Gains a great ATK boost and good defense at his max potential
- Hirudegarn form grants free damage
- Cons
Poor linkset
- Getting his passive boosts is risky as it needs the player to be low on health
58. Mysterious Princess Oto Oceanus Shenron (Princess Oto) (B Tier)
- Hinders opponents through sealing and stunning
- Solid self-buffs
- Can launch an additional SA
- Best category Sub-leader
- Most of her abilities are dependent on debuffing the enemy, so she needs to be paired with a good debuffer
59. Wrathful Eruption Majin Buu (Good) (B Tier)
- AOE super attack
- Decent stunner
- Orb changer
- Links poorly without other Majin units
- Requires to absorb multiple orbs to hit hard and defend well
60. Beyond the Ferocious Flash Majin Vegeta (B Tier)
- Great ATK boost after launching an SA
- AOE ultra super attack
- Chance to stun enemies
- Lacks defense
- May struggle for ki without the right partners and/or supports
61. Indestructible Saiyan Evil Legendary Super Saiyan Broly (B Tier)
- Area of effect SA
- Great damage dealer
- Debuffs his own DEF after using his SA
- Links poorly outside of the Pure Saiyans category
- May struggle for ki
- Flat self-boosts limit him
62. Naught but Rampage Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks (B Tier)
- Hard-hitter
- Debuffing ability
- Super PHY leader
- Weakens his own DEF
63. Astounding Transformation SS3 Goku (Angel) (B Tier)
- Good Super TEQ and SS3 category linkset
- Great damage potential
- Can stun opponents with his SA
- No DEF boost leaves him vulnerable to attacks
- Stuns are unreliable and some bosses are invulnerable
64. (EZA) Storm of Terror Frieza (2nd Form) (B Tier)
- AOE attacks
- Hard-hitting and self-reliant when fighting multiple enemies
- Active skill provides good enemy debuffs
- Balanced linkset
- Active skill can be hard to trigger
- Becomes rather average when facing a single opponent
65. Awakened Saiyan Blood Super Saiyan Vegeta (B Tier)
- Launches additional attacks
- Decent linkset
- Decent ATK buffs
- His flat passive boosts severely limit him
- Has terrible synergy with most Extreme class units
66. Utopia Realized Zamasu (B Tier)
- Makes for a solid tank
- Recovers HP with SAs
- Decent damage output
- His buffs are reliant on your HP, making him a liability during challenging events and dragged out fights
67. Furious Charge Super Saiyan Bardock (B Tier)
- Sealer
- Orb changer
- Balanced and good linkset
- Small ATK boost
- Lacks defense
68. Lupine Awakening Yamcha & Puar (B Tier)
- Decent debuffer
- Can take a punch and deal damage
- Good category sub-leader
- Rendered useless when faced with a Peppy Gals opponent
- Flat stat boosts
- Mediocre linkset
69. Saiyan Counterattack Super Saiyan 3 Bardock (C Tier)
- Decent DEF boost
- Decent damage output with SA
- Great linkset
- Good debuffer
- Inherently low stats
- Defensive passive runs out after only 5 turns
70. (EZA) Young Saiyan Descendant Super Saiyan Vegeta Jr. (C Tier)
- Decent initial passive boosts
- Becomes self-sufficient and hits hard for 5 turns after being hit
- Can tank decently after using his SA
- Launches SA with 9 ki
- Sub-lead for Hybrid Saiyans
- Mediocre linkset
- Below average ki multiplier
71. Lethal Android Android #17 (Future) (C Tier)
- Solid unconditional boosts
- Infinite stat stacker
- Offensive capabilities increase greatly under the right conditions
- Decent Androids category sub-leader
- Requires Android #18 and specific enemies to reach his max potential
72. Destructive Android Android #18 (Future) (C Tier)
- Solid unconditional boosts
- Infinite stat stacker
- Offensive capabilities increase greatly under the right conditions
- Decent Siblings’ Bond category sub-leader
- Requires Android #17 and specific enemies to reach her max potential
73. (EZA) Culmination of hope Goku (GT) (C Tier)
- Modest nuker
- Can take a punch with his DEF boosts active
- Orb changing passive makes him self-sufficient and can help other ki-hungry units
- Decent linkset
- Good Shadow Dragons Saga sub-leader
- To trigger his orb changing, he requires opponents of a scarce category
- Easily replaceable in a team even at his best
74. Grand Opening Team Bardock (C Tier)
- Sole Team Bardock category leader
- Decent Super class support and even better Team Bardock support
- Great category linkset
- Passive makes up for his teammates’ weaknesses
- Struggles outside of his category
75. Ginyu Force Reborn Ginyu (Goku) (Ginyu Force) (C Tier)
- Decent Extreme class support and even better Ginyu Force support
- Only Ginyu Force leader
- Shares several ATK boosting links with other category units
- Lacks common ki links
- His lead is only 100%
76. Infinite Power Borgos (C Tier)
- Decent stunner
- Solid unconditional boosts
- Additional boost when facing only 1 enemy makes him even better
- Additional SA when facing multiple opponents
- Linkset is clearly geared towards Team Bardock
- Low stats
77. Courageous Clash Captain Ginyu (C Tier)
- Self-sufficient against 1 enemy
- Decent tank against multiple enemies
- Infinite ATK stacking
- Great linking partner to the other Ginyu Force members
- Lacks offensive power against multiple opponents
- Mediocre linkset outside of the Ginyu Force
78. Total Invasion Tora (C Tier)
- Solid support to all kinds of units
- HP recovery under certain conditions
- Conditions to fully activate his passive allow for some flexibility
- Infinite stacker
- Decent Saiyan linkset
- Healing is fairly restricted
- Low boosts to self, requires several turns to build himself up
79. Trusted Winner Super Saiyan Trunks (GT) (C Tier)
- Solid support for TEQ and STR units
- Can defend himself after using his SA for 6 turns
- Great linkset
- Low damage output
80. Battle-Hardened Hero Bardock (C Tier)
- Sealer
- Nuking capability
- Decent linkset
- Shares name with his superior LR and TUR Dokkanfest counterparts
- Lacks DEF boost, relying on the presence of several other Team Bardock units in the team to withstand damage
81. Ruffian’s Strike Shugesh (C Tier)
- Infinite DEF stacking
- Great linkset for Team Bardock
- Can make for a strong attacker thanks to guaranteed crit passive
- Achieving his maximum potential requires sealers and stunners in the team, to which some bosses are invulnerable
- DEF stacking takes a long time due to low F2P stats
82. Lethal Charge Recoome (C Tier)
- Tanky
- Can build up to have a decent damage potential
- Good debuffer
- Has some links that are useless in a Ginyu Force team
- He is better off being used defensively than offensively given the build up and limited output
83. Ruthless Invader Raditz (C Tier)
- Area of Effect SA
- Self-sufficient and well-rounded against multiple opponents
- Decent Low-Class Warriors sub-leader
- Vulnerable when facing only 1 opponent
- Low synergy with other Saiyan and Low-Class units
84. Cunning Moves Fasha (C Tier)
- High chance of evading
- Orb changer with Bardock on the team
- Decent debuffer
- Can pair well with Kale, Caulifla, and Kefla units
- Low damage output
- Even with her DEF boost, she still takes a fair amount of damage because of her low stats
85. Confident of Victory Super Trunks (C Tier)
- Decent ATK boost
- Good debuffer
- Great linkset
- Lacks DEF boost
86. Limitless Energy Androids #17 & #18 (C Tier)
- Modest damage output
- Good linkset
- Lack DEF boost
- Flat ATK boost
87. Brutal Bind Guldo (C Tier)
- Decent debuffer
- Medium chance to stun
- Launches SA with 9 ki
- Poor linkset
- Some opponents are invulnerable to his debuffs, stuns, or both
88. Pride of the Force Jeice (C Tier)
- Decent supporter with a solid ATK boost after using his SA
- Foresees enemy SAs
- “Flee” link is mostly useless
- No DEF boost leaves him vulnerable
- Weak offensive abilities
89. Pride of the Fastest One Burter (C Tier)
- Infinite DEF stacker
- High chance to dodge as the 1st attacker
- Balanced linkset
- Decent nuking potential
- Launches SA with 9 ki
- Lack of initial DEF boost leaves him vulnerable to attacks if his dodge fails
- Offensive power is inconsistent
- Chance of dodging as the first attacker is not worth it in most situations given his lack of offensive and defensive presence
90. Ultimate Fighting Squadron Captain Ginyu (Ginyu Force) (C Tier)
- Ki +3 and DEF boost with SA for all allies make for useful support
- Good Extreme class and Ginyu Force linkset
- Flat attack boost
- Lacks an initial DEF boost
91. Training and Refreshment Goku (D Tier)
- Can reach good stat boosts
- Decent beginner lead
- Acts as an extra senzu bean
- Okay linkset
- Skill to recover full HP is very difficult to use
- Leader skill is dependant on health
- Needs to lose health to become stronger
92. Powers Combined Majuub (D Tier)
- Decent debuffer
- Better SA modifier than many units in this tier
- Flat stat boosts
- Terrible linkset
93. Shady Business Frieza (Final Form) (Angel) (D Tier)
- Good passive boosts
- Okay linkset
- Minor enemy debuff
- Becomes virtually useless after his passive runs out
94. The Return of the Demon Bio-Broly (D Tier)
- Passive allows to tank or deal decent damage
- Though odd, his linkset is not half bad
- He can never tank and deal damage at the same time, one must always be sacrificed
95. Return from the Dark Super Saiyan Vegeta (Angel) (D Tier)
- Decent passive with straightforward restrictions
- Modest linkset
- Needs HP to be low to become useful
- Weak SA multiplier and modifier
96. Ace Up the Sleeve Piccolo (D Tier)
- Easy to launch SA
- Decent tank against AGL types
- Minor enemy debuff
- Bad linkset
- Terrible stats
- No passive boosts
- Weak SA multiplier
97. Horrific Super Energy Full Power Boujack (D Tier)
- Good ATK boost when using his SA
- Decent debuffer
- Tricky linkset
- SA modifier limits his damage output
- Lacks defense
98. Brutal Invasion Chilled (D Tier)
- Nuking capability
- Minor ATK debuff
- Poor linkset
- No defense boost
99. Raging Rampage Hatchiyack (D Tier)
- Recovers HP after dealing the final blow
- Small linkset
- No ATK or DEF boosts
- HP recovery can be tricky to use
100. Fierce Declaration of War Yamcha (D Tier)
- Rare chance to stun
- Boosts attack
- Drops defense when faced with multiple enemies
- Earthlings-oriented linkset
- Low, flat ATK boost
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